Leviathan (Comics): American Doctors/Dangers


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The term 'leviathan' refers to a mystical giant sea-beast signifying fear and chaos and philosophical uncertainty.

The political philosopher Thomas Hobbes borrowed the term 'leviathan' in his 1651 work Leviathan, which explored the uncertainties of governance under conditions where human instincts to rebel against authority created natural currents of political upheaval. Man's nature was to reinvent!

The noir American comic book superhero Batman (DC Comics) is a socialite named Bruce Wayne by day and a secret/undercover masked-vigilante by night, tackling criminally-insane terrorists such as Scarecrow (a fear-toxin wielding sociopath) and Poison Ivy (a beautiful but dangerous female eco-terrorist) in a fictional place called Gotham City.

Gotham City represents modern urban consciousness and 'metropolis' and Batman represents modern angst regarding governance-disarray.

One of Batman's adversaries is Ra's al Ghul, a fascist and pseudo-immortal terrorist whose cunning but sensitive daughter Talia heads a criminal underworld organization called Leviathan(!).

Leviathan (DC Comics) is an intricate and relentless terrorism-oriented pseudo-jihadist organization willing to brainwash homeless children/orphans and have them serve as urban assassins for the greater cause of complete capitalism revolution. Talia is the shrewd 'head' of Leviathan.

Leviathan (DC Comics) is a storytelling-totem of modernism paranoia regarding the presence of anarchy in a civilization heavily-invested in commerce-and-traffic based democracy (and peace). Talia al Ghul's Leviathan is to America what Neo-Nazi groups are to Europe (a 'vestige' of anti-governance paranoia).

Since America is confounded by capitalism challenges (e.g., 'TrumpUSA'), we can consider why Talia al Ghul's Leviathan reminds us of general commercial vanities, which is important to consider when answering the question, "Does modern capitalism foster patriotism or simple piracy?"

It's interesting to note how modern storytelling represents 'raw-nature consciousness.'



"As Talia al Ghul developed her team of dark ninjas who were now obedient to her Leviathan crusade, she was confident that her secret new criminal organization (Leviathan) was the ultimate hightower of revolution in the modern Gotham City corrupted (rather deeply) by capitalism corruption. Talia kidnapped a number of homeless children/orphans from Europe and brought them to Gotham to complement her impressive criminal organization. Leviathan was a new 'regime' and not even Batman (Bruce Wayne) was sure what Talia would do next(!). Talia and Leviathan were devoted to subverting 'TrumpUSA' and making Gotham a 'lighthouse' of pure fury."


"As we all know, Batman (Bruce Wayne) was once engaged to Talia al Ghul and they had a son together (Damian Wayne) whom Batman was grooming to take over his lucrative company Wayne Industries and perhaps even serve Gotham as a masked-vigilante himself named Robin or Nightwing. Batman worried about Talia's mental health and the moral dangers her terrorism-crusade was putting her in, separating her spiritually (perhaps forever) from her beloved son Damian. However, Talia was devoted to Leviathan and the only things that concerned her was why a newly-established Burger King in Afghanistan was hardly the right cure to modern capitalism-woe related geopolitical instability. Batman knew he couldn't simply call his anti-American ex-wife (Talia) and say, 'Let's put aside our terrible democratic differences and enjoy a delicious personal pan-pizza at Pizza Hut'!"


"America was a hub of industrial ambitions and commercial production. American companies such as McDonald's, Microsoft, Mattel, and Marshalls were totems of capitalism flowery, which is exactly what Talia's Leviathan despised and targeted. Batman even theorized that Leviathan may have been linked to Osama bin Laden during the 9/11 destruction of the precious World Trade Center in NYC(!). Talia's main purpose was to expose the downright gluttony of modern capitalism, but Batman knew Talia's brand of anti-social fury was not conductive to any kind of productive democratic dialogue. Batman suspected Leviathan would try to assassinate President Donald Trump...and he was right!"


GOD: Talia al Ghul is very clever...
SATAN: Leviathan is an impressive 'monster.'
GOD: Will Gotham City be a lighthouse or an apocalypse?
SATAN: Batman wants to 'redeem' Talia (for their son Damian).
GOD: I doubt Batman is entirely-thrilled about Damian becoming a vigilante.
SATAN: Batman knows crime-fighting is a necessity, and he's grooming Damian.
GOD: Talia is more devoted to Leviathan than to commercial standards or family-values.
SATAN: I fear Leviathan will be responsible for something worse than 9/11.
GOD: The threat of terrorism and biochemical warfare unnerves our sense of governance.
SATAN: The Trump Administration will have to negotiate all kinds of commerce-pacts.
GOD: This is the age of Wall Street, the World Bank, and Walgreens after all...
SATAN: Can Batman be a 'good doctor' for America?
GOD: Batman (Bruce Wayne) understands the intricacies of capitalism-governance.
SATAN: Batman needs to convince Talia that capitalism is not incompatible with democracy!
GOD: Perhaps Wayne Industries can hype Monopoly (Parker Brothers) --- the board-game.
SATAN: Yes, Monopoly is a real-estate fantasy board-game symbolizing patriotism.
GOD: Capitalism can be fun, but it can also promote piracy and wolfish behaviors.
SATAN: Talia al Ghul is the opposite of Mother Teresa...
GOD: Batman has to be like Sherlock Holmes...
SATAN: Will the modern American city crumble under the pressures of negotiation?
GOD: It all depends on how President Trump addresses the issue of 'media-imagination.'
SATAN: Yes, modern media is like a giant 'image-dome.'




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