London Bridge Is Falling Down!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, I think this is bigger than Hillary Clinton alone? Obama and his Puppets might all go down in the end!!!

Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's Alger Hiss?

George Rasley, CHQ Editor | 8/24/2015

Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are well documented and well known to Clinton and to other Washington insiders, such as Republican Senator John McCain, who defended Abedin in a speech on the Senate floor when five conservative Members of the House of Representatives called for the State Department Inspector General to look into Abedin’s fitness to hold a high level security clearance while she served as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department.

Some observers have called the Clinton email scandal an unprecedented breach of national security. But now that it has been revealed that Huma Abedin is a central figure in the national security disaster wrought by the compromise of military and diplomatic intelligence sent and received through Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private email server, is there really no precedent for Abedin’s role in this disaster?

Actually there is, but it lies shrouded in the murk of the lies that the liberal media have constructed to obscure the truth about the penetration of the United States government by another anti-constitutional totalitarian political movement – world Communism.

Like Islam, totalitarian Communism posited the overthrow of American constitutional government and the subsequent substitution of a system that would regulate the minutest details of human existence.

Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's Alger Hiss?


Huma Abedin is much worse than Alger Hiss. If Hiss ever was a spy for the Soviet Union, he still would have been little more than a reporter. Huma Abedin, though is a long time Muslim Brotherhood operative, a mole in the State Dept (formerly), during whose time as Deputy Chief of Staff there, an awful lot of things positive to the Muslim Brotherhood happened, and a lot of things negative to America and Israel. here's a partial dirty laundry list >>

Our government

1- reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;

2- funded Hamas;

3- continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;

4- dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas;

5- hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;

6- issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;

7- announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;

8- excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;

9- and pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.

10. Benghazi

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