Let's Get Ready To RUMMMMMMBLE!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
The war of words between the President and former VP heated up again this morning. Biden claimed he'd take Trump behind the gym and "beat the hell out of him". Trump says Biden would "go down hard and fast, crying all the way".



So here's the tale of the tape.

Trump: 6'2" 236 lbs. Biden: 6' 180 lbs. Draft status: Trump "bone spurs". Biden: "asthma as a teenager". Neither served.

Ring record: Trump....1 fight, won Presidency. Biden: Twice defeated for presidency, chosen for VP as a harmless white man.

Prediction: The two septuagenarians would circle each other with scowls on their faces. Biden would leap forward, catch a right hand, hit the canvas and not move. Paramedics would race to his aid and he'd be transported to the nearest ER in a coma. Watch Vince McMahon catch his lunch:

Yea Biden would down like a ton of bricks, but they’re both stupid
The war of words between the President and former VP heated up again this morning. Biden claimed he'd take Trump behind the gym and "beat the hell out of him". Trump says Biden would "go down hard and fast, crying all the way".



So here's the tale of the tape.

Trump: 6'2" 236 lbs. Biden: 6' 180 lbs. Draft status: Trump "bone spurs". Biden: "asthma as a teenager". Neither served.

Ring record: Trump....1 fight, won Presidency. Biden: Twice defeated for presidency, chosen for VP as a harmless white man.

Prediction: The two septuagenarians would circle each other with scowls on their faces. Biden would leap forward, catch a right hand, hit the canvas and not move. Paramedics would race to his aid and he'd be transported to the nearest ER in a coma. Watch Vince McMahon catch his lunch:

Biden would drop trow and moon the audience and the President, proving how much of a sicko he is. Especially at his age, where he probably has wiped his ass for weeks...


He is showing how much of a real man he is when he takes the blue pill.

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School yard antics....good grief they need to grow up

Bah....nothing wrong with having a little fun....secretly you'd love to watch Trump kick Biden's scrawny ass and you know it.

I think everyone needs to get down to fixing what's ailing this nation and stop the BS....both sides
I think everyone needs to get down to fixing what's ailing this nation and stop the BS....both sides
The last time the flaming liberals got out of hand, good men had to step up and put them down.


I am a cancer survivor. The only way my cancer was cured was all of it was removed permanently from my body.

Liberalism is a Cancer
I don't care what party u belong to, or if u belong to one at all. Those who have Leftist or Liberal tendencies have truly changed the face of this country for the worse. Liberals have taken prayer from schools for all religions. They have taken the 10 Commandments from our public places. They have taken Christ out of Christmas. They have given the criminals rights and privilidges while taking away from the law abiding citizens. This country was founded on Christianity, just read our constitution and hear the language it uses. Its time we take it back. Enough is enough, the silent majority is beginning to stand up once again. Lets make our voices heard at the ballot box. That is the only language they understand, they being the politicians regardless of what party they are.
Detroit - Wealthiest city in the United States, in the 1950's. Ruined by liberalism.
Californication - Wealthiest State in the United States in the 1980's. Ruined by liberalism.
Venezuela - Sitting on gold and oil that would make that country very Rich. Ruined by liberalism.
Anyone see the common denominator?

I will lighten up when the cancer on society is gotten rid of..

I will lighten up when the cancer on society is gotten rid of..

Well, ya killed this thread alright....Here's a tip...we win by staying positive and keeping a sense of humor about it all. So how about you post your Dresden bombing and cancer story in your own OP next time....I'm here to have some fun.
I will lighten up when the cancer on society is gotten rid of..

Well, ya killed this thread alright....Here's a tip...we win by staying positive and keeping a sense of humor about it all. So how about you post your Dresden bombing and cancer story in your own OP next time....I'm here to have some fun.
we win by staying positive and keeping a sense of humor about it all.
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa.. Like the end of the world with "global Warming"? Or how funny it is that people who keep their own money need to be taxed more? Or when babies in or out of the womb are destroyed by CHOICE? Yes you are positively the worst fucking people on this planet, yet you never realize how fucked up you are.

