Look at the Outrageous Lies in the Headline Story this morning.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Stock Futures Fall as Investors Remain Cautious- AP Washington

Stock futures fell Tuesday as investors remain cautious about the strength of a consumer-led economic recovery. Overseas markets mostly fell.

A consumer led economic recovery? What total bullshit. You can go to the Yahoo Economic Calander to get the past five years of retail sales numbers. There is no friggin consumer led economic recovery. There is no friggin economic recovery as that is all lies and deception by the horribly corrupt Obama administration.

Here, look at the retail sales for the past few months.

RETAIL SALES -- Retail trade sales are way DOWN from August 2009 and way below last year.
JAN 2010 +0.5% -5.7
DEC 2009 – 0.1% -6.2
NOV 2009 +1.3% -6.1
OCT 2009 +1.1% -7.4
SEP 2009 –2.3% -8.5
AUG 2009 +2.2% -6.2
JUL 2009 –0.2 -8.4
JUN 2009 +0.8 % -8.2
MAY 2009 +0.5% - 9.0
APR 2009 –0.2% - 9.5
MAR 2009 –1.3% - 9.3
FEB 2009 +0.3% -8.0
JAN 2009 + 1.8% - 8.3
DEC 2008 –3.0% -10.1
NOV 2008 –2.1% -7.1
OCT 2008 –2.9% -5
SEP 2008 –1.2% - 2.1
AUG 2008 –0.4% -0.9
JUL 2008 -0.5%
JUN 2008 +0.1

If we start at June above, you can keep track of how much retail sales are down since then. You can start way back in 2007 and show a greater fall, but the numbers above show how much Obama and his band of crooks have been lying to the American People about a mythical recovery. There is no recovery.
Lie after lie after lie after lie from Obama's corrupt minions in Washington, and still this corrupt son of a slut has not been impeached. Amazing that we accept all of the outrageous lies about the economy and like dutiful sheeple just want to believe because the administrations says it is so.
I don't really think it's a "lie" Neubarth. The retail numbers are right there for all to see. It's not like the admin is going to great lengths to hide them.

I get the feeling that you expect all the indicators to just skyrocket all at once before you'd be willing to concede that there is any kind of recovery at ALL.

I understand that jobs and consumer numbers are still doing poor. But those two go hand in hand. You can't expect people to spend when they aren't making any money.

This doesn't mean that there isn't a particular aspect of a recovery that is existent, though.

This all being said, I'm still bearish long term, because I don't think the things that WERE done to create a recovery were the correct things to BEGIN with. Too much money was printed, and too much money was spent.

But I think you spend way too much time trying to blame a particular administration when there is enough blame to go all the way throughout government, and throughout a large portion of the private sector as well, including banks, and even consumers themselves.

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