Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers

The Left Wing extremist would not be freaking out if they didn't have anything to hide.
Therefore they should be monitored.
same for whitey righties. Best put cameras in their homes and their churches.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.
The schools aren’t so bad that cameras are needed in classrooms. Tucker Propagandipshitcarlson just tossed that idea out there and the idiots echoed. It’s the pushback against the huge threat of CRT that nobody actually knows anything about. It’s the product of fake news drama.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.
The schools aren’t so bad that cameras are needed in classrooms. Tucker Propagandipshitcarlson just tossed that idea out there and the idiots echoed. It’s the pushback against the huge threat of CRT that nobody actually knows anything about. It’s the product of fake news drama.
Doc7505 care to name one thing you think I got wrong in that statement?

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.
The schools aren’t so bad that cameras are needed in classrooms. Tucker Propagandipshitcarlson just tossed that idea out there and the idiots echoed. It’s the pushback against the huge threat of CRT that nobody actually knows anything about. It’s the product of fake news drama.

Surveillance cameras can offer quality security assurance and ensure that teachers are teaching their students the three "R's". Parents of school going kids are often found disturbed with the rising number of incidents of classroom violence and now students being taught CRT. This menace can be handled adequately when the classroom is under the pair of monitoring eyes!
Dunderheads on other threads said the teacher can stay in one spot the entire day and kindergarteners can sit in desks in rows and stay there the entire day--yes, I guess like 1954 or whatnot. Any 5 yo who leaves his desk and therefore appears on the Teacher Cam can get paddled.

That was your straw man suggestion that members discussed

And one alleged teacher told us he was already videoing his classes and that was how he did it

Conservatives informed you that there is no law against showing students faces

But if it bothers you software can easily blur their faces out

Uh, no, one member did say that, exactly. How you are going to blur faces out on a live feed?

Dunderheads on other threads said the teacher can stay in one spot the entire day and kindergarteners can sit in desks in rows and stay there the entire day--yes, I guess like 1954 or whatnot. Any 5 yo who leaves his desk and therefore appears on the Teacher Cam can get paddled.

That was your straw man suggestion that members discussed

And one alleged teacher told us he was already videoing his classes and that was how he did it

Conservatives informed you that there is no law against showing students faces

But if it bothers you software can easily blur their faces out

Uh, no, one member did say that, exactly. How you are going to blur faces out on a live feed?

Kamal-ass. She can do anything.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
Cameras in a class room. Infringe on the child's freedom & liberty how EXACTLY?

The only thing it would infringe on is the teachers ability to do something they shouldn't be doing. Cameras would foster a safer environment.
And cameras would have zero impact on the size of government.
Simply install the camera and give every parent the pass code to view it anytime they want.

There is NO LOGICAL REASON to oppose this.
Wow, all the so called conservatives are jumping on the Big Brother train. Back the hell off and don’t be an over controlling helicopter parent. The education system will go to shit if parents are watching and complaining about everything that happens in classrooms. Nobody is going to want to teach and the school admins are going to get clogged up dealing with bitchy parents. You really don’t see that?

There is this, and I have stated it. All the reasonable parents--and this is most of them--will watch the camera feeds for a few days and be satisfied. The crazy parents will watch their child all day long for evidence that surely, surely Precious Petunia is being slighted (this is a tiny minority of parents, but they by far cause a huge amount of problems). Among so many other issues I can't even tell you.

Every teacher would need their own secretary to deal with issues stemming from the live feed. Will we be getting secretaries?

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.

This is some truth right here, which I also stated in other threads. If the situation in your child's class and school is so bad that you feel you MUST have cameras in classrooms with a live feed, the situation is broken beyond repair. The school is abysmal.

But that's not what my fellow conservatives are after. They simply hate teacher and want after them, and if they have to set up a surveillance state in which minor children can be (creepily) watched at all times by heaven knows who, so be it.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.
The schools aren’t so bad that cameras are needed in classrooms. Tucker Propagandipshitcarlson just tossed that idea out there and the idiots echoed. It’s the pushback against the huge threat of CRT that nobody actually knows anything about. It’s the product of fake news drama.

