Let's not forget...

but don't you think reaping the benefits from owning Halliburton, would be like stealing from your fellow uscitizen taxpayers? I know it sounds silly, ridiculous and whatever.... but I knda look at it that way.

And I would be a hypocrite to support them, no matter what their return brought me, because I have complained about their waste of tax payers money, their no bid contracts, etc.... so, for me, it just would be wrong, to buy in to Halliburton's stock.....

But by all means, if ya didn't bitch about them day and night like I have in the past, go for it! :D


When other administrations used Halliburton I don't recall hearing this outrage.
When other administrations used Halliburton I don't recall hearing this outrage.
First, there was no outrage in my previous post.... I was just telling ya, how I felt and thought about it and why I couldn't buy in to them.

And, I have yet to see anyone provide a link or proof that Haliburton had a sizeable no bid contract during the Clinton administration, I have only heard the "right" mouth this... ;)

Secondly, no bid contracts for anything of sizable amounts is unethical and wrong for the tax payers.... it would be better if all companies could palce a bid and the lowest cost one, for the best service or product, would get the bid, the job.

Third- I believe that under Clinton, IF this did happen, which I still doubt :), there was NOT a conflict of Interest, as there was with Cheney and Halliburton.

Fourth- Just go to c-span and listen to the Iraq/Halliburton hearings in their Archives....they stole, yes stole billions from us tax payers....some they have offered to pay back, but the most of it "just evaporated"...to make a long story short.

Now your side, has chosen to support this theft of theirs, JUST BECAUSE they would be fighting a Democrat... and could give a hoot of the scumminess of Halliburton and how they treated our troops over there... I choose not to do that, because Halliburton/KBR stole us blind and had insiders within the gvt that pushed their agenda through...like people in the Army Corps of Engineers, and the one women of 20 years experience that spoke out on the corruption, was fired....

So yes, from the hearings on Capital hill, and all the minutia that I have read about their doings, I have no desire to invest in them.

Now THAT was a rant on Halliburton :D

First, there was no outrage in my previous post.... I was just telling ya, how I felt and thought about it and why I couldn't buy in to them.

And, I have yet to see anyone provide a link or proof that Haliburton had a sizeable no bid contract during the Clinton administration, I have only heard the "right" mouth this... ;)

Secondly, no bid contracts for anything of sizable amounts is unethical and wrong for the tax payers.... it would be better if all companies could palce a bid and the lowest cost one, for the best service or product, would get the bid, the job.

Third- I believe that under Clinton, IF this did happen, which I still doubt :), there was NOT a conflict of Interest, as there was with Cheney and Halliburton.

Fourth- Just go to c-span and listen to the Iraq/Halliburton hearings in their Archives....they stole, yes stole billions from us tax payers....some they have offered to pay back, but the most of it "just evaporated"...to make a long story short.

Now your side, has chosen to support this theft of theirs, JUST BECAUSE they would be fighting a Democrat... and could give a hoot of the scumminess of Halliburton and how they treated our troops over there... I choose not to do that, because Halliburton/KBR stole us blind and had insiders within the gvt that pushed their agenda through...like people in the Army Corps of Engineers, and the one women of 20 years experience that spoke out on the corruption, was fired....

So yes, from the hearings on Capital hill, and all the minutia that I have read about their doings, I have no desire to invest in them.

Now THAT was a rant on Halliburton :D


Check it out
That is the biggest load of fucking shit I have never been bothered to read.The first line or three numbed my fucking brain, leading me to believe this thread was meant for the shit hole.Bye, bye.
First, there was no outrage in my previous post.... I was just telling ya, how I felt and thought about it and why I couldn't buy in to them.

And, I have yet to see anyone provide a link or proof that Haliburton had a sizeable no bid contract during the Clinton administration, I have only heard the "right" mouth this... ;)

Secondly, no bid contracts for anything of sizable amounts is unethical and wrong for the tax payers.... it would be better if all companies could palce a bid and the lowest cost one, for the best service or product, would get the bid, the job.

Third- I believe that under Clinton, IF this did happen, which I still doubt :), there was NOT a conflict of Interest, as there was with Cheney and Halliburton.

Fourth- Just go to c-span and listen to the Iraq/Halliburton hearings in their Archives....they stole, yes stole billions from us tax payers....some they have offered to pay back, but the most of it "just evaporated"...to make a long story short.

