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Libs Post Get Well Messages Toward Tony Snow

Liberal love? Hardly. But you know what makes you different from a left-wing extremist spouting rhetoric?


Why is it ppoliticlahacks like you can't understand a concept as simple as political extremism doesn't help either side, it widens the divide. You've seen me go after liberal bullshit like a bluetick hound, so you can stick that "liberal love" where the sun don't shine.

But I'm smart enough, and objective enough to see that moderates on both sides can usually compromise -- which means everybody but the extremists are happy. Tough shit for you and your ilk. All we have to do is figure out how to get the joystick out of y'all's bureaucracy-perpetuating death grip.

Moderates? You mean the ones who can't decide what side of an issue they support?

So far you remind me of those on Daily Koss and Progessivesonline. They throw around phrases like "your ilk" very often
I ask several time to point out where I have lied or posted something untrue and all I get is the same thing from him

The same thing I get form libs who cannot tell me where I lied

Lighten up for goodeness sakes

Here is another example of liberal love and compassion. These are actual comments from the Washington Post.com comment section regarding Tony Snow's cancer returning

Your opening statement. Support with factual evidence that the e-mails in the Washington Post were (1) from liberals, and (2), that the sentiments expressed in those e-mails in any way expresses liberal idealism.

You can't. I'd call THAT a lie.
Nobody said you outright "lied".. But, just because 6 or 8 libs say/do something "wrong", you've painted the whole damned side of the political fence, and THAT is a load of shit.. I think it was called "lying by omission".. You're purposely leaving out the fact that what you're posting are extreme situations, and are in fact posting them as if they're normal every day occurences.. I know quite a few Libs, and they're NOTHING like what you describe here.

The one I know are very much like them. Paul Revere for one who graces this board with his charm
Moderates? You mean the ones who can't decide what side of an issue they support?

So far you remind me of those on Daily Koss and Progessivesonline. They throw around phrases like "your ilk" very often

Life isn't black and white.
Moderates? You mean the ones who can't decide what side of an issue they support?

Ummm....no ..... moderates are people who don't think that everyone who don't believe as they do should be burned at the stake.

You've tried your dismissive, bullshit definition of "moderate" on me before and it isn't going over anymore now than it did then.

So far you remind me of those on Daily Koss and Progessivesonline. They throw around phrases like "your ilk" very often

You remind me of Michael Moore, jst standing on the other side of the fence.
Yes, one cannot be to judgemental can one?

You have a sister. Your sister was raped by a man with aids. Your sister is 16 years old, and now pregnant. Mentally, she's gone. This screwed her up so bad that she can't function as a normal human being. She has just told you she's getting an abortion.

What do you do?
You have a sister. Your sister was raped by a man with aids. Your sister is 16 years old, and now pregnant. Mentally, she's gone. This screwed her up so bad that she can't function as a normal human being. She has just told you she's getting an abortion.

What do you do?

I would offer to raise and support the child. I would do my best to change her mind. As long as she is able to make the decision (I do not take the statement 'mentally she is gone' all the way) I would let her decide
I would offer to raise and support the child. I would do my best to change her mind. As long as she is able to make the decision (I do not take the statement 'mentally she is gone' all the way) I would let her decide

Sounds pretty-fucking liberal to me, Al Franken. mr I Hate Libs is pro-choice? Say it ain't so!!!:eusa_clap:
You have a sister. Your sister was raped by a man with aids. Your sister is 16 years old, and now pregnant. Mentally, she's gone. This screwed her up so bad that she can't function as a normal human being. She has just told you she's getting an abortion.

What do you do?

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Shattered again
Sounds pretty-fucking liberal to me, Al Franken. mr I Hate Libs is pro-choice? Say it ain't so!!!:eusa_clap:

Aborton is murder plain and simple. Unlike libs, it is a baby, not a mass of protoplasma. Libs fully supprt the butcher shops right to do business
I would offer to raise and support the child. I would do my best to change her mind. As long as she is able to make the decision (I do not take the statement 'mentally she is gone' all the way) I would let her decide

You spend practically 24/7 on HERE slamming libs. HOW are you going to raise a baby with aids? Why should that child be forced to live with something that's going to kill it? Why would you make your sister carry that child to term, with the knowledge of HOW she got pregnant..

