Liberals & Labour: In The Same Boat- The Titanic


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The British Labour Party and our Democrat/Liberal Party suffer from the same weakness: they don’t understand that

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone” Matthew 4:4

Or…even earlier iteration:
3 And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone….” Deuteronomy 8:3

There is something else mankind needs.

2. For the secular mind, bread….representative of material things…are the only things. Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real, hence the overarching need to have everyone economically equal.

“The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.”
Dennis Prager

The brutal loss by Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party should give pause to the impeachment fanatics, and with good reason. Both Libs and Labour share the same materialist view. And it is sorely wanting…as Labour just found.

The following is by a British voter, one who always voted Left….but he recognized what was missing from materialism. In it there is a lesson for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

3. “…the British working-class was not, in the end, willing to throw its weight behind a London-centric, youth-obsessed, middle-class party that preached the gospels of liberal cosmopolitanism and class war…. the so-called Red Wall to have crumbled so spectacularly underlines the sheer scale of the failure…. no surprise to anyone who was paying attention and wasn’t blinded by ideology or fanaticism.

4. …in the local and European elections, Labour haemorrhaged support in several working-class communities across the north and Midlands. But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us. [And the Trump victory in 2016.]

5. They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough …. they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.” Is this the end for Labour? - UnHerd

Are you Liberals listening?

6. Brit Labour, and our Democrat Party….they stand for the same things.

'There's a real similarity': Corbyn gets rousing support from Bernie Sanders
'There's a real similarity': Corbyn gets rousing support from Bernie Sanders

This is what both Labour and the Democrats stand for, and share with an earlier iteration.

"We can see that all elements of the socialist ideal--the abolition of private property, family, hierarchies; the hostility toward religion--could be regarded as a manifestation of one basic principle: the suppression of individuality.... All this is inspired by one principle--the destruction of individuality or, at least, its suppression to the point where it would cease to be a social force. " Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich

Had he lived, Igor could lead the Democrats, or Labour.
You've heard 'History doesn't repeat itself...but it sure does rhyme.'
That couldn't sum up the devastating defeat of the Labour Party in the UK, and apply to the up-coming American presidential election.

7. This former Labour voter explains what voters want, and it isn’t just a hand-out.

“They want politicians to respect their way of life, and their sense of place and belonging; to elevate real-world concepts such as work, family and community over nebulous constructs like ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusivity’.

By immersing itself in the destructive creed of identity politics and championing policies such as open borders, Labour placed itself on a completely different wavelength to millions across provincial Britain without whose support it simply could not win power. In the end, Labour was losing a cultural war that it didn’t even realise it was fighting.”
Is this the end for Labour? - UnHerd

“… work, family and community over nebulous constructs like ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusivity’. “

You listening, Democrats?
8. The explanation for Labour’s dramatic loss, he goes on, also relates to Brexit. This, essentially is our situation with the Left’s desire for open borders, which is what Britain would have if it remained in the EU.

Our Democrat Party wants open borders, so they can have illegal alien votes.

The voters don’t want it…..the Democrat Party, does.

“Brexit provided an opportunity for the party to reconnect with its traditional base, to show working-class voters that it understood their priorities and was on their side. But it flunked the test, choosing to indulge its own membership rather than appeal to those whose votes it needed. Its decision to support a second referendum spelled electoral suicide.
There could be no greater signal to the disaffected millions in the party’s old heartlands that it did not represent them or respect their democratic wishes. From that moment, the writing was on the wall.”
Is this the end for Labour? - UnHerd

Our Democrat Party is the Labour Party.

Looks like the Labour loss is one they will share.....and for many of the same reasons.
9. “The political earthquake in the election across the Atlantic, where conservatives won in a landslide, has sent shock waves to the Democratic candidates for president here. The media reports that Great Britain voters embraced Brexit and rejected socialism in handing the British Labour Party its worst defeat since before World War II.

But it is dubious that Brexit, which stands for Britain exiting the European Union, caused lifelong Labour Party voters to abandon the party of their ancestors for the first time. Rather, it is more likely that social issues are what drove the working class voters to send their elected officials to an early retirement.

Like the Democratic Party here, the Labour Party has become controlled by the university elite and by big cities.
starkly different social views which come from that. University professors supported Jeremy Corbyn with enthusiasm, just as they have supported the unjustified impeachment of President Trump.

…LGBT+ issues. At the so-called PinkNews Awards ceremony, he thrilled the audience by emphasizing the pronouns by which he would like to be referred,…. All the Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed the Equality Act, which would render it illegal to use the wrong pronoun in the workplace.”
Not Just Brexit
10. Both Labour and the Democrats have assumed the doctrines of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.
These are not Anglo-American views.

Although speaking to his Labour Party, the author tells the Democrats how to become American again:

“It must rekindle a politics of belonging built around shared values and common cultural bonds. And, crucially, it must be unremittingly post-liberal in perspective and policy development.

