Leopard Poaching In Ukraine...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Despite the yarn constantly being spun by Western Media; this war has been far from one sided favoring Ukraine. Don't get me wrong; the propaganda is flowing at full tilt from both sides. However what is on short supply is truthful reporting, and accounting for the score in this war in Ukraine. So...

Here in what the "media" is very likely not reporting on, or glossing over, in hopes that no one notices; is at least one of the vaunted Leopard tanks, that were supposed to turn the tide of battle reduced to ash. After the Ukes having them for what..? A couple weeks, or so? Along with possibly other Western equipment. Looking like the Leopard is not gonna be the game changer it was promoted to be in this conflict....

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Russian video claiming to destroy a Leopard Tank

However, the “tank” appears to be farm equipment
Russian video claiming to destroy a Leopard Tank

However, the “tank” appears to be farm equipment

Irrelevant. The vid that is the topic of actual conversation... The conversation your trying to Segway from... Is a brand spanking newly issued smoldering heap. Reduced to ash. Practically as the Ukes drove it off the lot. And this was supposed to be the game changer. It ain't lookin' like it...
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Irrelevant. The vid that is the topic of actual conversation... The conversation your trying to Segway from... Is a brand spanking newly issued smoldering heap. Reduced to ash. Practically as the Ukes drove it off the lot. And this was supposed to be the game changer. It ain't lookin' like it...
They've lost 3 Leo's by my count, one destroyed, two damaged and abandoned. Plus several Bradleys and MRAPS and one ARV with a mine plow.

I noticed all the turrets on the Leo's and Bradleys are still attached....

There was one Leo that was damaged, they recovered it and re-tracked in one day and it's back in service.

That pile-up in Zaphorizhia is not in a good location for recovery, so Russia might get some trophies. Almost all were mobility kills, it looks like the dismounts got out okay.

There will be losses, that's inevitable. The AFU is advancing into prepared defenses, and the Russians are not going to just throw down their guns and run away at the first sight of the enemy.

One motorized rifle company getting halted is not the end of the offensive- they are still just probing and looking for places to exploit.

The only information is coming from the Russian side right now. The AFU is in OPSilent mode again, so we don't know much about what's going on. The Russian telegram channels have not exactly been "calm and collected" these last few days...
Actually, The Bild already started to panic. "The Russians are fighting better then expected".


A friend of mine once said: " What could be better than burn German tanks? Burning down the German cities".
The only information is coming from the Russian side right now. The AFU is in OPSilent mode again, so we don't know much about what's going on.
Ahh, so they are winning as usual and are silent for now in order to not jinx it all. Okay. What do the western info-dumps say than? Is the Kremlin close yet?
The US-Ukey force has already run out of steam . No gains , huge losses . Russia will continue the same strategy /-/ bleed them to death . At the present rate it will not be long before Russia makes more substantial advances.
Huge changes in Kyiv must be imminent as this level of mismanagement and failure cannot be hidden much longer .
Ahh, so they are winning as usual and are silent for now in order to not jinx it all. Okay. What do the western info-dumps say than? Is the Kremlin close yet?
Well I don't think you are really asking a question, and I think you are posting from outside Russia, yes? So you should know what western info-dumps are saying (probably better then me), I don't read media reports.

Western OSINT is silent on the offensive, and this past week have only reported what is posted on Russian channels. Beyond that, most of the accounts that I follow have been focusing on the Kakhovka dam and the rescue efforts around Kherson.

I think everyone understands that the AFU is on the offensive in the east, and progress will be better some places and not in others. Those Internet Field Marshalls who think the AFU is going to evict the entire Russian army and take back Crimea this summer are talking out of their asses. The AFU has nowhere near the forces needed to do that, or march on Moscow, or whatever other strawman you want to throw out there.

What they have are 12 fresh, semi-credible combat brigades with a mix of NATO/WarPac equipment. They have all received proper basic training, and a very limited amount of battalion-level combined arms. No brigade-level exercises, and certainly nothing approaching multi-brigade or division-level.

They are still hampered by commanders who operate on the Soviet military doctrine, so anyone who thinks we're going to see NATO-style, large-scale coordinated maneuver are fooling themselves. The AFU has neither the equipment, the training, or the command and control structure to do that kind of warfare.
Well I don't think you are really asking a question, and I think you are posting from outside Russia, yes? So you should know what western info-dumps are saying (probably better then me), I don't read media reports.

Western OSINT is silent on the offensive, and this past week have only reported what is posted on Russian channels. Beyond that, most of the accounts that I follow have been focusing on the Kakhovka dam and the rescue efforts around Kherson.

I think everyone understands that the AFU is on the offensive in the east, and progress will be better some places and not in others. Those Internet Field Marshalls who think the AFU is going to evict the entire Russian army and take back Crimea this summer are talking out of their asses. The AFU has nowhere near the forces needed to do that, or march on Moscow, or whatever other strawman you want to throw out there.

What they have are 12 fresh, semi-credible combat brigades with a mix of NATO/WarPac equipment. They have all received proper basic training, and a very limited amount of battalion-level combined arms. No brigade-level exercises, and certainly nothing approaching multi-brigade or division-level.

They are still hampered by commanders who operate on the Soviet military doctrine, so anyone who thinks we're going to see NATO-style, large-scale coordinated maneuver are fooling themselves. The AFU has neither the equipment, the training, or the command and control structure to do that kind of warfare.
I'm not asking, you're right, and I'm kind of glad that you got that, but I'm from inside Russia, what makes you think I'm not?
I'm not asking, you're right, and I'm kind of glad that you got that, but I'm from inside Russia, what makes you think I'm not?
Just because it's reported that Twitter is blocked in Russia. You seem to be aware of what's posted on Twitter, that's all.

Where in Russia if you don't mind my asking?
Just because it's reported that Twitter is blocked in Russia. You seem to be aware of what's posted on Twitter, that's all.

Where in Russia if you don't mind my asking?
It is, so is the USMB, but there's this thing called VPN that helps us avoid the blockade. Parallel import of sorts.

I don't, around 200 km south of Moscow.
It is, so is the USMB, but there's this thing called VPN that helps us avoid the blockade. Parallel import of sorts.

I don't, around 200 km south of Moscow.
Are you from Tula? What a coincidence! A friend of mine lives in Tula, too.
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Not since WW2 has #Russia destroyed so many #German tanks. The #NATO media claims they were just 'tractors'. https://easternherald.com/2023/06/06/russia-repels-a-ukrainian-attack-28-tanks-including-8-leopards-destroyed/… https://pic.twitter.com/jHMUVCqeKc

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