Let's face it. George Carlin is right. We don't have the stomach to fight fanatics.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

What a mistake it was to get involved in the ME when we overthrew the Shah of Iran in 1979.

What an unreal epic disaster it has been for the US from that point.

We do not, nor have we ever truly understood what it truly is to fight fanatics. How we don't know after countless terror attacks, especially after 911 is just beyond me.

We are nowhere with this. No one, not Trump, no one is truly committed to do what needs to be done to fight fanatics.

It is an eternal war. Pulling out of the ME, abandoning Israel, none of it will stop the attacks. Not until everyone converts to sharia, or dies.

It will never end. That is the hard truth we cannot handle.
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All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
The left wing globalists will never allow it. Never.

Just the notion of "rules of engagement" is enough to understand that we could never get to the place we need to get to in order to fight fanatics.

Liberals have totally fucked us all, including themselves.
Carlin was a modern prophet, if there ever was one. Besides being a comedian, he was a true intellectual, and philosopher. He is sorely missed.
All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
The left wing globalists will never allow it. Never.

Just the notion of "rules of engagement" is enough to understand that we could never get to the place we need to get to in order to fight fanatics.

Liberals have totally fucked us all, including themselves.

Anyone not on board will be dealt with as an appeaser. No rules, none. The muzz don't war by rules so we shouldn't either.
Its Liberals who don't have the stomach for it. Every one of them is a coward and an ally of Jihadists.

Fuck Liberals.
And Fuck The Democrat Party.
They make America a dangerous place.
Robert E Lee does not get enough credit historically, his decision to unconditionally surrender stopped the Confederates from engaging in a horrible guerrilla war, which was a strong possibility in 1865

There are no more gentleman's wars"

We are in a nasty fight & are very fortunate to have Trump in charge instead of Clinton
Robert E Lee does not get enough credit historically, his decision to unconditionally surrender stopped the Confederates from engaging in a horrible guerrilla war, which was a strong possibility in 1865

There are no more gentleman's wars"

We are in a nasty fight & are very fortunate to have Trump in charge instead of Clinton

The south had great generals, Lee was a great one, Nathan Forrest another

When the south lost Jackson it broke their back
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If we are going to have to deal with fanatic's would we be better off if we had some cover, only 5 of the top jobs have been filled at the Pentagon out of 53, and only 2 filled at home land security out of 16. of course if we fill them with under or unqualified people we wont have gained much.
Look at all the keyboard warriors here, describing how everyone else is a coward.

Their bravery and sacrifice warms our hearts, yes it does.
Carlin was a modern prophet, if there ever was one. Besides being a comedian, he was a true intellectual, and philosopher. He is sorely missed.
I always said he was more of a modern day stand up philosopher than a "comedian." His timing and delivery was a way to tell hard truths with a spoon full of sugar.

Really, a modern say Socrates if you will.

Just making accurate observations and conveying them effectively. That is harder than people think.

I did not agree with everything, but I always liked how we was never apologetic about his stance.

He attacked libs and conservatives alike and never backed down from his view.
Its Liberals who don't have the stomach for it. Every one of them is a coward and an ally of Jihadists.

Fuck Liberals.
And Fuck The Democrat Party.
They make America a dangerous place.

If you want an historical perspective, look at how they tried to keep us out of WW!!. Hell, Joseph Kennedy was an apologist for Hitler, along with most leading leftists. Leftists are INCOMPETENT! They would rather embrace any illegal alien, then their fellow countrymen, and then force the people they refused to embrace, to pay for the illegals, and their stuff to boot.

Democrats have a hallowed place in this country. Leftists need to be ERADICATED from here, there, and everywhere!
Its Liberals who don't have the stomach for it. Every one of them is a coward and an ally of Jihadists.

Fuck Liberals.
And Fuck The Democrat Party.
They make America a dangerous place.

If you want an historical perspective, look at how they tried to keep us out of WW!!. Hell, Joseph Kennedy was an apologist for Hitler, along with most leading leftists. Leftists are INCOMPETENT! They would rather embrace any illegal alien, then their fellow countrymen, and then force the people they refused to embrace, to pay for the illegals, and their stuff to boot.

Democrats have a hallowed place in this country. Leftists need to be ERADICATED from here, there, and everywhere!

Well there was LBJ, Brown Root and Vietnam
If we are going to have to deal with fanatic's would we be better off if we had some cover, only 5 of the top jobs have been filled at the Pentagon out of 53, and only 2 filled at home land security out of 16. of course if we fill them with under or unqualified people we wont have gained much.
The problem is the elements in this country that flip out if Trump gets two scoops of ice cream.

We are in real trouble. The tribulations are upon us.
Sooner or later groups of citizens who wont wait for govt anymore will start individually taking action....treating it as the war it is. What happens at that juncture will reveal which side our govts are on.
Short of nuke war the FDR solution provides giudance.
Its Liberals who don't have the stomach for it. Every one of them is a coward and an ally of Jihadists.

Fuck Liberals.
And Fuck The Democrat Party.
They make America a dangerous place.

If you want an historical perspective, look at how they tried to keep us out of WW!!. Hell, Joseph Kennedy was an apologist for Hitler, along with most leading leftists. Leftists are INCOMPETENT! They would rather embrace any illegal alien, then their fellow countrymen, and then force the people they refused to embrace, to pay for the illegals, and their stuff to boot.

Democrats have a hallowed place in this country. Leftists need to be ERADICATED from here, there, and everywhere!

Well there was LBJ, Brown Root and Vietnam

Stupidity does not reside on one side of the aisle. Socialism does! Democrats are reasonable about the country. Socialists/leftists want to transform the country. The question is-------->are we gonna let them!
All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
Tough to bomb an "ism" out of existence. I think it has to be force and finesse both. Otherwise you will have an eternal war until you kill all 1.4 billion Muslims.

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