Liberal Washington state softening and pu$$ifying its police academy! Yay! Hugs and kumbaya!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
States Retool Police Training Amid Scrutiny

Leave it to good liberals in Washington state....or as the article says..."progressive police chiefs" have a knee jerk reaction and soften police academy.

Used to be that when an instructor or officer or prosecutor walked cadets would stand at attention, salute and part the hall or room. A show of respect and discipline. KNOW who is in charge...and for the cadets...its not them.

No more. None of that. Now...they have to start up a nice conversation. No salute. No snap to attention. Just talk....hey...maybe about global warming!

The hand to hand and weapons training the for decades that instructors taught to KEEP THEM ALIVE....nah....soften that up too.

You see...unlike what the folks in the military and martial arts and violent sports have known for years....liberals know that the best way to train a human for surviving and performing in a violent encounter is NOT intense and realistic training and discipline and a mental will to win.

No. Its it out. Hug it out if possible. Keep a passive and accommodating mindset in the fight. You'll win and survive. We promise.

Every cop graduating from one of these new liberalized academies....better be ex military or an ex athlete in a violent sport....or enroll in some serious martial arts gym. Or they're gonna get hurt or killed.
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and you think that's a bad thing?


You know what militaries are for, right?
And you know what police are for, right?

Article says "focus on officer safety.......didnt feel right to progressive chiefs".
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and that's a bad thing?


Yes. It is a bad thing. Its not about military. Hell...American football is strongly influenced by militarized culture and thinking.

Its about:
Winning a violent encounter
Order and chain of command
Performance under high stress

How else do you prepare a human in the above 4 areas....other than the way sports and martial arts and...yes...military. ..has done it? Intense and disciplined training is the ONLY way.
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and that's a bad thing?


Yes. It is a bad thing. Its not about military. Hell...American football is strongly influenced by militarized culture and thinking.

Its about:
Winning a violent encounter
Order and chain of command
Performance under high stress

How else do you prepare a human in the above 4 areas....other than the way sports and martial arts and...yes...military. ..has done it? Intense and disciplined training is the ONLY way.

So you think policing is about violence and struggle.
That explains a lot.

The role of a military is to make war. So you actually think police are there to make war on the people.
That explains a lot too. Mostly affirms the same things.

By George I think we've just hit the nail on the head of the entire police polarization problem -- in five posts. :eusa_dance:

Now then -- how do we fix it?
For example.....

When should a police recruit experience being punched in the face...likely for the first time?
A) in his first fight on patrol with a violent felon
B) in the academy...with a trained instructor

When should a police recruit first experience being shot at and reacting properly?
A) the first time hes shot at on patrol
B) at the academy with simmunition bullets that hurt but dont kill with instructors to critique

Its bizarre when this is even a discussion.
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and that's a bad thing?


Yes. It is a bad thing. Its not about military. Hell...American football is strongly influenced by militarized culture and thinking.

Its about:
Winning a violent encounter
Order and chain of command
Performance under high stress

How else do you prepare a human in the above 4 areas....other than the way sports and martial arts and...yes...military. ..has done it? Intense and disciplined training is the ONLY way.

So you think policing is about violence and struggle.
That explains a lot.

The role of a military is to make war. So you think police are there to make war.
That explains a lot too. Mostly affirms the same things.

By George I think we've just hit the nail on the head of the entire police problem, in five posts. :eusa_dance:

Now then -- how do we fix it?

Wow. Um....yes. A cop will experience violence and fighting. Are you serious??? What do you think it is? I did it for nearly a decade. A cop will get into fights...often. Violent felons like to fight.
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and that's a bad thing?


Yes. It is a bad thing. Its not about military. Hell...American football is strongly influenced by militarized culture and thinking.

Its about:
Winning a violent encounter
Order and chain of command
Performance under high stress

How else do you prepare a human in the above 4 areas....other than the way sports and martial arts and...yes...military. ..has done it? Intense and disciplined training is the ONLY way.

So you think policing is about violence and struggle.
That explains a lot.

The role of a military is to make war. So you think police are there to make war.
That explains a lot too. Mostly affirms the same things.

By George I think we've just hit the nail on the head of the entire police problem, in five posts. :eusa_dance:

Now then -- how do we fix it?

