Lois Lerner, IRS official at heart of tea party scandal, retires


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The woman at the heart of the IRS targeting scandal has decided to abruptly retire from her position today, after it was found in an "internal investigation" found her guilty of neglecting her duties. The investigation was also calling for her ouster from the agency. Now, isn't this a bit convenient for her folks? This internal investigation contradicts a statement she made before congress saying that she broke no laws or regulations by her actions, before pleading the Fifth. She insisted that the targeting was a result of two "rogue" agents at the Cincinnati office, but the claim has since been contradicted by a congressional investigation which revealed emails showing that she and higher ups in Washington knew of the targeting and were in some cases taking lead roles and actively participating in the targeting. Tea Party groups continue to insist that the IRS was actively trying to silence them in the past two elections.

Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS tea party targeting scandal, retired from the agency Monday morning after an internal investigation found she was guilty of “neglect of duties” and was going to call for her ouster, according to congressional staff.

Her departure marks the first person to pay a significant price in the scandal, though Republicans were quick to say her decision doesn’t put the matter to rest, and pointed out that she can still be called before Congress to testify.

Lois Lerner, IRS official at heart of tea party scandal, retires - Washington Times
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I haven't kept up with this issue too much - I've been too pissed off about all the issues. When did she resign and will any kind of criminal action be brought against her?
I haven't kept up with this issue too much - I've been too pissed off about all the issues. When did she resign and will any kind of criminal action be brought against her?

She resigned today. And congressional actions are pending. They will call her back to the stand if need be. I do believe she needs to be tried and convicted of obstruction first off, because she lied to congress, but for also breaching her oath of office.

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