Let us honor African Americans who served and died in our Wars


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
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780 were killed in WWII

3,170 in Korea

7,200 In Vietnam

We should also not forget the whites killed.



780 were killed in WWII

3,170 in Korea

7,200 In Vietnam

We should also not forget the whites killed.



Don't forget the 40,000 black soldiers that died fighting in the Civil War.
Actually, we do have a remembrance for black soldiers who died in our wars.
It's called Memorial Day. It is meant for ALL soldiers, regardless of race.
There's no need for separating them from the other races that died in our wars.
780 were killed in WWII

3,170 in Korea

7,200 In Vietnam

We should also not forget the whites killed.



Honor all those who are willing to put their lives at risk for country, especially if volunteers. They represent the height of courage and the homeless vets in your country who are overlooked really has divided the U.S politically. The men of WWII certainly rose to the ocassion.
Since there was no valid war since 1812, then why should anyone in a corrupt war be honored?
The Spanish American war was the worst, being totally based on lies.
But WWI was also awful, where the Allies were the illegal assassins and invaders.
WWII was also the fault of the Allies abusing Germany with the illegal and unethical Treaty of Versailles that stole half of Germany and all their external holdings, as well as extortionary reparations.
We tried to establish Chang Kai Shek as dictator in China, Syngman Rhee as dictator in Korea, Diem as dictator on Vietnam, Batista as dictator in Cuba, the Shah in Iran (1953), etc.
Since there was no valid war since 1812, then why should anyone in a corrupt war be honored?
The Spanish American war was the worst, being totally based on lies.
But WWI was also awful, where the Allies were the illegal assassins and invaders.
WWII was also the fault of the Allies abusing Germany with the illegal and unethical Treaty of Versailles that stole half of Germany and all their external holdings, as well as extortionary reparations.
We tried to establish Chang Kai Shek as dictator in China, Syngman Rhee as dictator in Korea, Diem as dictator on Vietnam, Batista as dictator in Cuba, the Shah in Iran (1953), etc.
Since there was no valid war since 1812, then why should anyone in a corrupt war be honored?
The Spanish American war was the worst, being totally based on lies.
But WWI was also awful, where the Allies were the illegal assassins and invaders.
WWII was also the fault of the Allies abusing Germany with the illegal and unethical Treaty of Versailles that stole half of Germany and all their external holdings, as well as extortionary reparations.
We tried to establish Chang Kai Shek as dictator in China, Syngman Rhee as dictator in Korea, Diem as dictator on Vietnam, Batista as dictator in Cuba, the Shah in Iran (1953), etc.
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