Lois Lerner video: Is this really the smoking gun?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011

Why is the timing of this event and the timimg of shutting down these conservative "non profit" groups so close?
why is it in 2010 the conservative movement got out the truth, but was shut down in 2012?
can this be part of the reason that so many GOP voters stayed home in 2012?

Why is it that the liberal does not care about the freedoms being took from people so the left can stay in power?
Laws are being broke

This event is far from over no matter how much the main stream media ignores it
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.

Except that the standard was unevenly applied and information on conservative groups were leaked to progressive left wing activists.

In the 27 months that the Internal Revenue Service put a hold on all Tea Party applications for non-profit status, it approved applications from similar liberal groups, a USA TODAY review of IRS data shows

IRS gave liberals a pass; Tea Party groups put on hold

IRS sent confidential info to liberal nonprofit ProPublica | The Daily Caller
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.

Poor Joe. Saddled with a 3rd rate education and a 4th rate mind. You just don't understand this at all, do you?
Poor rabbie. A second grade education and a third rate mind.

Maybe next time you rethugs can find a candidate to beat Obama? You know, cause the first two times didn't work out so well now did it.

Here is a bet for you. I bet that Obama will not be elected for a third term.

But I hear Hillary is all set to release the dogs of the IRS on ANY rethug who runs for president. Won't that be GREAT.

Anything to keep a rethug from the WH is ok with me.
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.

Poor Joe. Saddled with a 3rd rate education and a 4th rate mind. You just don't understand this at all, do you?

I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.

Poor Joe. Saddled with a 3rd rate education and a 4th rate mind. You just don't understand this at all, do you?

I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

The real issue here is due process
If this was occuring to moveon.org I would feel the same
What worries me about the liberals that are running this country is the end justifies the means
I support your rights no matter who is running the show
you should do the same for mine
Poor rabbie. A second grade education and a third rate mind.

Maybe next time you rethugs can find a candidate to beat Obama? You know, cause the first two times didn't work out so well now did it.

Here is a bet for you. I bet that Obama will not be elected for a third term.

But I hear Hillary is all set to release the dogs of the IRS on ANY rethug who runs for president. Won't that be GREAT.

Anything to keep a rethug from the WH is ok with me.

Uh, Zeke. Obama has had two terms. That means he can't run again. Or he might just be issuing an executive order.
SO let's review.

A bunch of POLITICAL groups fraudently claim that they are "social charities" so they can funnel corporate money into political ads.

Everyone recognizes the potential for fraud.

The IRS actually questions some of them. Not all of them. Not even enough of them. But they actually ask the obvious question, like "What does "9/12 Patriots having a Tea Party" have to do with social Welfare?"

Ummm, yeah, guy, no one cares that people questioned your attempts at fraud.

Poor Joe. Saddled with a 3rd rate education and a 4th rate mind. You just don't understand this at all, do you?

I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?
Poor Joe. Saddled with a 3rd rate education and a 4th rate mind. You just don't understand this at all, do you?

I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?

It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.
I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?

It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.

Another idiot. Not one of the groups was denied certification, moron.
I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?

It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.

No one got "caught". Some may have been denied 501(c)3 status, and perhaps rightfully so. The problems here, and I suspect you know this, which makes you very disingenuous, is that conservative groups were apparently targeted for specific scrutiny and inaction in an attempt to stop the flow of money into conservative candidates. Applications were shelved, in some instances for years, while left-leaning applications were actually in some cases, expedited. This violate equal protection, it violates FEC laws, etc.

And further more.... you want an IRS that will do t his, in charge of enforcing matters affecting your health care?

This thing is huge... and it should be regardless of who is doing it.

Why is the timing of this event and the timimg of shutting down these conservative "non profit" groups so close?
why is it in 2010 the conservative movement got out the truth, but was shut down in 2012?
can this be part of the reason that so many GOP voters stayed home in 2012?

Why is it that the liberal does not care about the freedoms being took from people so the left can stay in power?
Laws are being broke

This event is far from over no matter how much the main stream media ignores it

You have cracked the case!!! Our goal was to let Freedomworks and Karl Rove alone and go after small town tea party groups in areas that would never vote democrat in the general election. The jig is up, you got us.
If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?

It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.

No one got "caught". Some may have been denied 501(c)3 status, and perhaps rightfully so. The problems here, and I suspect you know this, which makes you very disingenuous, is that conservative groups were apparently targeted for specific scrutiny and inaction in an attempt to stop the flow of money into conservative candidates. Applications were shelved, in some instances for years, while left-leaning applications were actually in some cases, expedited. This violate equal protection, it violates FEC laws, etc.

