Liberals Attacked McCains War Record...Two Faced Slime Balls Love Him Now


May 23, 2014
10,714 let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Dems are scumbags, that's for sure. Even venerated icons like John Lewis demonstrate a level of situational hate that draws everything they say into question. He Tweets after McCain's death that he was a "warrior for peace" but when McCain was running against Obama, Lewis said that McCain was spewing the kind of hate that bombs little Black girls in church . . .

As reported in Politico back in 2008:

"Civil rights icon and Georgia congressman John Lewis is accusing John McCain and Sarah Palin of stoking hate, likening the atmosphere at Republican campaign events to those featuring George Wallace, the segregationist former governor of Alabama and presidential candidate. McCain's campaign has responded with a statement in the candidate's name, urging Barack Obama to repudiate Lewis's comments.

"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement issued today for Politico's Arena forum. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

Lewis didn't accuse McCain of imitating Wallace, but suggested there were similarities.

"George Wallace never threw a bomb," Lewis noted. "He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights. Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.""​ let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Right so in your tiny mind this means it was okay what Trump said about McCain.

“But, but, but OBAMA LIBERALS DERP!” let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Evidently, not EVERY Democrat attacked McCain's war record. In fact, very few IMHO. Those who did were rejected by fellow Dems and were seen as ideologues to be avoided. Just as McCain rejected the fears of the duped woman who succumbed to the Obama smears of the day.
From the article linked:
"Barack Obama indirectly denounced Clark during a speech on patriotism, and his campaign later issued a statement saying Obama "rejects" the remarks. But Rogers was unmoved: "We've learned we need to wait and see what Sen. Obama actually does, rather than take him at his word."

Also, the article cites oppo tactics by Republicans, which McCain rejected too: pre-birther even
"As Obama and his surrogates should know, any chance McCain has to talk about his military service is a net positive for the Arizona senator, especially if it's in the context of an "attack." So far in the campaign, Obama has been hogging all the umbrage. He started a site to refute e-mail smears; he took offense when a Republican congressman referred to him as "that boy"; he cries foul every time someone uses his middle name. Now McCain gets to show that Obama's not the only one being attacked unfairly."
and let me just add this about the bone spur dodger...

40239130_2280455385380836_5586462291164921856_n.png let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Right so in your tiny mind this means it was okay what Trump said about McCain.

“But, but, but OBAMA LIBERALS DERP!”

It means the left are hypocrites and now love McCain only because he and Trump were feuding.

If Trump and McCain got along, they would not be fawning over McCain. That’s the issue, and you know it.

I don’t agree with what Trump said about doesn’t mean I wish HIllary was President.

Trump says some provocative things. Get a helmet. let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.

Clark in Context

By Christopher Beam

I just wanted to provide a little context to my piece about the losing line of argument against John McCain's military service. As a reader points out, Wesley Clark didn't go out of his way to say the line about McCain getting shot down -- Bob Schieffer prompted him. Here's the full context from the Face the Nation transcript:

Clark: He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in Air- in the Navy that he commanded, it wasn't a wartime squadron. He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall. He hasn't seen what it's like when diplomats come in and say, 'I don't know whether we're going to be able to get this point through or not. Do you want to take the risk? What about your reputation? How do we handle it-'

Bob Schieffer: Well-

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: ' -it publicly.' He hasn't made those calls, Bob.

Bob Schieffer: Well, well, General, maybe-


Bob Schieffer: Could I just interrupt you. If-


Bob Schieffer: I have to say, Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down. I mean-

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President.

Bob Schieffer: Really?!

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: But Barack is not, he is not running on the fact that he has made these national security pronouncements.

This doesn't change the point that Clark -- and others before him -- doubt the value of McCain's service for a commander-in-chief. But the context does make Clark's quote sound less like an "attack" than an answer to a question.

Clark in Context
Again. If McCain was a Trump supporter, none of this canonization from the left would be happening.

We all know it....on both sides.

Literally everyone knows this is a political show.

That’s what makes it so disgusting.
Yet nothing about what McCain did to Trump first. Two wrongs don’t make a right. But leaving the first wrong out is , well wrong. let me get this straight. In 2008 when McCain was running against the liberals eternal godhead Obama...his war record was to be criticized because Obama never served his nation in uniform. But after the “thumbs down” ego trip by McCain...liberals loved him. Just goes to show that liberals are shallow political hacks who will flip on a dime.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Right so in your tiny mind this means it was okay what Trump said about McCain.

“But, but, but OBAMA LIBERALS DERP!”
and let me just add this about the bone spur dodger...

View attachment 213942
Did your black messiah serve? How about when he attended that expensive private school in Hawaii?