Oh, and you can't let HER decide - that's a LIB trait. Abortion is wrong, period. Under ALL circumstances.
You spend practically 24/7 on HERE slamming libs. HOW are you going to raise a baby with aids? Why should that child be forced to live with something that's going to kill it? Why would you make your sister carry that child to term, with the knowledge of HOW she got pregnant..

Oh, and you can't let HER decide - that's a LIB trait. Abortion is wrong, period. Under ALL circumstances.

Who died and made you boss to decide who lives and who dies?
Who died and made you boss to decide who lives and who dies?

DING! DING! DING! FUCKING DING! YOU, my dear, have just dropped in to the "it's not all black and white - there are exceptions" category.

You're not as right wing as you think, since you're NOW pro-choice. You're leaving that CHOICE up to your sister, remember?
Now.. while we're here.. Make up your mind.. Are you going to force her to have the baby, because no matter the circumstance, abortion is wrong, or are you going to let her make the decision?

You can't have it both ways - which is it?
Now.. while we're here.. Make up your mind.. Are you going to force her to have the baby, because no matter the circumstance, abortion is wrong, or are you going to let her make the decision?

You can't have it both ways - which is it?

Since this thread has gone way off topic (I am to blame as well) let me get it back on topic

More liberal love for Tony from the lovable libs at the Dialy Kos

I Don't Care About Tony Snow
by WinSmith
Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 11:06:12 AM PDT
Time and again I watch us bend over backwards on this site to prove to the wingnuts that we don't wish death on Dick Cheney and we feel for Tony Snow's cancer.

We do this to prove we're better than the rage fueled xenophobic racists that drive the republican swamp and fuel the Drudge-driven fear machine.

And I agree with this. We aren't the hate spewers we see time and again validated by the gatekeepers on the right. Those frothing, rage filled keyboard warriors who start wars and hate Mexicans, Arabs and non-Christians with spittle flying passion.

But why do I have to pretend I'm "praying" for Tony Snow?

Daily Kos Help

Lots of people with cancer have two young kids. My father has two kids. Do you care about my father? Why the hell should we care about Tony Snow?

by WinSmith on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 11:07:56 AM PDT

[ Parent ]

...do you want to see his father on TV? Do you want to see an endless parade of people who work with his father on TV? Do you want to see doctors who have never treated his father on TV talking about his father's cancer? Do you want to see the opinions of people on the street who have never heard of his father on how they feel his father's having cancer has "touched their lives"?

Yes, it's too bad Tony Snow has cancer. Moving on...

by dave1021 on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 12:12:40 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

well, no (7+ / 0-)

We can pray that Tony Snow will live as long as he would live naturally given this cancer in relative health, but that on the day he was fated to die anyway he will pop like Mr. Creosote while standing right next to Bush and Cheney at a Cabinet meeting. Can we all agree on that?

(For the humor-impaired, the point is: this argument is a bit silly unless you think that one prayer, if it does anything at all, really does crowd out another. Can't God get extra temp help if necessary for the busy periods?)

My apologies to students who took my U.S. Government class in the 90s: evidently the Constitution doesn't limit Presidential power after all. Who knew?

by Major Danby on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 03:15:31 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

Tony Snow... sadly the world may be better off without him, just as it would without a great many people like him. It's a strange conundrum -- you don't want to wish death on anyone, but you know that the world would likely, if not certainly be better off without the type of person that would choose to take the side of those willing to kill and abuse otherwise ordinary people in efforts to make money for themselves and their friends.

What's a mother to do?

Change is inevitable, embrace it.

by The House on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 08:49:09 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

i do not wish him ill. but he has received the last bit of my attention he will ever get. like lee atwater before him, he has wasted his life in service to evil for the sake of his own power, prestige, and monetary gain.

there's no reason I should waste my beautiful mind on such things, as babs bush might say.

Capitalism is the most barbaric of all religions. - Mark Stewart

by RabidNation on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 01:45:51 PM PDT

[I'm not saying I agree with the diarist. At the moment, I have no empathy for Tony Snow. At the same time, I am a human, subject to all the inexplicable emotional reactions that plague our species. Were I to go into the hospital tomorrow and share a room with Mr. Snow, I'd have empathy for him.

