Long shot Newsom recall drive gets serious in California

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

I hope they'll recall him; and they should recall that awful Whitner woman in Michigan, too. Oh! Wait! Throw in Hogan of Maryland!! He's governor of my state and he's got the presidential bug BAD, constantly calling hour-long press conferences till people have gotten sick of it. And this guy sure has mask fever.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body building Republican actor.



Pat Brown
Gray Davis (recalled)
Jerry Brown (4 terms)

Gavin Newsom (current)
Last edited:
Newsom is handsome enough to be an almost sure thing as a candidate for president. He just has to keep from any big mistakes and have a team to counterspin the little ones he's going to make.

#1 priority for Americans when choosing their president is good looks, providing the nubers 2,3,4,5, and so on issues don't get out of control. Good active spin doctors are a must!
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.
"responsible and courageous" pull the other one, it's got bells on it. Don't you remember several Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputies as well as a number of lifeguards wasting time and resources arresting a sole paddleboarder on a deserted Malibu Beach? I can't think of a single recreational activity that has more social distance than paddle boarding.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

Moron. He ORDERS you to stay in and to WEAR your mask as HE dines out WITHOUT a mask. You really are retarded.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

You morons should be stuck with that idiot.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
#1 priority for Americans when choosing their president is good looks, providing the numbers 2,3,4,5, and so on issues don't get out of control. Good active spin doctors are a must!

No, no, no, you forgot HEIGHT. Presidents have to be at least 6 feet tall or more. Well-known requirement.
#1 priority for Americans when choosing their president is good looks, providing the numbers 2,3,4,5, and so on issues don't get out of control. Good active spin doctors are a must!

No, no, no, you forgot HEIGHT. Presidents have to be at least 6 feet tall or more. Well-known requirement.
That's part of the prerequisite I mentioned, but thanks for letting me know you agree.
And fwiw, that doesn't just go for the US, it goes for Canada too. Along with something I hadn't mentioned and that's the 'name' factor.

Too bad, we're all losing something for it.

In any case, I think that China has found the best way forward into the 21st. century and huge populations. Greed can't be allowed to be a factor in any democracy. China has a way of ensuring that the wealth is shared around to the people and it's set standards of elevating it's people up out of poverty in a way that no capitalist system within a democracy ever will. Capitalism within a communist system deserves a long hard look. Especially now that America has run up against a brick wall of income inequality and greed.
The Trump plan forward has obviously proven to be a failure.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

Slurp Slurp Slurp.

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