Lets dream, let’s say there’s no emergence of the Left as we know it today and there’s not 50 million illegals…Are we still this divided politically?

Democrats tell us the division is all the fault of those damn core American Conservatives…How dare they finally start to protect and preserve American virtue, heritage, culture, tradition, values and the moral order that once pillared this once great nation.
Why couldn’t Democrats just stop ‘PROGRESSING’ us into absolute regression? Why couldn’t they embrace the Kennedy Democrat era ideologies?
No. There are not 50 million illegals in the country. Not even close

Between 11 and17 million

But hey. By right wing standards… you were close… well as close as you clowns ever get
No. There are not 50 million illegals in the country. Not even close

Between 11 and17 million

But hey. By right wing standards… you were close… well as close as you clowns ever get
That pesky truth getting in the way again…Do the math and connect the dots.
Democrats tell us the division is all the fault of those damn core American Conservatives…How dare they finally start to protect and preserve American virtue, heritage, culture, tradition, values and the moral order that once pillared this once great nation.
Why couldn’t Democrats just stop ‘PROGRESSING’ us into absolute regression? Why couldn’t they embrace the Kennedy Democrat era ideologies?
What moral order?
Tell us, how did the “MEDIA” force Lib Democrats to hate our right to sovereignty, how did they force Lib Democrats to prefer an America with 50 million illegal Mexicans, how did they force Lib Democrats to beg for reparations, to force faggotry and chicks with dicks down our throats, to glamorize atheism….Explain the mechanism they used.
What kinda faggot are you?
Democrats tell us the division is all the fault of those damn core American Conservatives…How dare they finally start to protect and preserve American virtue, heritage, culture, tradition, values and the moral order that once pillared this once great nation.
Why couldn’t Democrats just stop ‘PROGRESSING’ us into absolute regression? Why couldn’t they embrace the Kennedy Democrat era ideologies?
My favorite dream sequences to alter today's pitiful calamities are:
1. Someone got to off Mohammed at the Battle of Badr.
2. Karl Marx got a job.
If only in my dreams.....:dunno:
YES we have to do something about how we handle immigration,
And both party's choice is to ONLY show their dishonest version of how to fix it
and their dishonest version of who too blame.
YES we have to do something about how we handle immigration,
And both party's choice is to ONLY show their dishonest version of how to fix it
and their dishonest version of who too blame.
What about the Trump “version” is a dishonest fix?
Shouldn’t we blame the people who tell us daily how great illegals are for America?
Shouldn’t we blame the gateway shitholes that offer sanctuary?
Shouldn’t we blame the shitholes incentiving illegals by offering free healthcare?
loser if you dont know by now why you are considered a racist then its because being one you dont give a fuck or you are just fucking stupid.....
All fragile pussies afraid of the candid truth call me a racist…but I’m asking you…what did I say that made you piss your pants and cry RACIST?
You’re not a fragile pussy afraid of the truth are you?
Democrats tell us the division is all the fault of those damn core American Conservatives…How dare they finally start to protect and preserve American virtue, heritage, culture, tradition, values and the moral order that once pillared this once great nation.
Why couldn’t Democrats just stop ‘PROGRESSING’ us into absolute regression? Why couldn’t they embrace the Kennedy Democrat era ideologies?
Wealthy business owners and corps want the open border.
All fragile pussies afraid of the candid truth call me a racist…but I’m asking you…what did I say that made you piss your pants and cry RACIST?
You’re not a fragile pussy afraid of the truth are you?
lets put it this way asshole...i aint a racist like you are....and dont say you are not...you already said what would happen if one of your daughters was dating a guy darker than you...and no not afraid of the truth but i bet your scared of anyone darker than you are....
Wealthy business owners and corps want the open border.
Do you think Democrats could win CA, NV, AZ, NM and much of TX if it not for the invasion?
Is it “wealthy business owners and corps” who offer sanctuary, free healthcare, EBT, rent subsidies etc etc…Or is it Democrats who do?
lets put it this way asshole...i aint a racist like you are....and dont say you are not...you already said what would happen if one of your daughters was dating a guy darker than you...and no not afraid of the truth but i bet your scared of anyone darker than you are....
I hate nobody for the color of their skin…I hate white liberals far more than I hate any other group…I’d much prefer to have MS-13 over for a barbecue and a beer over purple hair liberals.
Do you think black fathers prefer their black daughters to date white boys or hispanics?
Don’t all good fathers have preferences for their daughters?
I hate nobody for the color of their skin…I hate white liberals far more than I hate any other group…I’d much prefer to have MS-13 over for a barbecue and a beer over purple hair liberals.
Do you think black fathers prefer their black daughters to date white boys or hispanics?
Don’t all good fathers have preferences for their daughters?
and if she doesnt like your preferences?....if she likes the dark and swarthy looking Ricardo and says shes in love ...then what are you going to do?.....as long as the kid is a good kid a good father would accept that...what would you do?...
and if she doesnt like your preferences?....if she likes the dark and swarthy looking Ricardo and says shes in love ...then what are you going to do?.....as long as the kid is a good kid a good father would accept that...what would you do?...
I’m real big on self discipline, my girls are very disciplined, they’d never flirt around with the idea…there are just too many white boys to choose from, why complicate a relationship from the start with cultural barriers? That’s the shit unprincipled, undisciplined purple hair libs do.

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