Now your side, has chosen to support this theft of theirs, JUST BECAUSE they would be fighting a Democrat... and could give a hoot of the scumminess of Halliburton and how they treated our troops over there... I choose not to do that, because Halliburton/KBR stole us blind and had insiders within the gvt that pushed their agenda through...like people in the Army Corps of Engineers, and the one women of 20 years experience that spoke out on the corruption, was fired....

So yes, from the hearings on Capital hill, and all the minutia that I have read about their doings, I have no desire to invest in them.

Now THAT was a rant on Halliburton :D


It is certainly true that during a two year period Halliburton’s revenue from Defense Department contracts doubled. However, that increase in revenue occurred from 1998 to 2000 - during the Clinton administration.

In 1998, Halliburton's total revenue was $14.5 billion, which included $284 million of Pentagon contracts. Two years later, Halliburton’s DoD contracts more than doubled.

Regarding the Iraq contracts, Halliburton was accused by Democrats of receiving special "no-bid" contracts because of Cheney’s influence. One advertisement by the Democrats charged, "Bush gave contracts to Halliburton instead of fighting corporate corruption."

FactCheck.org an organization which ascertains the validity of political campaign advertisements researched this accusation. According to FactCheck, "The Bush administration is doing a fair amount to fight corporate corruption, convicting or indicting executives of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco International, Worldcom, Adelphia Communications Corporation, Credit Suisse First Boston, HealthSouth Corporation and others, including Martha Stewart. The Department of Justice says it has brought charges against 20 executives of Enron alone, and its Corporate Fraud Task Force says it has won convictions of more than 250 persons to date. Bush also signed the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in 2002, imposing stringent new accounting rules in the wake of the Arthur Andersen scandal."

When Factcheck.org checked the facts about allegations by Democrats that there was a scandal because of the "no-bid" contracts awarded to Halliburton they stated, "It is false to imply that Bush personally awarded a contract to Halliburton. The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding. In fact, the notion that Halliburton benefited from any cronyism has been poo-poohed by a Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, who was administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration. ‘One would be hard-pressed to discover anyone with a working knowledge of how federal contracts are awarded...who doesn't regard these allegations as being somewhere between highly improbable and utterly absurd,’ Kelman wrote in the Washington Post last November." (Emphasis added.)

The Center for Public Integrity another public interest group also investigated the purported scandal of the Halliburton "no-bid" contracts. They wrote:

In Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) has been awarded five contracts worth at least $10.8 billion, including more than $5.6 billion under the U.S. Army's Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) contract, an omnibus contract that allows the Army to call on KBR for support in all of its field operations. When the Army needs a service performed, it issues a "task order," which lays out specific work requirements under the contract…From 1992 to 1997, KBR held the first LOGCAP contract awarded by the Army, but when it was time to renew the contract, the company lost in the competitive bidding process to DynCorp after the General Accounting Office reported in February 1997 that KBR had overrun its estimated costs in the Balkans by 32 percent (some of which was attributed to an increase in the Army's demands). KBR (obtained) the third LOGCAP contract in December 2001…n November 2002 the Army Corps of Engineers tasked KBR to develop a contingency plan for extinguishing oil well fires in Iraq…[O]n March 24, 2003, the Army Corps announced publicly that KBR had been awarded a contract to restore oil-infrastructure in Iraq, potentially worth $7 billion. The contract KBR received…would eventually include 10 distinct task orders. KBR did not come close to reaching the contract ceiling, billing just over $2.5 billion…The contract was awarded without submission for public bids or congressional notification. In their response to congressional inquiries, Army officials said they determined that extinguishing oil fires fell under the range of services provided under LOGCAP, meaning that KBR could deploy quickly and without additional security clearances.

another internet find, what the fucks the matter with an honest opinion based upon something you thought of yourself, or is that too far removed from fucking reality?

I am often accused of not getting involved in political argument and for once I will tell you why........It is personal and needs no evidence or witness, it is opinion and whenever it is posted without, it is dismissed, I have opinion and my opinion transcends borders and political party's, I base my politics on what I believe we can do for we.
So many people harp on the pre-war assertion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that none have been found to date. This is not what Iraq was accused of. Iraq was accused of not complying with resolution 1441 and more importantly resolution 687.