To return to the question at hand, it seems that what the military swears to do and what they actually do diverged quite a long time ago. If it read as follows, it would be more honest by at least an order of magnitude and would force a reexamination of what it means to "support the troops:"

I, {insert name here}, do solemnly swear, (or affirm), that I will do what the POTUS says.

by berkeleymathematician on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 02:38:07 PM PDT

[ Parent ]

It's better to be honest about less than noble... (8+ / 0-)
Recommended by:anna, vivacia, RabidNation, webweaver, viscerality, mooshter, kestrel9000, bricoleur
...sentiments than to mask them with false piety.

I don't wish ill on Snow, nor do I hate him. I have sympathy for his predicament, and for his family in the abstract; cancer is a horrible disease that ravages millions of families.

That is a far cry from uttering prayers to the invisible cloud being, or otherwise occupying my mind with concern over this. It's an abject waste of my limited existence. There are far more important things to worry about at this point -- perhaps not for Snow himself, but certainly for everyone else. The truth is, I don’t think about it, and once this diary drops off the front page, I’ll be moving on to something else.

Respect is not unconditional, and I have no respect for fascist shills and apologists.

"A triviality is a statement whose opposite is false; a great truth is one whose opposite is another great truth." -- Niels Bohr

by Autarkh on Tue Mar 27, 2007 at 02:40:11 PM PDT

Really. Tony Snow is/was an enabler of a ruthless lying bunch of murdering corporatist criminals (the bushies).

Tony Snow's boss has murdered over 600.000 Iraqis.

He gets nothing from me. I would not walk across the street to give him a kick in the head.

You have a sister. Your sister was raped by a man with aids. Your sister is 16 years old, and now pregnant. Mentally, she's gone. This screwed her up so bad that she can't function as a normal human being. She has just told you she's getting an abortion.

What do you do?
Take her to the Nunnery were she'll be cared for and put the baby up for adoption.
Roberts to McCain: “Your Party Was in Charge” When Cancer Spending Was Cut
Posted by Matthew Balan on March 28, 2007 - 17:45.
John McCain was making the rounds on the network and cable news channel morning shows on Wednesday. During his appearance on "American Morning," substitute host John Roberts tried to lay a guilt trip on the Arizona Senator when he brought up the current hot topic of cancer (McCain received treatment for melanoma in 2000). His first question resorted to the old left-wing cliche that throwing more money at a problem will lead to a solution.

ROBERTS: Again this year, in the next budget, President Bush has proposed to cut funding for the National Cancer Institute. I was on their web site this morning and noticed that for all the major cancer groups, spending on research has gone down for the past two years. Your party was in charge during that time. How did you let it happen?

McCain couldn't immediately confirm Roberts' claim. After touching on the cancer issue briefly, Roberts went on to issue of Iraq. Roberts mentioned McCain's appearance on Bill Bennett's radio program on Monday, where he commented on the improving situation in some parts of Baghdad. Subsequently, Roberts also read a quote from a new report by retired general Barry McCaffrey that appeared to contradict McCain's claim that things were getting better in Baghdad.

McCain's response:

MCCAIN: The fact is that the neighborhoods are safer and every indicator of that - the number of bodies found, the number of deaths - the fact is that we are making progress. It's still dangerous, it's still a long way to go, but the fact is that things have improved, and much of that you do not get to the American people and that's just a fact. And in the Anbar province, the sheikhs are cooperating. There's significant progress in [the] Maliki government, legislating things that need to be done. I watched you on, I think, Sunday, where you said you didn't know whether there was progress or not. I think there's progress and I get briefed all the time as to what's going on there. I believe that this new strategy is succeeding, and I think it deserves a chance to do so.

McCain had been critical of the media's coverage of the Iraq war on Tuesday's "Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer as well, which was directly referenced in Roberts' interview with the senator.

Between this appearance and his grilling on ABC's "Good Morning America," it should pretty clear to Senator McCain that the mainstream media have their targets set on him for his support of the Iraq War.


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