Wow. Um....yes. A cop will experience violence and fighting. Are you serious??? What do you think it is? I did it for nearly a decade. A cop will get into fights...often. Violent felons like to fight.

And who or what makes them go violent in the first place?
Come on, you can figure this out....

Meanwhile this trip is interesting inasmuch as last week you were on this board crying the blues about Asheville PD relaxing its higher education standards. Now you're whining that somebody else is backing the military flavor down. Which way you wanna go here?
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.
Uh -- can you define this here term "pu$$sify"?

I take it they're going less pseudomilitary --- and that's a bad thing?


Yes. It is a bad thing. Its not about military. Hell...American football is strongly influenced by militarized culture and thinking.

Its about:
Winning a violent encounter
Order and chain of command
Performance under high stress

How else do you prepare a human in the above 4 areas....other than the way sports and martial arts and...yes...military. ..has done it? Intense and disciplined training is the ONLY way.

So you think policing is about violence and struggle.
That explains a lot.

The role of a military is to make war. So you think police are there to make war.
That explains a lot too. Mostly affirms the same things.

By George I think we've just hit the nail on the head of the entire police problem, in five posts. :eusa_dance:

Now then -- how do we fix it?

Wow. Um....yes. A cop will experience violence and fighting. Are you serious??? What do you think it is? I did it for nearly a decade. A cop will get into fights...often. Violent felons like to fight.

And who or what makes them go violent in the first place?
Come on, you can figure this out....

Meanwhile this trip is interesting inasmuch as last week you were on this board crying the blues about Asheville PD relaxing its higher education standards. Now you're whining that somebody else is backing the military flavor down. Which way you wanna go here?
:popcorn: wrong for wanting cops who meet higher education standards and who go through tough training for discipline and performance under stress. Such a crazy idea.
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

The infantryman facing off with ISIS is in a WAR. The cop dealing with a burglar -- not so much. But of course he can certainly escalate it in that direction if he wants to -- or if he doesn't know any better.

Or he can find a way to handle it without that war stance. If he knows how.

Seems to me we tend to get the former --- not so much the latter.
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The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

Not at all. But most cops will encounter a violent criminal who will attack them...sometimes with a weapon. Some cops experience that often depending where they work. And some do it daily. At Atlanta PD I worked Zone 3. And that precinct dealt with violent gangs every single day.

So let me ask you....when that bright eyed 22 year old woman joins the police academy....and her parents ask you how she'll be trained to survive those encounters....what will you say?

"OH folks....we're gonna train her to smile and offer a hug to the alleged offender and we'll give her a whistle she can blow. Mmmkay?"
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

Not at all. But most cops will encounter a violent criminal who will attack them...sometimes with a weapon. Some cops experience that often depending where they work. And some do it daily. At Atlanta PD I worked Zone 3. And that precinct dealt with violent gangs every single day.

Still waiting for the answer as to why that violent criminal would attack them. What exactly brings it on?

Here's your hint: I'm going for the disease here -- not just the symptom.
Because violent criminals are violent.

Gee sus! You really can't be this stupid.
lol, Glad I don't live there. I hope the people living There likes being used as LAB RATS for their elected Guberment asses
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

Not at all. But most cops will encounter a violent criminal who will attack them...sometimes with a weapon. Some cops experience that often depending where they work. And some do it daily. At Atlanta PD I worked Zone 3. And that precinct dealt with violent gangs every single day.

Still waiting for the answer as to why that violent criminal would attack them. What exactly brings it on?

Here's your hint: I'm going for the disease here -- not just the symptom.

Um...because the violent criminal:
- Doesnt want to go to jail for his crime
- Just wants to kill some cops do you train a human employed as a cop to win that encounter?
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

Not at all. But most cops will encounter a violent criminal who will attack them...sometimes with a weapon. Some cops experience that often depending where they work. And some do it daily. At Atlanta PD I worked Zone 3. And that precinct dealt with violent gangs every single day.

Still waiting for the answer as to why that violent criminal would attack them. What exactly brings it on?

Here's your hint: I'm going for the disease here -- not just the symptom.