Fucking loser.

Did clinton? When?

Fucking loser.
Mr/Ms owl, A lot of people failed to answer the call to serve in that Godawful war. I do not comment about that.

But to avoid the draft and then call someone who DID NOT avoid service takes them to a new level, or should I say depth, of disgust. There are many today who still suffer the horrible effects of their service, and the return home after all they went thru was a shameful part of American history. Even Nixon sneaked them home thru the back door, so to speak. No parades, no honors, no protection from unwarranted slanders. And now a dodger who continues to minimize the service of an honorable man while whining he is being picked on, yet tweets like one of the 'mean girls', this is (ahem) deplorable! I have long resented Trump, this just re-affirms.
This is just another attempt in a long line of endless attempts by media scum to influence an election. Nothing more. Just like the monkey business in Florida. Liberals cannot win if they don't distort, lie, cheat, steal, and possibly murder.

Look at this:


But now that they can use the dead guy against Trump, he's great again. MMGA! Make McCain Great Again.
This is just another attempt in a long line of endless attempts by media scum to influence an election. Nothing more. Just like the monkey business in Florida. Liberals cannot win if they don't distort, lie, cheat, steal, and possibly murder.

Look at this:

View attachment 213959

But now that they can use the dead guy against Trump, he's great again. MMGA! Make McCain Great Again.
Those mags are Murdock rags. For God's sake, you cite publications that wallow in slime as documentation? Mike, you're better than that. These guys would slime Jesus Christ to sell at supermarkets. Even the fringes chuckle at them. And AMI (National Enquirer) is solid Republican. Can I expect the Daily News is at least red-ish?
This is just another attempt in a long line of endless attempts by media scum to influence an election. Nothing more. Just like the monkey business in Florida. Liberals cannot win if they don't distort, lie, cheat, steal, and possibly murder.

Look at this:

View attachment 213959

But now that they can use the dead guy against Trump, he's great again. MMGA! Make McCain Great Again.
Those mags are Murdock rags. For God's sake, you cite publications that wallow in slime as documentation? Mike, you're better than that. These guys would slime Jesus Christ to sell at supermarkets. Even the fringes chuckle at them. And AMI (National Enquirer) is solid Republican. Can I expect the Daily News is at least red-ish?
Sure it is trash
The point still stands though that liberals are using McCain to slam trump.
This is just another attempt in a long line of endless attempts by media scum to influence an election. Nothing more. Just like the monkey business in Florida. Liberals cannot win if they don't distort, lie, cheat, steal, and possibly murder.

Look at this:

View attachment 213959

But now that they can use the dead guy against Trump, he's great again. MMGA! Make McCain Great Again.
Those mags are Murdock rags. For God's sake, you cite publications that wallow in slime as documentation? Mike, you're better than that. These guys would slime Jesus Christ to sell at supermarkets. Even the fringes chuckle at them. And AMI (National Enquirer) is solid Republican. Can I expect the Daily News is at least red-ish?
Sure it is trash
The point still stands though that liberals are using McCain to slam trump.
Mike, it's more like collateral damage. If one honors McCain, there is no way to not offend Trump. Trump went out of his way to make McCain a target in an effort to make himself look good. Trump put down McCain's captivity because McCain wasn't loyal to Trump instead of to his country as McCain saw it. And let's face it, McCain never suffered fools. One of my fondest memories of McCain is a debate during the 2K campaign. Callers were invited to ask the candidates questions, and one of the callers was Karl Rove who tried to get a pledge from each of the candidates to commit to a giant tax cut. Rove was on a screen and most of the others agreed to pledge. What I do not forget is the look of utter disdain McCain gave to Rove when it was his turn to respond, saying something about assessing the situation before any promises, but implying that Rove has more guts than brains and who does he think he is anyway.

I voted for McCain in the 2K primary, but the party chose Bush. It was my last Republican vote.

There's no room in Dodge (or DC) for both of them today. One of the has to get out of town
The real unsung hero was McCain's tumor; the poor little guy sacrificed its own life to remove a much larger tumor (old pyramid-cheeks McCain himself) from humanity. One of the most despicable creatures in congressional history. When that pillar-necked pig was first diagnosed with cancer, I wish I had been there with a straw to drink the tears off his pasty, horribly misshapen face. As a facsimile of a human being, McCain was just as repellent to be as Obamaggot and that swine's degrading death is the best news all year.
Again. If McCain was a Trump supporter, none of this canonization from the left would be happening.

We all know it....on both sides.

Literally everyone knows this is a political show.

That’s what makes it so disgusting.
The left are just a bunch of political flip-floppers.

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