Surveillance cameras can offer quality security assurance and ensure that teachers are teaching their students the three "R's". Parents of school going kids are often found disturbed with the rising number of incidents of classroom violence and now students being taught CRT. This menace can be handled adequately when the classroom is under the pair of monitoring eyes!

Who's doing the monitoring?

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
Cameras in a class room. Infringe on the child's freedom & liberty how EXACTLY?

The only thing it would infringe on is the teachers ability to do something they shouldn't be doing. Cameras would foster a safer environment.
And cameras would have zero impact on the size of government.
Simply install the camera and give every parent the pass code to view it anytime they want.

There is NO LOGICAL REASON to oppose this.
Wow, all the so called conservatives are jumping on the Big Brother train. Back the hell off and don’t be an over controlling helicopter parent. The education system will go to shit if parents are watching and complaining about everything that happens in classrooms. Nobody is going to want to teach and the school admins are going to get clogged up dealing with bitchy parents. You really don’t see that?

There is this, and I have stated it. All the reasonable parents--and this is most of them--will watch the camera feeds for a few days and be satisfied. The crazy parents will watch their child all day long for evidence that surely, surely Precious Petunia is being slighted (this is a tiny minority of parents, but they by far cause a huge amount of problems). Among so many other issues I can't even tell you.

Every teacher would need their own secretary to deal with issues stemming from the live feed. Will we be getting secretaries?
Totally agree… it’s the 80/20 rule where the 20% take up the 80% of your time. We don’t need to pander to the kooks. Teachers jobs are hard enough. They don’t need to add micromanagement from the TV audience. Kudos to you for the work you do. Respect

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.

Not entirely accurate I would say. Conservatives want the surveillance here but they want all the parents surveilling, so not the government. The problem is there's all kinds of privacy issues with minor children at play there.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

Or maybe they are concerned about expanding our Orwellian surveillance state.
Leftists are the ones doing it.
The right has no less guilt than the left when it comes to bigger government. The difference is the left is honest about it. You guys lie about it.
Sorry but I don't lie. I don't want a bigger government nor do I want cameras everywhere. If the schools are so bad you need cameras in the classroom, what is really needed is to trash it all and start from scratch. Cameras will only waste money without fixing the problem.
The schools aren’t so bad that cameras are needed in classrooms. Tucker Propagandipshitcarlson just tossed that idea out there and the idiots echoed. It’s the pushback against the huge threat of CRT that nobody actually knows anything about. It’s the product of fake news drama.

Surveillance cameras can offer quality security assurance and ensure that teachers are teaching their students the three "R's". Parents of school going kids are often found disturbed with the rising number of incidents of classroom violence and now students being taught CRT. This menace can be handled adequately when the classroom is under the pair of monitoring eyes!
I’d bet the farm that you have no clue what CRT is and how it is being taught in classrooms. You lack principles and foresight if you really can’t see how negatively this would impact schools. You ready to set cams up in our homes to curb against domestic abuse? How about in our workplaces to curb against sexual harassment? You see where this goes, right? You’re on the wrong side of the argument here

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
CRT = accurate history.
Then why not allow cameras in the classrooms where this "accurate history" is being taught?

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
Hahahaha, the party of small government, personal Liberty and freedom wants to put cameras in classrooms?! Are you shitting me?! What a bunch of unprincipled idiots
Cameras in a class room. Infringe on the child's freedom & liberty how EXACTLY?

The only thing it would infringe on is the teachers ability to do something they shouldn't be doing. Cameras would foster a safer environment.
And cameras would have zero impact on the size of government.
Simply install the camera and give every parent the pass code to view it anytime they want.

