leave it to democrats to fix sh**, as always!!

I told you that President Trump is an Independent months ago Tiger, glad it finally sunk in for you.
Trump isn't anything but a self serving ego maniac who would side with anything that gives him a photo opt....he's loyal to a mirror
I told you that President Trump is an Independent months ago Tiger, glad it finally sunk in for you.
Trump isn't anything but a self serving ego maniac who would side with anything that gives him a photo opt....he's loyal to a mirror

While there is some truth to that, trust me it is possible to be narcissistic and love other things and people dear. What exactly has he done that says he doesn't love America? I mean keep in mind he's filthy rich and could live anywhere he wanted at any time. Why did he stay if not for some sense of patriotism? Why would he run for President, put up with the attacks and the hatred, /then/ give up his businesses and take no pay even after all that abuse?

At some point ya'll lefty haters have got to get rational and start using your brains, if you cannot then you might as well get out of America so you're not miserable for the rest of your lives. The hard reality, and I know how it feels because /I/ faced it myself when I thought Hillary was going to win, is that the nation has spoken and they went capitalist asshole instead of globalist elitism. (We'll see what happens with the voter fraud checks but for now...) The left got CA and NY, a few other lefty states, sure, but President Trump won 30 out of 50 states. Let that sink in. That's a pretty loud announcement from the people of America, a major statement of where they want to go. I suspect that's going to hold in 2020 too, especially as President Trump plays his real hand - that he's non-partisan, that he's actually a bit progressive, that he's a master chess player, and worse for the entire narrative that's holding many of the Trump hater groups together; that they [the MSM, the DNC, the RINOs, the RNC, the "career" politicians, the lying trolls] are /all/ full of shit and he hasn't done any of the crap they've been spewing and implying since he put his hat in the campaign ring, that the truth is those groups and people don't actually care about the people and this nation; they're users and abusers, corrupt, cheats, and generally people who have no clue about reality.

So ultimately, you can stay with the lunatics and believe their bullshit; hate the President, hate the nation, hate your life, be miserable and afraid... Or you can join the real world and realize that it's actually not as bad as "those people" would have you believe in order to secure your vote.

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