The war of words between the President and former VP heated up again this morning. Biden claimed he'd take Trump behind the gym and "beat the hell out of him". Trump says Biden would "go down hard and fast, crying all the way".



So here's the tale of the tape.

Trump: 6'2" 236 lbs. Biden: 6' 180 lbs. Draft status: Trump "bone spurs". Biden: "asthma as a teenager". Neither served.

Ring record: Trump....1 fight, won Presidency. Biden: Twice defeated for presidency, chosen for VP as a harmless white man.

Prediction: The two septuagenarians would circle each other with scowls on their faces. Biden would leap forward, catch a right hand, hit the canvas and not move. Paramedics would race to his aid and he'd be transported to the nearest ER in a coma. Watch Vince McMahon catch his lunch:

Leftists constantly go to violence when you disagree with them being the fascists that they are
I will lighten up when the cancer on society is gotten rid of..

Well, ya killed this thread alright....Here's a tip...we win by staying positive and keeping a sense of humor about it all. So how about you post your Dresden bombing and cancer story in your own OP next time....I'm here to have some fun.
we win by staying positive and keeping a sense of humor about it all.
Bwaaaahhhhhaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa.. Like the end of the world with "global Warming"? Or how funny it is that people who keep their own money need to be taxed more? Or when babies in or out of the womb are destroyed by CHOICE? Yes you are positively the worst fucking people on this planet, yet you never realize how fucked up you are.

You're a real mental case ain't ya? Your dark fucking outlook doesn't make me a lib you moron....stay out of my threads.
The war of words between the President and former VP heated up again this morning. Biden claimed he'd take Trump behind the gym and "beat the hell out of him". Trump says Biden would "go down hard and fast, crying all the way".



So here's the tale of the tape.

Trump: 6'2" 236 lbs. Biden: 6' 180 lbs. Draft status: Trump "bone spurs". Biden: "asthma as a teenager". Neither served.

Ring record: Trump....1 fight, won Presidency. Biden: Twice defeated for presidency, chosen for VP as a harmless white man.

Prediction: The two septuagenarians would circle each other with scowls on their faces. Biden would leap forward, catch a right hand, hit the canvas and not move. Paramedics would race to his aid and he'd be transported to the nearest ER in a coma. Watch Vince McMahon catch his lunch:

All JB has to do is circle for a minute or 2 and Rump would Falk over dead from heart attack.
The war of words between the President and former VP heated up again this morning. Biden claimed he'd take Trump behind the gym and "beat the hell out of him". Trump says Biden would "go down hard and fast, crying all the way".



So here's the tale of the tape.

Trump: 6'2" 236 lbs. Biden: 6' 180 lbs. Draft status: Trump "bone spurs". Biden: "asthma as a teenager". Neither served.

Ring record: Trump....1 fight, won Presidency. Biden: Twice defeated for presidency, chosen for VP as a harmless white man.

Prediction: The two septuagenarians would circle each other with scowls on their faces. Biden would leap forward, catch a right hand, hit the canvas and not move. Paramedics would race to his aid and he'd be transported to the nearest ER in a coma. Watch Vince McMahon catch his lunch:

All JB has to do is circle for a minute or 2 and Rump would Falk over dead from heart attack.

This is all Joe Biden can circle.

School yard antics....good grief they need to grow up

Bah....nothing wrong with having a little fun....secretly you'd love to watch Trump kick Biden's scrawny ass and you know it.

Funny....Biden said 'in high school'

So he would have been 17-18 and Trump would have been about 13.

Sounds like a fair fight....we grow 'em tough in NY
You almost gotta laugh that everyone's crazy uncle Joe Biden gives a speech allegedly about violence and sexual abuse and then he threatens to beat up the President of the United States. If the MSM didn't cover for him, the world class groper (two brain embolisms) would have been laughed out of Washington and held for psychiatric examination.
You have to admit, this behavior needs to stop. The childish one up's, the tweets, they do not make him look good and are not the behavior you should expect from someone holding the office of President.

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