Light Waves..WTF????

I have a hard time buying that light changes back and forth from a particle to energy and back again without being acted upon by some force or thing.

What if everything is always in some form of string state and thus always being acted upon by aspects of the matter/energy force in a transitive movement?

If we are all part of the vibration of power. If we are simply just forms of energy and matter each in their own state of transitional change, then the force just is...

I find it interesting that G-d said I am that I am. I am one. And the power that we are getting closer and closer to defining, is one as well and everything that is in our universe is either matter or energy or some form of transition of the two.

It all seems rather elegant to me as it is an order out of chaos.

Here is an interesting twist...What if we discover that light accelerates?

Does light accelerate into gravity? Light is a constant? How then can we accelerate it past its constant? We do that. How? Because it is only a constant in our frame of reference.

So, your question is a good one. :razz:

Me...I don't do much sci-fi. When I tackle the tough questions I like to think I'm heading somewhere useful.

When I read sci-fi it is for enjoyment. I am not tackling anything tough at that time. I don't even want to think too deeply at all. I want relaxation and the enjoyment of someone's mind and views.

Actually, the earliest experiments at the LHC have seemed to disprove string theory. We might have to put our money elsewhere.
Actually, the earliest experiments at the LHC have seemed to disprove string theory. We might have to put our money elsewhere.

Of course, the information changes and so do the postulations and theories. Prevailing is the definitive word.

Even so, the string of movement is the prevailing view. Until something better comes along. This is always the case.

We stand on the shoulders of our best thinkers. Nothing is static.

Regarding putting our money elsewhere.

Until we find an elsewhere, I put forwards that we are on track to find it. :lol:
All other waves in nature need a medium to propagate. How do light and other pure energy and electromagnetic waves maintain integrity in the vacuum of space with no medium to interact with?

Google answer is lame...

"electromagnetic waves do not need any medium because they don't transfer energy through the medium. sound on the other hand just transfers energy to the air molecules making them vibrate and transfer energy to adjacent molecules etc till they reach your ear."

One would think that photons would just disperse randomly without any inhibiting factor. The same should go for all radiated energy.

Anybody know a believable answer to this question?

I do.

All other waves in nature need a medium to propagate. How do light and other pure energy and electromagnetic waves maintain integrity in the vacuum of space with no medium to interact with?

Google answer is lame...

"electromagnetic waves do not need any medium because they don't transfer energy through the medium. sound on the other hand just transfers energy to the air molecules making them vibrate and transfer energy to adjacent molecules etc till they reach your ear."

One would think that photons would just disperse randomly without any inhibiting factor. The same should go for all radiated energy.

Anybody know a believable answer to this question?

I do.


Noted. There are many that can't or don't question "what is" preferring to accept it is already in "the plan". Me not so much. I like to think the human brain can assemble enough clues to bust any question down to a workable solvable level. That is the road we are on in this thread. Feel free to speculate the question. You can ALWAYS fall back on God. This is one of those rare opportunities to step up without ridicule and expand your process.
I have a hard time buying that light changes back and forth from a particle to energy and back again without being acted upon by some force or thing.

What if everything is always in some form of string state and thus always being acted upon by aspects of the matter/energy force in a transitive movement?

If we are all part of the vibration of power. If we are simply just forms of energy and matter each in their own state of transitional change, then the force just is...

I find it interesting that G-d said I am that I am. I am one. And the power that we are getting closer and closer to defining, is one as well and everything that is in our universe is either matter or energy or some form of transition of the two.

It all seems rather elegant to me as it is an order out of chaos.

Does light accelerate into gravity? Light is a constant? How then can we accelerate it past its constant? We do that. How? Because it is only a constant in our frame of reference.

So, your question is a good one. :razz:

Me...I don't do much sci-fi. When I tackle the tough questions I like to think I'm heading somewhere useful.

When I read sci-fi it is for enjoyment. I am not tackling anything tough at that time. I don't even want to think too deeply at all. I want relaxation and the enjoyment of someone's mind and views.

Actually, the earliest experiments at the LHC have seemed to disprove string theory. We might have to put our money elsewhere.
Could you source that, please?

Also, by 'sting theory'- which 'string theory' do you mean?

or do you mean M-theory, which united them all?

Last time I heard an update:
Physical Reality Of String Theory Shown In Quantum-critical State Of Electrons
What if everything is always in some form of string state and thus always being acted upon by aspects of the matter/energy force in a transitive movement?

If we are all part of the vibration of power. If we are simply just forms of energy and matter each in their own state of transitional change, then the force just is...

I find it interesting that G-d said I am that I am. I am one. And the power that we are getting closer and closer to defining, is one as well and everything that is in our universe is either matter or energy or some form of transition of the two.

