Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

You did in fact misrepresent my words, and that is in fact dishonest. Choose your words more carefully if you don't like being held to them.

I didn't misrepresent your words at all. I interpreted them in a way you didn't like, because it laid bare your fallacy. Choose YOUR words more carefully if you don't like being held to them.

I'll be happy to break this down for you, since you clearly need a great deal of remedial English education . . . which is exactly what everyone expects from the dunces presenting themselves as teachers these days.

Here are your actual words:

Would any of those angrily demanding this actually sit and watch all their kids (or other peoples kids) all day, every day? Seems more likely that those calling for this would very likely never watch a minute of it. When you weigh that with the expense and the legal questions, it seems questionable if it would be worth it.

Here is my characterization of what you said:

"If you're not going to binge-watch it all day every day, then you don't REALLY want it and it serves no purpose."

Please explain to me - always assuming you have the literacy to do so, given that you ARE purporting to be a teacher - how I "misrepresented" your words? Is "binge-watch it all day every day" substantially different from "actually sit and watch all their kids (or other peoples [sic] kids) all day, every day"? Is "you don't really want it" substantially different from "more likely those calling for this would very likely never watch a minute of it"? Is "it serves no purpose" substantially different from "questionable if it would be worth it".

The truth is that the only thing you're REALLY objecting to here is that my disdainful representation of your position was too accurate and didn't flatter you.

Furthermore, I was entirely accurate when I identified your pathetic little tactic as what it is: the "all or nothing" logical fallacy. I was also accurate when I stated that you were using it to try to deflect, in this case from the obvious fact that people want the cameras to be able to spot-check what's being taught to their children, or for further investigation and corroboration if they should believe there's an issue.

So whenever you're ready to quit the vague whinging and laughably pitiful hyper-focus on imagined errors in my writing, perhaps you could favor us with your oh-so-public-school knowledge of exactly how I was "dishonest".

I thought you were claiming to be a teacher. How have you never heard of the other uses of quotation marks? What I did is called "paraphrasing", ...
Quotation marks are used for quotes, not paraphrasing.

No, that depends on how one is doing the paraphrasing. ...
Wrong, and you were NOT paraphrasing in any case.

No, I'm completely correct, and the more you continue to behave as though your mere declaration that something is wrong makes it so and will be respected by anyone, the more I'm laughing at you.

Come on. You're a teacher, aren't you? Educate me in HOW I'm wrong, because the longer you keep up with this, "No, you're wrong. No, you are, you are, you ARE!" crap, the more it looks like I'm correct and you just wish I was wrong.
In other words, misrepresenting my actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different than what I posted. You are a liar.

My, my, my. I don't recall having used any ellipses, and I certainly don't recall any time in which they were my entire post. Yet you're quoting me as saying, "....". Speaking of misrepresenting someone's actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different from what I was posting . . . Your hypocrisy is delicious.

Is it at all possible that you thought your impassioned restatement of your blank, unproven accusation wouldn't hold up well if it in any way included my actual words? Interesting.
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In other words, misrepresenting my actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different than what I posted. You are a liar.

My, my, my. I don't recall having used any ellipses, and I certainly don't recall any time in which they were my entire post. Yet you're quoting me as saying, "....". Speaking of misrepresenting someone's actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different from what I was posting . . . Your hypocrisy is delicious.

Is it at all possible that you thought your impassioned restatement of your blank, unproven accusation wouldn't hold up well if it in any way included my actual words? Interesting.
You are flailing and losing badly.
You most certainly did. Not my fault if you don't know what quotation marks mean. You were caught being dishonest and now you are trying and failing to back out of it.

And now you're resorting to quoting one sentence out of the entire post, so that you can re-assert, "No, you DID!! YOU DID!!!" without any of that messy dealing-with-refutations-and-offering-proof stuff.

Not my fault that you have an elementary-school education about punctuation and arrogantly assume that it's the sum total of knowledge on the subject. Also not my fault that your carefully-nurtured fantasies of being smarter and better than people simply because you have a teaching degree I wouldn't wipe my ass with are being punctured by the hard reality of a parent proving that her disdain for "educators" is well-placed.

But by all means, don't let me stop you from continuing to prove me right.
I do not, and YOU would be utterly unqualified to provide any kind of education to anyone. I am more familiar with English, and many other languages, than you are ever likely to be with any subject.

In other words, misrepresenting my actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different than what I posted. You are a liar.

My, my, my. I don't recall having used any ellipses, and I certainly don't recall any time in which they were my entire post. Yet you're quoting me as saying, "....". Speaking of misrepresenting someone's actual words and dishonestly claiming they were something different from what I was posting . . . Your hypocrisy is delicious.

Is it at all possible that you thought your impassioned restatement of your blank, unproven accusation wouldn't hold up well if it in any way included my actual words? Interesting.
You are flailing and losing badly.


The only thing I've been wrong about so far is every time I've thought you couldn't get any more pathetic.
Actually, many "progressives" are terrified of classroom cameras because the video will show the sheer chaos in many urban school classrooms and the inability of teachers to maintain order.

Furthermore, I was entirely accurate when I identified your pathetic little tactic as what it is: the "all or nothing" logical fallacy. ...
Wrong AGAIN. I never said that. You're not doing well at all.

Did I call you illiterate before? Because if I didn't, it was an egregious oversight on my part. You just "refuted" me by denying something I didn't say, "educator". I said, "Teacher" Boy, that I identified your tactic; I never said you said that was the tactic you were using. I'm actually quite certain that you're too ignorant to KNOW what the name is of what you were trying to do.

Why don't you get one of the students you're cheating out of any future with your paltry "teaching" to read my post and explain it to you?

You're not just "not doing well", you're doing extremely badly . . . and it's very clear that what you're doing extremely badly is your job.

The truth is that the only thing you're REALLY objecting to here is that my disdainful representation of your position was too accurate and didn't flatter you.
Maybe you really are too stupid to even realize when you're being dishonest. It's not an excuse.

There's no maybe about you being too stupid to realize that your every post is proof that cameras belong in the schoolroom to keep an eye on "educators" like you.

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