Lefties who hailed Sanders as more Progressive pitbull watched him crumble last night


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.
He never had a chance of winning. Even Carson would get more votes than Sanders. So you can't really fault him for acting a step up ladder for Clinton who probably is gonna win. Unfortunately.
Sanders unfortunately is a creampuff. A good man but not a good President.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for a 'nice guy to hang out and talk wistfully of things.' We need someone who can negotiate with Putin, lil Kim in DPRK, arab leaders and zealots and not cower, shrink, appease, orkiss their ass. And that's never gonna be a guy named Bernie. 'Bernie' is a guy you like getting a phonecall from and hanging out with. Not somoene you fear in a negotiation.
'Bernie' is a guy you like getting a phonecall from and hanging out with.
A great guy to hang out with if you like cranky old farts or murderous Communists.

Bernie Sanders's Soviet Honeymoon


Get off my lawn!
Did anybody notice how he didn't have anything to say about Russia? Its like he didn't even know anything was going on.
Sanders unfortunately is a creampuff. A good man but not a good President.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for a 'nice guy to hang out and talk wistfully of things.' We need someone who can negotiate with Putin, lil Kim in DPRK, arab leaders and zealots and not cower, shrink, appease, orkiss their ass. And that's never gonna be a guy named Bernie. 'Bernie' is a guy you like getting a phonecall from and hanging out with. Not somoene you fear in a negotiation.
Could imagine that smiling Lincoln guy trying to be threatening? LMAO
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.

Did you have something to say?
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.

Did you have something to say?
You mentioned the Marxist and guns. I basically summed up what he and that corporatist bitch was sayin'. :thup:
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.

Did you have something to say?
You mentioned the Marxist and guns. I basically summed up what he and that corporatist bitch was sayin'. :thup:

What did he say, again?
Awwwwwwwwwwww!! couldnt happen to a nice bunch of idiots. the farthest Left Progressives who see Sanders as a more progressive choice than hillary watched him fold and crumble in front of hillary, (and the other people trying to stay awake watching the debate).

that's got to hurt. but watch them all jump back on the hillary bandwagon now that they see the tired old man cant beat the tired old used car salesperson hillary.

Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.

Did you have something to say?
You mentioned the Marxist and guns. I basically summed up what he and that corporatist bitch was sayin'. :thup:

What did he say, again?
Loosen up cupcake. You aren't much fun
Not really. In fact, I thought he did quite well. And I think that he nailed it on gun control. He also pointed out that he was against going into Iraq because it would have a destabilizing effect and it did. He also does not support unilateral action. I'm not sure where you see him as folding and crumbling under Hillary.

Anderson is still a nitwit.

Did you have something to say?
You mentioned the Marxist and guns. I basically summed up what he and that corporatist bitch was sayin'. :thup:

What did he say, again?
Loosen up cupcake. You aren't much fun
So, you don't know.
Let me remind you:

COOPER: Senator Webb, thank you very much.

Let's move on to some of the most pressing issues facing our country right now, some of the biggest issues right now in the headlines today. We're going to start with guns. The shooting in Oregon earlier this month, once again it brought the issue of guns into the national conversation. Over the last week, guns have been the most discussed political topic on Facebook by two to one.

Senator Sanders, you voted against the Brady bill that mandated background checks and a waiting period. You also supported allowing riders to bring guns in checked bags on Amtrak trains. For a decade, you said that holding gun manufacturers legally responsible for mass shootings is a bad idea. Now, you say you're reconsidering that. Which is it: shield the gun companies from lawsuits or not?

SANDERS: Let's begin, Anderson, by understanding that Bernie Sanders has a D-minus voting rating (ph) from the NRA. Let's also understand that back in 1988 when I first ran for the United States Congress, way back then, I told the gun owners of the state of Vermont and I told the people of the state of Vermont, a state which has virtually no gun control, that I supported a ban on assault weapons. And over the years, I have strongly avoided instant background checks, doing away with this terrible gun show loophole. And I think we've got to move aggressively at the federal level in dealing with the straw man purchasers.

Also I believe, and I've fought for, to understand that there are thousands of people in this country today who are suicidal, who are homicidal, but can't get the healthcare that they need, the mental healthcare, because they don't have insurance or they're too poor. I believe that everybody in this country who has a mental crisis has got to get mental health counseling immediately. COOPER: Do you want to shield gun companies from lawsuits?

SANDERS: Of course not. This was a large and complicated bill. There were provisions in it that I think made sense. For example, do I think that a gun shop in the state of Vermont that sells legally a gun to somebody, and that somebody goes out and does something crazy, that that gun shop owner should be held responsible? I don't.

On the other hand, where you have manufacturers and where you have gun shops knowingly giving guns to criminals or aiding and abetting that, of course we should take action.

COOPER: Secretary Clinton, is Bernie Sanders tough enough on guns?

CLINTON: No, not at all. I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence. This has gone on too long and it's time the entire country stood up against the NRA. The majority of our country...


... supports background checks, and even the majority of gun owners do.

Senator Sanders did vote five times against the Brady bill. Since it was passed, more than 2 million prohibited purchases have been prevented. He also did vote, as he said, for this immunity provision. I voted against it. I was in the Senate at the same time. It wasn't that complicated to me. It was pretty straightforward to me that he was going to give immunity to the only industry in America. Everybody else has to be accountable, but not the gun manufacturers. And we need to stand up and say: Enough of that. We're not going to let it continue.


COOPER: We're going to bring you all in on this. But, Senator Sanders, you have to give a response.

SANDERS: As a senator from a rural state, what I can tell Secretary Clinton, that all the shouting in the world is not going to do what I would hope all of us want, and that is keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have those guns and end this horrible violence that we are seeing.

I believe that there is a consensus in this country. A consensus has said we need to strengthen and expand instant background checks, do away with this gun show loophole, that we have to address the issue of mental health, that we have to deal with the strawman purchasing issue, and that when we develop that consensus, we can finally, finally do something to address this issue.
umm ok. But that wasn't ALL he said. Maybe you will waste more bandwidth posting EVERYTHING he said?

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