It all seems rather elegant to me as it is an order out of chaos.

Does light accelerate into gravity? Light is a constant? How then can we accelerate it past its constant? We do that. How? Because it is only a constant in our frame of reference.

So, your question is a good one. :razz:

When I read sci-fi it is for enjoyment. I am not tackling anything tough at that time. I don't even want to think too deeply at all. I want relaxation and the enjoyment of someone's mind and views.

Actually, the earliest experiments at the LHC have seemed to disprove string theory. We might have to put our money elsewhere.
Could you source that, please?

Also, by 'sting theory'- which 'string theory' do you mean?

or do you mean M-theory, which united them all?

Last time I heard an update:
Physical Reality Of String Theory Shown In Quantum-critical State Of Electrons


Missing Black Holes Cause Trouble for String Theory | Wired Science |
Contrary to some reports, this result doesn’t mean the death of string theory, only the particular flavor that predicted black holes at these energies. Eliminating some models is a critical process of narrowing down what’s possible, but most theoretical constructs have a range of possible models, and string theory is no different. In fact, it’s entirely possible that the ADD model was generated simply because physicists were looking for something they could possibly test in the LHC.

I will await more conclusive data rather than a single predictive event.

Hawking said that G-d not only throws dice with the Universe, He sometimes hides the dice where no one can find them.

Doubly so when they are actually stating where they think it should be found. :razz:
Contrary to some reports, this result doesn’t mean the death of string theory, only the particular flavor that predicted black holes at these energies. Eliminating some models is a critical process of narrowing down what’s possible, but most theoretical constructs have a range of possible models, and string theory is no different. In fact, it’s entirely possible that the ADD model was generated simply because physicists were looking for something they could possibly test in the LHC.
I will await more conclusive data rather than a single predictive event.

Hawking said that G-d not only throws dice with the Universe, He sometimes hides the dice where no one can find them.

Doubly so when they are actually stating where they think it should be found. :razz:

As will I.
Hiding the dice :razz:

Hogan believes there may be innumerable cosmic superstrings stretched out like giant elastic bands throughout the universe, holding indeterminate amounts of the vacuum of the early universe. These strings, says Hogan, can form loops that "flop around" and discharge gravitational waves as they decay and disappear. "They're so light that they can't have any effect on cosmic structure, but they create this bath of gravitational waves just by decaying," says Hogan. But just how does one go about detecting something that has no apparent affect on the cosmic structure?
Sounds good. I'll check him out. Always time for a decent sci-fi. Have you read Heinlein?

Conversations like this make me wish I had had a better relationship with education :lol: I can enjoy the hell out of these kinds of why, how, what-if conversations if I can understand the material or have it put in enough of layman's terms to grasp, but unfortunately I get bored when it's more study and less imagination.

I don't have anything to add to the substance of the discussion, I am out of my depth, but I am enjoying reading it very much. Interesting stuff as long as I don't get frustrated by how much I don't know or understand about it :)

Ropey, I've read a few Heinlein books, although it's been years since I last did. I enjoyed them well enough, but if I remember correctly I thought he got a bit too 'preachy' sometimes. I wonder how disgusted he would have been by the mockery of a film they made of Starship Troopers. :evil:
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Sounds good. I'll check him out. Always time for a decent sci-fi. Have you read Heinlein?

Conversations like this make me with I had had a better relationship with education :lol: I can enjoy the hell out of these kinds of why, how, what-if conversations if I can understand the material or have it put in enough of layman's terms to grasp, but unfortunately I get bored when it's more study and less imagination.

I don't have anything to add to the substance of the discussion, I am out of my depth, but I am enjoying reading it very much. Interesting stuff as long as I don't get frustrated by how much I don't know or understand about it :)

Ropey, I've read a few Heinlein books, although it's been years since I last did. I enjoyed them well enough, but if I remember correctly I thought he got a bit too 'preachy' sometimes. I wonder how disgusted he would have been by the mockery of a film they made of Starship Troopers. :evil:

I get just as frustrated Montrovant.

The best way I can describe it is like an 'itch' that I can't scratch. I can go onto other stuff and it's gone, but when I get on the subject again, there come all the mental desire to know 'itches'.

We need our scientific missing link to move on. That's basically it at this point.

I really like Denise Richards so I won't speak to Starship Troopers as I've watched it more than once. :redface:
Hey!! we can do this!!!

We sure can...

As soon as we find someone to tell us how. :razz:

There are comedians, then there's Belushi. :thup:
All other waves in nature need a medium to propagate. How do light and other pure energy and electromagnetic waves maintain integrity in the vacuum of space with no medium to interact with?

Google answer is lame...

