Lenin´s Hitler style plans for Europe, the truth behind Moscow Bolshevik Marxist attack on Poland , Lithuania and Belarus


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Lenin´s Hitler style plans for Europe, the truth behind Moscow Bolshevik Marxist attack on Poland , Lithuania and Belarus

Lenin was convinced that the revolution should not only target Germany,

but also the countries in south-west Europe. Six days after the decisive 17 July meeting he
telegrammed Stalin,
The situation in the Comintern is splendid. Zinoviev, Bukharin, and I, too,
think that revolution in Italy should be spurred on immediately. My personal
opinion is that to this end, Hungary should be sovietised, and perhaps also
Czechia and Romania."

shocking for many info, I know, question how close was Moscow Bolshevik gang from conquering Europe in 20s, - 80s?
Lenin was a hate filed demoniac or something , and he would have been as bad as Hitler if he had lived.

How many nations he would have conquered is unknowable, but he sure killed a lot of his own people.
Lenin was a hate filed demoniac or something , and he would have been as bad as Hitler if he had lived.

How many nations he would have conquered is unknowable, but he sure killed a lot of his own people.
the Poles destroyed Moscow Marxist Horde and saved the Europe from Moscow oriental despotism

To this day, Moscow horde is terrifying for it’s renditions and pantomime. But we all know kleptocracy is unsustainable without War....

World revolution is the Marxist concept of overthrowing capitalism in all countries through the conscious revolutionary action of the organized working class. For theorists, these revolutions will not necessarily occur simultaneously, but where and when local conditions allow a revolutionary party to successfully replace bourgeois ownership and rule, and install a workers' state based on social ownership of the means of production. In most Marxist schools, such as Trotskyism and Communist Left, the essentially international character of the class struggle and the necessity of global scope are critical elements and a chief explanation of the failure of socialism in one country.

The end goal of such internationally oriented revolutionary socialism is to achieve world socialism, and later, a communist society.[1][2]...

Particularly in the years 1918-1919, it seemed plausible that capitalism would soon be swept from the European continent forever. Given the fact that European powers controlled the majority of Earth's land surface at the time, such an event could have meant the end of capitalism not just in Europe, but everywhere. Additionally, the Comintern, founded in March 1919, began as an independent international organization of communists from various countries around the world that evolved after the Russian Civil War into an essentially Soviet-sponsored agency responsible for coordinating the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism worldwide.

Revolutions are the locomotives of history.
— Karl Marx[3]
With the prospect of world revolution so close at hand, Marxists were dominated by a feeling of overwhelming optimism,
We should have ensured that Germany defeated the Soviets by simply not giving the Soviets tens of billions of dollars of weapons and raw materials. Without our aid, the Germans would have made short work of the Soviet armies. With the Soviets deposed, we then could have dealt with Hitler and his slaughter of the Jews. Many Americans have no idea that FDR refused, utterly refused, to publicly attack the Nazis over the Holocaust, despite repeated urgings from American Jewish leaders.

After we allowed Germany to defeat the Soviets, we then could have dealt with Hitler and the Nazis. We could have waged a worldwide diplomatic campaign against Hitler by widely and loudly exposing the Holocaust. We could have also encouraged and supported the German resistance, which FDR shamefully refused to do.

For that matter, we could have avoided turning Japan into an enemy by not provoking them with draconian sanctions and recognizing that Japan had a valid case for intervening in China, especially in Manchuria. We could have helped Japan attack the Soviet Union on its eastern flank, which in turn would have prohibited Stalin from moving over a million troops to the western front (the West's eastern front), which in turn would have hastened the Soviet collapse.

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