As outlined in 687, Iraq was to destroy it WMD under international supervision. Iraq still had these weapons when inspectors left in 1998, and these weapons were neither destroyed or accounted for.

It clearly stated in 687 "Iraq shall submit to the Secretary-General, within fifteen days of the adoption of the present resolution, a declaration on the locations, amounts and types of all items specified in paragraph 9 and agree to urgent, on-site inspection as specified below". They have not fully complied on this matter.

It also stated that they would "destroy, remove or render harmless" all chemical and biological weapons & ballistic missiles with a range greater than one hundred and fifty kilometers." They were found to be in material breach with their ballistic missiles and have not fully complied with chemical weapons and biological weapons. Why did they not destroy these weapons in front of inspectors OR account for their destruction? Where did the missing biological weapons go? If they were destroyed, why not account for them?

There are plenty that like to state that this is an "illegal war". I guess they conveniently forgot that authorization was granted in 1990! Yes, thats right, these shenanigans with trying to get Iraq to come clean have been going on for nearly 15 years. Here is part of the original resolution:

"resolution 678 (1990) authorized Member States to use all necessary means to uphold and implement its resolution 660 (1990) of 2 August 1990 and all relevant resolutions subsequent to resolution 660 (1990) and to restore international peace and security in the area"

It was up to Iraq to hand over the weapons or account for their destruction, they had not. As written in previous resolutions, it was up to Iraq to end repression to it's civilian population, they had not. It was up to Iraq to return or cooperate in accounting for Kuwaiti and other 3rd world country detainees, they had not.

Iraq had breached so many resolutions that I don't even have enough space here to list them all. So you can claim all you like that we haven't found WMD yet, and I still believe we will, but lets not forget the resolutions they laughed at and ignored.

This is almost sad. Sad to see Bush fans still desparately tossing out justifications for a war that will cost this nation over a trillion dollars in taxpayer money, and tens of thousands of dead and wounded american soliders. An invasion that had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11, or al qaeda.
another internet find, what the fucks the matter with an honest opinion based upon something you thought of yourself, or is that too far removed from fucking reality?

I am often accused of not getting involved in political argument and for once I will tell you why........It is personal and needs no evidence or witness, it is opinion and whenever it is posted without, it is dismissed, I have opinion and my opinion transcends borders and political party's, I base my politics on what I believe we can do for we.

It is piss poor opinion when the reality is the claim made is simply NOT true. The claims against Haliburton are FALSE and the proof is being provided. That you can not bother to learn truth or reality is very telling and lets us all know how good your "opinion" is.
So many people harp on the pre-war assertion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and that none have been found to date. This is not what Iraq was accused of. Iraq was accused of not complying with resolution 1441 and more importantly resolution 687.

doniston and jillian will argue that they have a right to possess nukes.
After all, America is an evil empire and deserves to be obliterated.
doniston and jillian will argue that they have a right to possess nukes.
After all, America is an evil empire and deserves to be obliterated.

Didn't you put others on ignore because they assumed what you thought?

What a surprise...you are a complete hypocrite.
Larkinn is on my list for not contributing anything intelligent to conversations.

This is the third or 4th time you've needed to state that I was on ignore...but yet you somehow know when I am replying to you and when I am not. But regardless...nobody really gives a fuck about your opinion of me. And really...you should learn to debate better.
Larkinn will remain on my list until they learn how to debate instead of getting personal.

Its easy- stick to a topic without name calling.
The War on Terror is NOT just about 9/11 nor Osama Bin Laden. If you actually had a working brain cell you would already know that.
You are right, it is not about 911. IT IS ABOUT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is all smoke and mirrors.
Larkinn will remain on my list until they learn how to debate instead of getting personal.

Its easy- stick to a topic without name calling.

Cry me a river. Get a thicker skin, especially if you are going to espouse the bullshit you have been.
doniston and jillian will argue that they have a right to possess nukes.
After all, America is an evil empire and deserves to be obliterated.
Combining those two statements makes you idiotic.

Yes, I think they they have just as much right to nukes as we do---but I doubt Jillian would agree.

And America would be obliterated because Iran might have nukes?. my, my, you have some imagination.

Is your name perhaps "Chicken Little?"

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