"electromagnetic waves do not need any medium because they don't transfer energy through the medium. sound on the other hand just transfers energy to the air molecules making them vibrate and transfer energy to adjacent molecules etc till they reach your ear."

One would think that photons would just disperse randomly without any inhibiting factor. The same should go for all radiated energy.

Anybody know a believable answer to this question?

Yes. I do.

The answer is actually in your supposition. Here it is: Because it is a vacuum. And Light spectra has no mass. In the medium of space, there is no other influence aside of gravity, the "weak force". Here on Earth with its dense atmosphere and near stars as light passes by also, the beams of light are slightly skewed or bent. This explains why in HST images, the various spectrums of light sometimes "lens" or project a star or galaxy, off a few minutes, seconds or degrees from where it actually is.

Beyond that, in space, there is no influence whatsoever, other than two: SoL (Speed of Light), and Time. Again, simply, spectra has no mass. And finally, photons adhere to each other by the "Strong Force", and why in HST images we can see clearly objects like galaxies at 13,700,000,000 light years distance. Or put another way, it has taken that long for the light of the galaxy to reach us, and still, the image of same is perfectly clear, even over 13.7 billion years.

BTW: Your response to the Google answer is correct. That answer is stupid, sorry Google. Great question by the way!

Hope that is helpful.

All other waves in nature need a medium to propagate. How do light and other pure energy and electromagnetic waves maintain integrity in the vacuum of space with no medium to interact with?

Google answer is lame...

"electromagnetic waves do not need any medium because they don't transfer energy through the medium. sound on the other hand just transfers energy to the air molecules making them vibrate and transfer energy to adjacent molecules etc till they reach your ear."

One would think that photons would just disperse randomly without any inhibiting factor. The same should go for all radiated energy.

Anybody know a believable answer to this question?

Yes. I do.

The answer is actually in your supposition. Here it is: Because it is a vacuum. And Light spectra has no mass. In the medium of space, there is no other influence aside of gravity, the "weak force". Here on Earth with its dense atmosphere and near stars as light passes by also, the beams of light are slightly skewed or bent. This explains why in HST images, the various spectrums of light sometimes "lens" or project a star or galaxy, off a few minutes, seconds or degrees from where it actually is.

Beyond that, in space, there is no influence whatsoever, other than two: SoL (Speed of Light), and Time. Again, simply, spectra has no mass. And finally, photons adhere to each other by the "Strong Force", and why in HST images we can see clearly objects like galaxies at 13,700,000,000 light years distance. Or put another way, it has taken that long for the light of the galaxy to reach us, and still, the image of same is perfectly clear, even over 13.7 billion years.

BTW: Your response to the Google answer is correct. That answer is stupid, sorry Google. Great question by the way!

Hope that is helpful.


Thanks Robert. I appreciate your input. I wasn't really mystified by Google's answer. Where I was hoping this thread would go is in an entirely different place. I am most probably wrong but I've been kicking this problem around for several years and what I came up with recently was that we have been looking at gravity in the wrong way.

I keep hearing about 90 plus percent of "what is" is missing and that is really what this thread is about. I used light waves as a loss leader to elicit some interest in this area. The real direction is way too unbelievable to start a thread on.

I'm obviously not a scientist or a current student or any kind of expert other than having seen just about everything covering astronomy to super colliders on the educational and public TV. Read many articles in the scientific mags also.

So what if this missing stuff commonly known as anti matter is really the true fabric of the universe. It is undetectable to us because we are only capable of measuring matter and some forms of energy. This "stuff/fabric" gets displaced by "matter". But this fabric wants to be at an equilibrium like water finding level. Wherever there is displacement it resists and attempts to force the matter out of its space and fabric. * ** So what I am saying is that the "mass" of "matter" we normally attribute to gravity really doesn't have any pull at all other than onto itself. Or no more so than steal or Iron is stuck together with anything more than the natural adhesion of it's atoms. I'm suggesting gravity is this other stuff or a by product/force of this other stuff trying to fill the space occupied by matter. Doesn't it strike you as odd that all the planets and stars are round? ALL OF THEM? It seems to me that if it was just the mass of the elements sucking other elements in by "our normal version of gravity" that there would be a lot of random shapes. If this other stuff is acting universally from the outside in.. it would be shaping and sorting elements making balls the same way but exactly opposite and in three dimensions as water makes perfect rings when disturbed.

* This also explains the acceleration of the expansion of our known universal matter. This "stuff" is racing in behind the moving matter speeding it up.

** This stuff is what light waves react to that keeps it going at "light speed". It also accounts for why light doesn't slow down after it travels through water or other elements..

OK...I'm crazy...It still makes sense my way.. at least to me.
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