Looks like there is a soft coup in progress to oust Biden.....So much for "Mah Democracy".


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
It came out today that Biden has not had a cabinet meeting in going on 10 months and the ones he had were like tonight.....Highly scripted with cabinet members questions screened.....No wonder they have not 25thed him by now.

Add to that you got Obama and Pelosi meeting on how to get shed of him with Obama giving the green light (or directing) for Clooney to toss Biden under the bus.

The elites are trying to disenfranchise millions of dem voters who voted for Biden.

Well I assume millions because you can't find a firm number.....I suspect there's a reason for that.
You do know there are Republicans who have said Trump is unfit for office?

Some even served in his administration.

And do you know Trump is an old fat, out of shape white guy?
You do know that the republican party is NOT at all trying to oust their candidate, Donald J. Trump? You do know that right?
Biden, isn't actually running anything. His behind-the-scenes handlers, Susan Rice and the White House staff pull the strings, so whether he stays in the race or not, is irrelevant. They call all the shots; they just need some fool to "appear" competent in front of the cameras, which is their only objection to him as he doesn't.
It came out today that Biden has not had a cabinet meeting in going on 10 months and the ones he had were like tonight.....Highly scripted with cabinet members questions screened.....No wonder they have not 25thed him by now.

Add to that you got Obama and Pelosi meeting on how to get shed of him with Obama giving the green light (or directing) for Clooney to toss Biden under the bus.

The elites are trying to disenfranchise millions of dem voters who voted for Biden.

Well I assume millions because you can't find a firm number.....I suspect there's a reason for that.
It was on the cards, he rapidly went down hill. He needs to be put out to grass.
It came out today that Biden has not had a cabinet meeting in going on 10 months and the ones he had were like tonight.....Highly scripted with cabinet members questions screened.....No wonder they have not 25thed him by now.

Add to that you got Obama and Pelosi meeting on how to get shed of him with Obama giving the green light (or directing) for Clooney to toss Biden under the bus.

The elites are trying to disenfranchise millions of dem voters who voted for Biden.

Well I assume millions because you can't find a firm number.....I suspect there's a reason for that.
Before the press conference tonight, the media was pushing that for sure.

They could get new and opposite orders by tomorrow, though. :abgg2q.jpg:

Just like the leftist shills here.
It's put out to graze here.

LOL....He damn sure won't be put out to stud. ;)
If Biden was put out to stud, it'd be at a kindergarten. :puke3:

I actually defended Biden for years, until I saw this:

That's not something a grown man should ever do to a little girl.

It's "put out to pasture" here.
It does look like a coup in progress against Biden.

Still.....I think he will be the one

We'll see.
Given the problems with fundraising and campaigning for anybody new at this late stage, the Dems may be stuck with Biden and just have to deal with the landslide loss.
It does look like a coup in progress against Biden.

Still.....I think he will be the one

We'll see.
I hope he stays.....I suspect they will use some kind of carrot and stick approach on him next.

"Joe you can take this 100 million golden parachute or Hillary's people will be having a "talk" with your family".

Maybe he wakes-up and finds his Corvette in the bed with him.



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