Look Ma!

I personally think the market is over-reacting to China........I see a short term mini-surge coming.

I can only hope...my hubby isn't a patient man

I cashed in 2 years ago at 16,400+ when I had to buy my hacienda here in Vegas. My wife is still in, getting nervous, but only has a non-guarenteed exposure of 20% of her long-term investments. She asked me this morning if she should move on that 20%. I told her to hold steady for now as I never underestimate the cycle of market 'pumps-n-dumps'. (Tho, I feel she should have followed my advice back in July to move that 20%.....but she didn't......she's her own person....ehhh....).

I usually trade on swings but the ones I'm taking a pounding on are my long term. I'm still above water, barely. I see Soro's venture into Peabody is causing some action, not nearly enough for me to get in though. But it's curious as to his intentions on it

It is both exhilarting and stressful to tip-toe on the edge of razor blades. That's the nature of the game. But, look on the bright side, you're still in the game when many got squashed in 2008.

Oh I took a hit but I knew they'd come back, they always do. My heyday was energy holdings, PCX (Patriot Coal) literally bought our home, that was exhilarating. Then Obungles shows up and that went south in a New York minute

Obie has economically been a 'Bungle in the Jungle'...........

Lehman and Bear Sterns got my life savings...My broker claimed the money "disappeared" so my question was if I brought a ball bat to his office could he make it reappear? He was gone the next morning and as far as I know is still hiding in Huntington Beach. I'm sure he's forgotten about the others but I doubt he's forgotten about me.
Lehman and Bear Sterns got my life savings...My broker claimed the money "disappeared" so my question was if I brought a ball bat to his office could he make it reappear? He was gone the next morning and as far as I know is still hiding in Huntington Beach. I'm sure he's forgotten about the others but I doubt he's forgotten about me.

Truly, a sad story. It does not make me feel good to hear this kind of stuff, as a fellow American.
Told the broker this morning to start buying when The Dow goes down through 9500.

Well, the dow hit the mid-6,000's in 2008, so the mid-9000's is not the worst guess. (So, that's where they begin to get into your principle.......).
The Fed has put this market up into the clouds but it can't last a minute past the institutional investors smelling blood and racing into bonds and commodities. If I had it to do over again I would have bought a couple of desert land plots and waited until the freeways got out to me. Instead I tried to convince a millionaire's wife to leave her husband by trying to become one myself with derivatives short-cuts. The BIG CASINO chews up us little guys, lures us back in....rinse and repeat. I'm okay but I could sure be a lot more okay. :eusa_doh:
The Fed has put this market up into the clouds but it can't last a minute past the institutional investors smelling blood and racing into bonds and commodities. If I had it to do over again I would have bought a couple of desert land plots and waiting until the freeways got out to me. Instead I tried to convince a millionaire's wife to leave her husband by trying to become one myself with derivatives short-cuts. The BIG CASINO chews up us little guys, lures us back in....rinse and repeat. I'm okay but I could sure be a lot more okay. :eusa_doh:

Still, nontheless, exhilarting.......isn't it?
What a massacre.....

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)
- 525.87

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