Leftists now change the definition of INFRASTRUCTURE, say it includes HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE

Because the Dems pork filled INFRASTRUCTURE bill is so full of shit that has nothing to do with INFRASTRUCTURE....they just changed the definition.

Oh, you leftists never disappoint.

Always utterly full of shit.

Learn to pronounce


  1. the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies.....) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

    So you want to narrow it into your small vision.... Sorry having a small vision was the last guy and he was rejected by a record margin. People were sick of an incompetent man who said he would fix infrastructure and did nothing..​

the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Electric grid
Nursing homes
Rural Healthcare Clinics
Childcare centers

ALL appear to fit the present description imo....No new definition needed.
Tax funded welfare payments to dregs to hold signs


We made sure you get none of the money...
If the democrats/left were up front and honest with the American people about true meaning of their agenda they would never be elected. So, they have to put a mask on everything they support.

So Democrats are going instead of borrowing money to give a tax cut that 86% went to the richest 5%, they decided to spend the money on things which benefit nearly all Americans...

This some sneaky ploy by the Democrats of doing what the people want... If they keep doing what the people want they will trick them into voting for them...

This is outrageous tactic.. If one party does what people want and spend the money on making US a better country with a stronger society, how is another party meant to compete?

On top of that they hire a bunch of competent people who have years experience in running the government..

the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Electric grid
Nursing homes
Rural Healthcare Clinics
Childcare centers

ALL appear to fit the present description imo....No new definition needed.
Tax funded welfare payments to dregs to hold signs


We made sure you get none of the money...
We? Don't include me in your facediaper, basement hiding ilk. I kept working to fund your SNAP bennies looneybin.
If the democrats/left were up front and honest with the American people about true meaning of their agenda they would never be elected. So, they have to put a mask on everything they support.

So Democrats are going instead of borrowing money to give a tax cut that 86% went to the richest 5%, they decided to spend the money on things which benefit nearly all Americans...

This some sneaky ploy by the Democrats of doing what the people want... If they keep doing what the people want they will trick them into voting for them...

This is outrageous tactic.. If one party does what people want and spend the money on making US a better country with a stronger society, how is another party meant to compete?

On top of that they hire a bunch of competent people who have years experience in running the government..
Businesses supply jobs for real Americans to fill to support themselves, no wonder you lazy dregs hate that. Pay them to stay home and keep sucking off that giant government teat is your motto.
If the democrats/left were up front and honest with the American people about true meaning of their agenda they would never be elected. So, they have to put a mask on everything they support.

So Democrats are going instead of borrowing money to give a tax cut that 86% went to the richest 5%, they decided to spend the money on things which benefit nearly all Americans...

This some sneaky ploy by the Democrats of doing what the people want... If they keep doing what the people want they will trick them into voting for them...

This is outrageous tactic.. If one party does what people want and spend the money on making US a better country with a stronger society, how is another party meant to compete?

On top of that they hire a bunch of competent people who have years experience in running the government..
Its wacko oclock! Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!!!
So Democrats are going instead of borrowing money to give a tax cut that 86% went to the richest 5%, they decided to spend the money on things which benefit nearly all Americans...

You telling me you would rather have some pocket change over a job.
In home care for the elderly is not infrastructure. You lefty assholes can pound sand
yes it is.

it costs our govt less money for an in home care program, vs our govt paying nursing homes.... costing thousands each month per person.

there are a lot of boomers... But later generations, fewer seniors and the homes you want built now, won't be needed.

do some research on it....
In home care for the elderly is not infrastructure. You lefty assholes can pound sand

It is actually...

In Home cae can be :
Health monitoring and IT infrastructure to allow people to stay at home even living on there own.
Organisational structure to support living at home
  • Home help
  • Public health nursing
  • Assisted living
When a person runs out of money in a nursing home the Government picks up the tab... This saves the Government a lot of money...
best way to save money in elderly care is give them as much independence to look after themselves for as long as possible.
it is also very popular with the elderly too, it means they are apart of their community instead of being shut off away in nursing homes...

the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

Electric grid
Nursing homes
Rural Healthcare Clinics
Childcare centers

ALL appear to fit the present description imo....No new definition needed.
And every bit of it translates to JOBS
Other nations see their labor force as infrastructure. A highly trained and adaptable workforce is as necessary a part of any first world nation as anything else.

That being said, We desperately need to expand vocational education along side of the advanced training.
Other nations see their labor force as infrastructure. A highly trained and adaptable workforce is as necessary a part of any first world nation as anything else.

That being said, We desperately need to expand vocational education along side of the advanced training.

Human Capital is huge in Ireland... Every dollar spent in education yields extra 9 dollars in tax over there working life... This is considered the best investment you can make...

Broadband and Public Transport allows for 'Regionalisation'... This allows people to live out of cities in rural communities and take pressure of the cities and much more expensive infrastructure projects..
We are in the middle of negotiating a New Deal 2021 because the GOP insisted on running a candidate who should be in prison.

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