Um...because the violent criminal:
- Doesnt want to go to jail for his crime
- Just wants to kill some cops do you train a human employed as a cop to win that encounter?

1 - not wanting to go to jail does not automatically beget "violence". Mostly it begets flight.
2 - do you actually believe it's entirely on one party?

Cops are not military; they're supposed to be 'protecting and serving' the public. You may think they are soldiers on some fantasy field of battle but cops who think they're out to vanquish the public are the root of the whole Überpolizei syndrome -- drunk on power, smitten with unchecked authoritarianism.

Seems to me what it takes to be a good cop is not a college degree or a military mindset, but people skills. When you can defuse a potentially crazy situation -- and truly be a peace officer -- then you should get your accolades. But when you set up situations to be confrontational standoffs where the Greater Violence Wins ...... you're part of the problem. In way too many cases, you're creating the problem.

Stop creating confrontations, and you'll have a lot fewer of them to deal with.
States Retool Police Training Amid Scrutiny

Leave it to good liberals in Washington state....or as the article says..."progressive police chiefs" have a knee jerk reaction and soften police academy.

Used to be that when an instructor or officer or prosecutor walked cadets would stand at attention, salute and part the hall or room. A show of respect and discipline. KNOW who is in charge...and for the cadets...its not them.

No more. None of that. Now...they have to start up a nice conversation. No salute. No snap to attention. Just talk....hey...maybe about global warming!

The hand to hand and weapons training the for decades that instructors taught to KEEP THEM ALIVE....nah....soften that up too.

You see...unlike what the folks in the military and martial arts and violent sports have known for years....liberals know that the best way to train a human for surviving and performing in a violent encounter is NOT intense and realistic training and discipline and a mental will to win.

No. Its it out. Hug it out if possible. Keep a passive and accommodating mindset in the fight. You'll win and survive. We promise.

Every cop graduating from one of these new liberalized academies....better be ex military or an ex athlete in a violent sport....or enroll in some serious martial arts gym. Or they're gonna get hurt or killed.
Isn't the whole point to get them killed? Otherwise it makes no sense.
The cops arent military and they arent "making war".

But tell me....

An Army infantryman tries to take an ISIS terrorist into custody in Iraq...and the terrorist fights.
A Texas cops tries to take a cartel member...or lately a terrorist. ..into custody and he fights.

Would you say the same principles of human fighting will lead to a successful outcome for both? Uniforms and labels and borders are irrelevant to what it takes to train a human to survive and win a violent encounter.

Are you trying to say that most of what a cop deals with is terrorism and gangs?

Because I could pass this on to a whole lot of cops I see doing nothing remotely like that.

Not at all. But most cops will encounter a violent criminal who will attack them...sometimes with a weapon. Some cops experience that often depending where they work. And some do it daily. At Atlanta PD I worked Zone 3. And that precinct dealt with violent gangs every single day.

Still waiting for the answer as to why that violent criminal would attack them. What exactly brings it on?

Here's your hint: I'm going for the disease here -- not just the symptom.

Um...because the violent criminal:
- Doesnt want to go to jail for his crime
- Just wants to kill some cops do you train a human employed as a cop to win that encounter?

1 - not wanting to go to jail does not automatically beget "violence". Mostly it begets flight.
2 - do you actually believe it's entirely on one party?

Cops are not military; they're supposed to be 'protecting and serving' the public. You may think they are soldiers on some fantasy field of battle but cops who think they're out to vanquish the public are the root of the whole Überpolizei syndrome -- drunk on power, smitten with unchecked authoritarianism.

Seems to me what it takes to be a good cop is not a college degree or a military mindset, but people skills. When you can defuse a potentially crazy situation -- and truly be a peace officer -- then you should get your accolades. But when you set up situations to be confrontational standoffs where the Greater Violence Wins ...... you're part of the problem. In way too many cases, you're creating the problem.

Stop creating confrontations, and you'll have a lot fewer of them to deal with.

You obviously have no clue about the real world we live in.

Cops arent waitresses. How should a cop "serve" a violent felon who refuses to go to jail...or worse...seeks out violence on a cop?
He should serve a 125 grain lead/copper sandwich at 1,450 ft/sec on rye with mayo, onion and Monterey Jack.

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