Liberal Head Explosion Time: Bernie-Led Progressive 'TEA Party'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After the 2nd disastrous Liberal election implosion / defeat, snowflakes have resorted to trying to forge their own Liberal / Progressive 'TEA Party' to attain the same level of success Conservatives gained from the original TEA Party.

If you CAN'T beat them... 'JOIN' THEM! :p

Progressives are planning their own Tea Party led by Bernie Sanders

"While the bulk of progressive America is still flailing about in disbelief over the election of Donald Trump, a group of progressives is aggressively cobbling together a plan to obstruct the president-elect’s policy goals using the 2009 Tea Party uprising against President Barack Obama as a blueprint. However, there is one principal difference: Unlike the anti-Obama Tea Party, which did not have an identifiable single leader, the progressive movement plans to rally around an open socialist: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I).

Of course, progressives have attempted to replicate the political success of the Tea Party before. The abortive and largely ineffectual Occupy Wall Street movement was intended to be a progressive response to the Tea Party effort, but even after being lavished with generous media coverage, Occupy Wall Street petered out without any lasting political impact."
After the 2nd disastrous Liberal election implosion / defeat, snowflakes have resorted to trying to forge their own Liberal / Progressive 'TEA Party' to attain the same level of success Conservatives gained from the original TEA Party.

If you CAN'T beat them... 'JOIN' THEM! :p

Progressives are planning their own Tea Party led by Bernie Sanders

"While the bulk of progressive America is still flailing about in disbelief over the election of Donald Trump, a group of progressives is aggressively cobbling together a plan to obstruct the president-elect’s policy goals using the 2009 Tea Party uprising against President Barack Obama as a blueprint. However, there is one principal difference: Unlike the anti-Obama Tea Party, which did not have an identifiable single leader, the progressive movement plans to rally around an open socialist: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I).

Of course, progressives have attempted to replicate the political success of the Tea Party before. The abortive and largely ineffectual Occupy Wall Street movement was intended to be a progressive response to the Tea Party effort, but even after being lavished with generous media coverage, Occupy Wall Street petered out without any lasting political impact."

---- Do any of the Bernie bots know TEA Party means Taxed Enough Already?
I'm glad its Bernie. I like Bernie. At least he is honest--he admits he's a Socialist (Of course, like these hypocritical Bolsheviks are prone to do when they get up a flock of half-wit sheep, he just bought his third house...on a lake.)

Heartland Americans who want to see this Coastal/College/RottingCity Coalition of Fools and Assholes fail miserably will want The Bern out there talking his shit.

We already have that rankest of all fools, Nancy Pelosi back in harness; we have that Embarrassment to Pocahontas, that ranting loon from Massachutts...the one who flails her arms like she is trying to fly off while she rails. She's out there raving like a maniac to anyone who can't get away from her. We need her working Florida--the Panhandle.

We need to get this Muslim Bigot into running the Democratic Party...Keith Ellison...used to call himself Keith Mohammed. He's set to be the head man in the Democratic Party. That's our man.

The Bern, Pocahontas, Pelosi, Ellison/Mohammed---those are the folks us rustics need telling us what is good for us, because we are too stupid to figure it out ourselves.

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania---all in real need of more instruction from Bolshevik Loons like this group of clowns.....bring them on, please...the Democratic Party go the way of the Edsel.
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After the 2nd disastrous Liberal election implosion / defeat, snowflakes have resorted to trying to forge their own Liberal / Progressive 'TEA Party' to attain the same level of success Conservatives gained from the original TEA Party.

If you CAN'T beat them... 'JOIN' THEM! :p

Progressives are planning their own Tea Party led by Bernie Sanders

"While the bulk of progressive America is still flailing about in disbelief over the election of Donald Trump, a group of progressives is aggressively cobbling together a plan to obstruct the president-elect’s policy goals using the 2009 Tea Party uprising against President Barack Obama as a blueprint. However, there is one principal difference: Unlike the anti-Obama Tea Party, which did not have an identifiable single leader, the progressive movement plans to rally around an open socialist: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I).

Of course, progressives have attempted to replicate the political success of the Tea Party before. The abortive and largely ineffectual Occupy Wall Street movement was intended to be a progressive response to the Tea Party effort, but even after being lavished with generous media coverage, Occupy Wall Street petered out without any lasting political impact."

You do know what the TEA in TEA Party means, right? LMAO

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