… stop treating the traditional working-class as though they were some kind of embarrassing elderly relative. It must learn to respect those who, for example, voted for Brexit, oppose large-scale immigration, want to see a tough and effective justice system, feel proud to be British, support the reassertion of the role of the family at the centre of society, prefer a welfare system to be based around reciprocity – something for something – rather than universal entitlement, believe in the nation state, and do not obsess about multiculturalism or trans rights.”
Is this the end for Labour? - UnHerd


Its the same message voters gave the Democrat Party in 2016, electing Trump.
"Americans, particularly supporters of President Trump, are transfixed by Boris Johnson’s ability to remain on top of the greasy pole of politics — despite the divisions allied against him at the general election. Even Vice President Joe Biden has got in on the action with the epiphany that Mr. Johnson’s trouncing of Labor’s Jeremy Corbyn bodes ill for merchants of socialism and anti-Semitism."

Democrats/Liberals/Progressives need to read the tea leaves.
11. “Issues of transgenderism and abortion can cause a voter to abandon the party of his parents and grandparents. Churchgoing voters, of whom there are still many in Britain outside of the big cities, heard from their clergy that Corbyn was going too far in his calls for abortion-on-demand.

Catholic bishops in Wales told voters to make respect for human life their top priority, after Labour Party leaders pledged to repeal current laws and replace them with unlimited access to abortion.

In Wales alone, the Welsh Conservative Party took six seats in Parliament which had been held by the Labour Party.

Gender politics played so often by Democrats in the United States was disproven in Wales, where three of the victorious conservative challengers were women.

The Democratic presidential candidates here who parrot the social stances of Corbyn may feel the same angst amid their rejection by voters. The real “mess” is in liberal political parties which have allowed themselves to be taken over by university elites.” Not Just Brexit

Now.....which party will this impact more in November?
12. Democrat candidates for President have announced what they stand for.

Can anyone with a brain vote for what the Democrat Party stands for???

1. America would fall back to this:
“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

2. The hard working American taxpayer would pay for illegal alien's healthcare

3. There'd be no penalty for sneaking over the sovereignty.

4. The world's worst state sponsor of terrorism would have nuclear weapons.

5. Infanticide, post-birth abortion, would be legalized

6. Taxes would be increased and tax cuts reversed

7. Sharia would become de rigueur

8. Free speech would be outlawed as 'hate speech.

9. Jewish persons would have to find shelter elsewhere

10. We could look forward to the end of private health insurance, reparations for slavery and drug dealers, financial security for those who ‘don’t care to work,’ abortion rights for 'transwomen (men), and packing the Supreme Court.

11. The abolition of prisons so that convicted criminals would be free to prey on innocent citizens. ."AOC Wants to Abolish Prisons

...saying that lawmakers needed to explore the mass release of America's prison population.

Oh....and this....

12. Abortion rights for men

13. Special laws that favor transgender illegal aliens

14. “All the Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed the Equality Act, which would render it illegal to use the wrong pronoun in the workplace.” Not Just Brexit

Can you see the handwriting on the wall?
"Disraeli-like, Mr.[Boris] Johnson is forging links “in what were once the Labour heartlands of the Northern and Midland working classes,” Madsen Pirie muses. The new premier is appealing to “the basic patriotism they embrace.” Touching on Boris’s bravado, the venerable co-founder of the Adam Smith Institute characterizes the Prime Minister’s message one of “an independent and proud Britain that stands up to bullying and threats from overseas.”

Already there are signs of a dynamic, new Conservative ministry."
Britain Enters A Long Overdue Neo-Disraelian Moment

America follows.
1.The British Labour Party and our Democrat/Liberal Party suffer from the same weakness: they don’t understand that

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone” Matthew 4:4

Or…even earlier iteration:
3 And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone….” Deuteronomy 8:3

There is something else mankind needs.

2. For the secular mind, bread….representative of material things…are the only things. Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real, hence the overarching need to have everyone economically equal.

“The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.”
Dennis Prager

The brutal loss by Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party should give pause to the impeachment fanatics, and with good reason. Both Libs and Labour share the same materialist view. And it is sorely wanting…as Labour just found.

The following is by a British voter, one who always voted Left….but he recognized what was missing from materialism. In it there is a lesson for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives.

3. “…the British working-class was not, in the end, willing to throw its weight behind a London-centric, youth-obsessed, middle-class party that preached the gospels of liberal cosmopolitanism and class war…. the so-called Red Wall to have crumbled so spectacularly underlines the sheer scale of the failure…. no surprise to anyone who was paying attention and wasn’t blinded by ideology or fanaticism.

4. …in the local and European elections, Labour haemorrhaged support in several working-class communities across the north and Midlands. But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us. [And the Trump victory in 2016.]

5. They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough …. they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.” Is this the end for Labour? - UnHerd

Are you Liberals listening?

Great post
"Speaking before an Edinburgh audience in 1867 — Scotland wasn’t always adverse to Tories — Disraeli disparaged Liberals as a “combination of oligarchs and philosophers who practice on the sectarian prejudices of a portion of the people.”

Conservatism, in contrast, is “formed of all classes, from the highest to the most homely.” Its purpose? To uphold Britain’s institutions that are “in theory, and ought to be in practice, an embodiment of the national requirements and the security of the national rights.”

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