Let's face it. George Carlin is right. We don't have the stomach to fight fanatics.

All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
Tough to bomb an "ism" out of existence. I think it has to be force and finesse both. Otherwise you will have an eternal war until you kill all 1.4 billion Muslims.

Gotta start somewhere, what we're doing now isnt working
All the more reason to take the gloves off and end it. Get politicians and the spineless left out of it, turn it over to the military.
Tough to bomb an "ism" out of existence. I think it has to be force and finesse both. Otherwise you will have an eternal war until you kill all 1.4 billion Muslims.

Gotta start somewhere, what we're doing now isnt working
My own opinion is:

Use force, bomb them where we can.
Restrict their rights in our country and entrance to our country
Find a way to give terrorists a reason to live --- impel their governments to expand their middle classes so they have a stake in the system and a reason not to blow themselves up.

I don't think pursuing only one of these will work in the end.
If we are going to have to deal with fanatic's would we be better off if we had some cover, only 5 of the top jobs have been filled at the Pentagon out of 53, and only 2 filled at home land security out of 16. of course if we fill them with under or unqualified people we wont have gained much.
If der Gropenführer runs true to form, he'll appoint his wealthy friends to the best jobs, whether they have any creds at all. Just being obscenely rich is enough for this idiot.
Basically, this is what needs to be done and this is something that we are not allowed to do. Not with the media we have. No way.

This is what it will take, just to give an idea.


What a mistake it was to get involved in the ME when we overthrew the Shah of Iran in 1979.

What an unreal epic disaster it has been for the US from that point.

We do not, nor have we ever truly understood what it truly is to fight fanatics. How we don't know after countless terror attacks, especially after 911 is just beyond me.

We are nowhere with this. No one, not Trump, no one is truly committed to do what needs to be done to fight fanatics.

It is an eternal war. Pulling out of the ME, abandoning Israel, none of it will stop the attacks. Not until everyone converts to sharia, or dies.

It will never end. That is the hard truth we cannot handle.

We didn't overthrow the Shah - he was an ally. Oil involved us in the Middle East - oil gave vast wealth to the nations blessed with it. (On a side note Golda Meir was quoted as having once said, 'Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!')

Taking out the primarily secular Sadaam Hussein didn't cause Islamic fanatics, both Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran were relieved to see him go. Islam has always had it's share of fanatics (by western standards) Mohammed was a warrior and early Islam was spread throughout the middle east, northern Africa and parts of Europe by the sword, long before the resulting Christian crusades. Islam is more than a mere religion, it is also a ruling/governing authority. So yes war has been declared on us - and the two sects are at war with each other...each believing that only they are the true followers.

I think we need to be energy independent using all forms of energy, even to the point of exporting refined oil, natural gas, coal, etc. We need to be mindful of the folks we take in, look at the Somalian refugees - and let the Sunni's and Shiite's settle their family dispute on their own. Knowing that if we do both Russia and China may enter the fray, well Russia already has. Obama hasn't helped the situation with his disappearing red lines and mistaking the sidelines for the moral high ground.

There will be no reasoning with religious fanatics and Carlin is right - we don't have the stomach to do what they do...nor should we. I find it bizarre that the left so blithely denies, or casts blame on the west for, the worst of Islam because it is so violently opposed to everything they claim to hold dear. We're not talking a lack of wedding cakes here - we're talking a lack of life.

I do agree that nothing we can do will stop it because nothing we did started it. We can try to protect ourselves, and let the military play whack a mole when the opportunity presents itself.
Look at all the keyboard warriors here, describing how everyone else is a coward.

Their bravery and sacrifice warms our hearts, yes it does.

Do you have and war service and campaign badges? Naw, I didn't think so.

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