LGBT people are here to stay

The world's greatest movie director

LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
"LGBT people are here to stay." As we all know, they have always been here, just forced into 'the closet.' Now we are an evolved society and need to recognize and accept reality, accept people as they are. Back as far as Hitler and before, fascists--political, social or religious-- have tried to kill off homosexuals. They are a percentage of the human race and must be accepted as such. We are all God's children.
The social issue you are missing here is a certain percentage of faggots would argue that a tranny is not a true faggot. Which makes his group even smaller.
"Heil Hitler!"


Accept people as they are. We are all God's children.
I never said I could not accept him you fucking moron. I pointed out people inside the lbgt community will not accept that choice. As for your Hitler shit? Go fuck yourself!
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
"LGBT people are here to stay." As we all know, they have always been here, just forced into 'the closet.' Now we are an evolved society and need to recognize and accept reality, accept people as they are. Back as far as Hitler and before, fascists--political, social or religious-- have tried to kill off homosexuals. They are a percentage of the human race and must be accepted as such. We are all God's children.
The social issue you are missing here is a certain percentage of faggots would argue that a tranny is not a true faggot. Which makes his group even smaller.
"Heil Hitler!"


Accept people as they are. We are all God's children.
I never said I could not accept him you fucking moron. I pointed out people inside the lbgt community will not accept that choice. As for your Hitler shit? Go fuck yourself!
Charles Bronson is rolling in his grave.
I asked you once before Matthew , if you were male, female, transgender. You never responded.

Shall I ask again?
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
Ms. Kitty, the vast majority of the populace does not give a fuck about your mews for attention.
I wish no harm to a transgenderd person. I feel sorry for anyone that feels the need to mutilate their body, but as long as they are an adult they can do what they want. I don't agree with males using the female restroom though, and I believe Target received a lot of negative feedback for their stance. I didn't grow up using the bathroom with my father or brother, and I certainly don't want a strange male with me either.
You're either for freedom or fascism.

That is all I will say.
Yet you start numerous threads while angry about lgbt issues and your contempt for religion. So therefore, I can only come to the conclusion that you are female transgendered to male since your name is masculine.

Being angry at people who go with their own faith either in support of you or against you isn't helping your cause..whatever that is.

And, most don't like being told to choose a side. Personally, I don't care what you do in the bedroom, or what you do with your body. I do care that you want to FORCE me to conform to what YOU think I should think and feel and accept. That is the issue.
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
Ms. Kitty, the vast majority of the populace does not give a fuck about your mews for attention.
No-one believes you speak for the majority of Americans.
Muslims, however, are a different lot and for sure the majority of them think like you.


15 year-old Syrian boy being thrown from rooftop by ISIS for being gay
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
Ms. Kitty, the vast majority of the populace does not give a fuck about your mews for attention.
No-one believes you speak for the majority of Americans.
Muslims, however, are a different lot and for sure the majority of them think like you.


15 year-old Syrian boy being thrown from rooftop by ISIS for being gay
Bye, bye Mew Kitty. :(
I had a roomie a couple of years ago when I still had the house. He was from Syria. Gay. Moved in with his partner. He was cooking in the kitchen one night and didn't have his shirt on. Scars all over his back..big nasty gnarly ones. MANY. From lashings. They were going to kill him, but his mom smuggled him out and to the states. He was in NY for awhile, then came to California where he met his boyfriend. They moved in with us until they got a place in Los Angeles (they are big in all those contests and get paid to test out new games too).

I miss them.
Historically, gays have had to keep their sexual orientation secret. Nowadays human rights are beginning to be respected, thankfully.
There is no “right” to be a filthy, disgusting, immoral pervert; and there is most certainly no “right” to compel sane, decent people to play along with such perversion.
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Recent antics from the LGBpbiWTF bunch make it very tempting—as disagreeable as we otherwise find the extreme violent Islamists to be—to think that they at least have the right idea about how to deal properly with faggots, trannies, and similar perverted filth.

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