Longtime MMA manager, XMMA matchmaker and Hayabusa sponsor rep Kyle Stoltz has been arrested as part of an online FBI child sex luring sting in Vegas

I am noticing your threads seem to focus a LOT on pedophilia.

Makes me wonder if the FBI should take a look at your hard drive.
Kyle Stoltz, 42, his company manages a slew of fighters including former Bellator Women’s Flyweight Champion Ilima Macfarlane

Yeah. They're everywhere. The careful ones maintain a very low profile. The not so careful ones... get nabbed by the FBI I suppose.

I wish the FBI had a better reputation. They're well known for entrapping people. Which means the perps eventually go free in court.
I am noticing your threads seem to focus a LOT on pedophilia.

Makes me wonder if the FBI should take a look at your hard drive.
the issue has been a lot in the news with the Judge Ketanji scandal

then again, i'm not the one named "Sandisk"

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