And further more.... you want an IRS that will do t his, in charge of enforcing matters affecting your health care?

This thing is huge... and it should be regardless of who is doing it.

If any Conservative Groups were denied 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 status, it was a handful at most.

What was insidious about the whole deal was the 'throttling' of applications. Holding them up long enough that the groups applying for the status lost interest and either withdrew their applications or stopped seeking donations completely.

In the old days, people who lived in the South might want to donate a large sum of money to a Republican Group fighting dimocrap scum who were lynching and murdering Blacks and other Republicans but they couldn't.

It would be (literally) suicide if their name came out. The dimocrap scum would kill them. Ohhh yes they would.

For that reason, 501(c)4 was developed. Not tax deductible because it wasn't a charity but a 'social' organization who couldn't necessarily support one political party over another but could support a 'cause'. Like fighting the Jim Crow Laws that dimocrap scum got passed in the South or fighting the communist dimocrap scum of today.

So what happened was... Lois Lerner and her band of communists at the IRS stopped Conservative 501(c)4's dead in theri tracks.

Had they simplye denied them quickly and in a timely fashion, the Conservative Groups could have asked for a review, an appeal and/or what was wrong.

But the dimcrap scum in the IRS did the absolute worst possible thin... They just sat on them.

People need to go to Prison for a VERY, VERY long time for this.

I'm talking twenty years, minimum.

Using the 2nd most powerful arm of government as a political club to beat your opponents over the head with?

THE worst abuse of power in the history of this Country. Without a doubt.

THE worst.

And the Stuttering Clusterfukk and Eric Himmler aren't going to do a thing about it.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't interested.

They're too busy on their knees fellating the commie scumbag obama
I understand it perfectly well. The Teabaggers tried to pull a fast one, and they got caught.

Now they are trying to pull an O.J. by finding that Officer Fuhrman said a bad word once.

If you think that's what's going on then you don't understand the issue. At all. No surprise really. You can't read. You can't write. You can't reason. Why would you understand something this complicated?

It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.

The IRS has admitted to wrong doing
the issue now is the who, why and how far it went up
Welcome to Forbes
It's not complicated. The groups got caught and now their flacks are out trying to claim people are stupid instead of providing evidence. Why is that? Simple, they can't provide any evidence. Hence, the need to deflect by going on the attack.

No one got "caught". Some may have been denied 501(c)3 status, and perhaps rightfully so. The problems here, and I suspect you know this, which makes you very disingenuous, is that conservative groups were apparently targeted for specific scrutiny and inaction in an attempt to stop the flow of money into conservative candidates. Applications were shelved, in some instances for years, while left-leaning applications were actually in some cases, expedited. This violate equal protection, it violates FEC laws, etc.

And further more.... you want an IRS that will do t his, in charge of enforcing matters affecting your health care?

This thing is huge... and it should be regardless of who is doing it.

If any Conservative Groups were denied 501(c)3 or 501(c)4 status, it was a handful at most.

What was insidious about the whole deal was the 'throttling' of applications. Holding them up long enough that the groups applying for the status lost interest and either withdrew their applications or stopped seeking donations completely.

In the old days, people who lived in the South might want to donate a large sum of money to a Republican Group fighting dimocrap scum who were lynching and murdering Blacks and other Republicans but they couldn't.

It would be (literally) suicide if their name came out. The dimocrap scum would kill them. Ohhh yes they would.

For that reason, 501(c)4 was developed. Not tax deductible because it wasn't a charity but a 'social' organization who couldn't necessarily support one political party over another but could support a 'cause'. Like fighting the Jim Crow Laws that dimocrap scum got passed in the South or fighting the communist dimocrap scum of today.

So what happened was... Lois Lerner and her band of communists at the IRS stopped Conservative 501(c)4's dead in theri tracks.

Had they simplye denied them quickly and in a timely fashion, the Conservative Groups could have asked for a review, an appeal and/or what was wrong.

But the dimcrap scum in the IRS did the absolute worst possible thin... They just sat on them.

People need to go to Prison for a VERY, VERY long time for this.

I'm talking twenty years, minimum.

Using the 2nd most powerful arm of government as a political club to beat your opponents over the head with?

THE worst abuse of power in the history of this Country. Without a doubt.

THE worst.

And the Stuttering Clusterfukk and Eric Himmler aren't going to do a thing about it.

And the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't interested.

They're too busy on their knees fellating the commie scumbag obama

Your very right on the point no matter how you word it
BHO won the 2012 election only because the GOP did not get out and vote
they were not "motivated" as they were in 2010
why is it that?
there in lays the problem and a very very serious problem

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