There is NO LOGICAL REASON to oppose this.
Wow, all the so called conservatives are jumping on the Big Brother train. Back the hell off and don’t be an over controlling helicopter parent. The education system will go to shit if parents are watching and complaining about everything that happens in classrooms. Nobody is going to want to teach and the school admins are going to get clogged up dealing with bitchy parents. You really don’t see that?

There is this, and I have stated it. All the reasonable parents--and this is most of them--will watch the camera feeds for a few days and be satisfied. The crazy parents will watch their child all day long for evidence that surely, surely Precious Petunia is being slighted (this is a tiny minority of parents, but they by far cause a huge amount of problems). Among so many other issues I can't even tell you.

Every teacher would need their own secretary to deal with issues stemming from the live feed. Will we be getting secretaries?
Totally agree… it’s the 80/20 rule where the 20% take up the 80% of your time. We don’t need to pander to the kooks. Teachers jobs are hard enough. They don’t need to add micromanagement from the TV audience. Kudos to you for the work you do. Respect

Thanks for the kind words. I can't imagine having done anything else with my life--and I've been teaching for my entire adult life, since I was 23. Some of the people I have taught with--no one deserves the hero label more, IMO. I have stories. And some teachers should sadly just stay away from children. I'm not at all opposed to strong oversight in my profession. But constant surveillance of Other People's Kids ain't it.

Leftists Freak Out at the Thought of Cameras Exposing Fanatical CRT Teachers​

7 Jul 2021 ~~ By John Nolte
The far-left HuffPost is freaking over Tucker Carlson’s suggestion that cameras be placed in public school classrooms.
“Tucker Carlson Goes Full ‘1984’ With ‘Cameras In The Classroom’ Proposal,” screams the left-wing outlet’s headline.
“The Fox News personality suggested police-style body cameras to check on what every teacher is telling their students,” the sub-headline reads.
“Carlson, in a rant reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel ‘1984,’” author Lee Moran bleats, “called the teaching that racism is at least partly systemic… a ‘civilization-ending poison’ and ‘B.S.’”
Before we go any further… I’ve read 1984 at least three times and am unfamiliar with anything Tucker said that is “reminiscent of something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]”
In fact, Tucker’s suggestion is the exact opposite of “something from George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel[.]” Tucker is suggesting we monitor the government. 1984 is about (among other things) the government monitoring private citizens. So Moran got his metaphor exactly wrong, which tells me he’s probably a product of government-run public schools.
Regardless, he huffs on, “He warned ‘we can’t really be sure’ how far it is being spread until ‘we finally get cameras in the classroom, as we put them on the chests of police officers.’”
What I found interesting about this piece is that other than screaming 1984!!!, no case or argument is made against the idea of cameras in government-run public school classrooms.
Is there one?
Is there a good argument against this kind of accountability and transparency?
The real issue here is just how brazenly public school teachers have become when it comes to teaching our kids pretty much everything but what they need to know. Leftists are never happier than when they’ve insinuated themselves between parent and child. Too many schools can’t teach kids to read or write, but they are sure teaching them to hate their country and all about “demi-sexuality.”
Tucker’s smart to bring this up, to make it part of the national conversation. Teachers and their evil unions are going to have a hard time explaining why they oppose such a thing. They will be on defense, which is exactly where they belong.

Cameras would certainly expose incompetence, along with indoctrination and its techniques, favoritism, laziness, CRT, anything BLM, gay rights, religion bashing, white guilt/privilege advancement, etc.
Easy to see why Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies oppose this.
What have the teachers got to hide? We are in the age of Zoom and zero in-class learning. Stick a camera in the corner so those students who wish to work from home and via Zoom can. Oh, and you need to record the classes in case the student was out for some reason. All the better if the parents can review what is being taught in class.
If we demand body-cams for cops, why not cameras in the classroom?
CRT = accurate history.
Then why not allow cameras in the classrooms where this "accurate history" is being taught?
Why not put cameras in your home to make sure there is no domestic abuse going on? In your office to make sure there no harassment going on??

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