Looks like Warren

This is the reason behind the big push for impeachment. Bernie had a heart-attack, Kamala Harris is history, Joe Biden is imploding everywhere, Buttplug is a joke, everyone else is running on fumes......
The Democrats realize now that the best they have is the Fake Indian.....and this scares the shit out of them.

October 5, 2019
What I saw at the Elizabeth Warren rally
By Monica Showalter
It's always useful to know what a campaign is like, the lay of the land, so to speak, the supporters, the campaign operation, the candidate herself.

Here in San Diego, Elizabeth Warren paid a visit Thursday, so I went, taking my elderly mother, blending into the crowd to learn how things looked from the Democrat side.

The most obvious takeaway is that Warren is rising. Based on her own energetic appearance and stump speech, she's now begun campaigning as if she's got the Democratic nomination in the bag, and she's now attempting to move to the center.

That signals a swift campaign response to the de facto collapses of her Democratic rivals, which seems to be happening. Joe Biden is imploding over the massive corruption of his family political machine. Bernie Sanders is effectively out based on his age-related medical issues. Kamala Harris has been a goner ever since Rep. Tulsi Gabbard excoriated her in the second Democratic debate over her appalling record as a prosecutor. The rest are pipsqueaks. Neither Warren nor her campaign operatives mentioned any of that, but her San Diego stop showed pretty clearly that the Democrats are consolidating, and Warren is attempting to move toward the center as Trump's likeliest opponent.

Why isn’t Elizabeth Warren more popular in Massachusetts?
Why Warren’s home-state political standing makes some Democrats nervous, explained.

By Ella Nilsen[email protected] Updated Jul 30, 2019, 10:14am EDT
BOSTON — Elizabeth Warren has long struggled to capture independent voters in her home state of Massachusetts.

This dynamic betrays a fear among Democrats who are already thinking ahead to a high-stakes general election matchup with President Donald Trump. Some worry Warren’s low approval numbers among Massachusetts independents — particularly men — foreshadow a potential lack of appeal to independent voters she would need in crucial states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin should she become the Democratic nominee. Those states were all sources of a painful Electoral College loss in 2016.

“The fact that Warren underperformed Hillary Clinton in 228 of Massachusetts’s 351 towns, and did so in a blue wave year, speaks to her weakness with working-class white voters on the ballot,” said Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman, who analyzed the two-party vote share in each Massachusetts town in the 2018 midterms, when Warren was reelected. “Many parts of Massachusetts are culturally more similar to Wisconsin or Michigan than they are to Cambridge or Boston or Amherst. And that has to be a serious concern for next November, should it get to that.”

It’s not a perfect comparison; Wisconsin and Michigan are different from Massachusetts. But Warren’s home-state standing gives us a glimpse into how she might perform elsewhere. Warren won reelection by a decisive 60 percent in 2018. But not only did she underperform Clinton’s 2016 vote share by 3 points in the two-party vote share, she also underperformed relative to Barack Obama in 2012 during her first Senate campaign.


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) shakes hands and greets striking Stop & Shop workers while also bringing coffee and doughnuts on April 12 in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Scott Eisen/Getty Images
In her 2018 reelection, Warren actually performed better than Clinton among rural voters in western Massachusetts, and worse in the Boston suburbs and parts of Cape Cod. Data shows wealthy voters favored Clinton over Warren; FiveThirtyEight’s Nathaniel Rakich crunched the numbers and found Warren underperformed Clinton in the 12 wealthiest towns in Massachusetts (perhaps not a huge surprise, given her decades-long fight against big banks and corporations).

Numerous people told me Warren didn’t have to campaign terribly hard in 2018; her win was all but assured, as her opponent was a little-known pro-Trump Republican. She didn’t run television ads in the state and gave a chunk of her fundraising money to down-ballot candidates.

“In 2018, Elizabeth raised and donated $11 million to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot across the country, as she won by a 24-point margin without spending any money on television ads,” said Warren 2020 spokesperson Gabrielle Farrell. “She ran to proudly fight for the people of Massachusetts, and now she’s running for president because our country needs big structural change, and she has a plan to make our government work for everyone, not just a thin slice at the top.”

Given that Warren is a progressive senator representing the liberal state of Massachusetts, the fact that she’s on Morning Consult’s list of the 10 most unpopular senators has raised eyebrows. If Warren’s such a great candidate, some wonder, why isn’t she doing better in her home state? And does it raise legitimate electability questions if she winds up winning the nomination?

The answer to Warren’s home state question is complicated, much like her political identity in Massachusetts. It’s wrapped up in her national fame before she became a politician and how she defeated Republican Sen. Scott Brown in 2012. And it’s connected to the same gender politics she’s facing as a presidential candidate.


Why isn’t Elizabeth Warren more popular in Massachusetts?

Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
The policy’s you want not what we want. Stock up on tissue nazi boy.
policies the country wants overwhelmingly, like universal background checks, taxing the rich more tax cuts for the non Rich, investment in infrastructure and training for American workers. Brainwashed functional Idiot.

Pocahontas lost the election last week when the audio of Zuckerberg came out where he rails about Pocahontas dismantling big tech. Going to war against Facebook and Google is political suicide.

But Ricky, it is what all the Left really want most! To take down the super rich who don't need them and make them all poor and easily controlled like the Middle Class and their best friends their illegal wetback voters!
  • Easily controlled.
  • Easily misled and misinformed
  • Easily
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Oh, man, I just never tire of seeing that scream again! And the left call us brainwashed lemmings even as we watch this leftard's entire existence collapse totally invested in whether one person or another wins an election like the world was literally going to end for them.
Time to turn all guns on Liz, so to speak. She's the best the democrats can do when corrupt brain addled Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, who cannot campaign from a cardiac care unit, are culled out of this herd of sad deluded clowns.

The rest of the loser's collective can all go back to their day jobs now, except Robert O'Rourke who has no job at all. Let Warren start to explain how socialism is good for us all.

We've already had our first Kenyan president.

Isn't it time for an Indian - even a faux-indian?

Of course this one has America's big money so shit-scared that the size of the war chest is smaller than the feathered headdress. Gotta give Fauxahontas credit, tho. Real eagle feathers are not just illegal but not "green" so those cheap Chinese fauxfeathers have a certain catchet that liberals cannot resist.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

Are you kidding? If the Democrats end up with Woo Woo Warren as their best hope to lose against Trump again next year, half the Democrats will just stay home banging their heads on their door frames while the other half jump off the roof of their houses.
She has the policies that people want. you people have no idea what you're talking about of course....
Name them, liar.
Background checks, taxing the rich more and giant corporations Tama living wage good infrastructure healthcare for all guaranteed. Etc etc brainwashed functional moron.
It makes sense that the party that claims to be progressive but isn’t, would pick a corporatist like Warren.

Warren or Trump? Doesn’t really matter. Not much difference.
If she ends up being the nominee, the Democrat party as we know it will cease to exist. Good riddance.

We've already had our first Kenyan president.

Isn't it time for an Indian - even a faux-indian?

Of course this one has America's big money so shit-scared that the size of the war chest is smaller than the feathered headdress. Gotta give Fauxahontas credit, tho. Real eagle feathers are not just illegal but not "green" so those cheap Chinese fauxfeathers have a certain catchet that liberals cannot resist.

I love to see the debate between Trump and Pocahontas.

Trump should pay off the orchestra to play "Half Breed" as her entrance music.
So 70 to 80% of Americans are communists and anti-american?

70-80% ? Yeah....you're gonna needs some prep-H after pulling that one out

They believe in a dictatorship that owns all industrial and business question mark you are out of your tiny little brainwashed minds, idiot. Change the channel and read something not published by Rupert Murdoch also dumbass.

What? English next time please.

30% of the country is totally brainwashed and voting against their own interests every time and believed every hate-filled phony Scandal and misinformation you get from the GOP garbage propaganda machine. Breaking for you stupid Hillary and the Democrats are honest,

Hillary and the Democrats "Are Honest".......and you call ME brainwashed?

we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere after 35 years of GOP scam tax rates and policies and ridiculous propaganda with never a retraction. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest Wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, and the worst brainwashed idiot voters in the modern world.... And now the biggest mobbed up swamp in remembered history....

Ah, I get it now.....a severe case of TDS on top of snowflake dementia..
Hmmm...since Trump will be Prez until 2024, I'm not sure you're gonna make it. Dang.
So 70 to 80% of Americans are communists and anti-american?

70-80% ? Yeah....you're gonna needs some prep-H after pulling that one out

They believe in a dictatorship that owns all industrial and business question mark you are out of your tiny little brainwashed minds, idiot. Change the channel and read something not published by Rupert Murdoch also dumbass.

What? English next time please.

30% of the country is totally brainwashed and voting against their own interests every time and believed every hate-filled phony Scandal and misinformation you get from the GOP garbage propaganda machine. Breaking for you stupid Hillary and the Democrats are honest,

Hillary and the Democrats "Are Honest".......and you call ME brainwashed?

we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere after 35 years of GOP scam tax rates and policies and ridiculous propaganda with never a retraction. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest Wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, and the worst brainwashed idiot voters in the modern world.... And now the biggest mobbed up swamp in remembered history....

Ah, I get it now.....a severe case of TDS on top of snowflake dementia..
Hmmm...since Trump will be Prez until 2024, I'm not sure you're gonna make it. Dang.
so do you believe in innocent until proven guilty, which no Democrat has been found guilty of anything for years worth mentioning especially Hillary and Obama, or are you a total conspiracy nut job like most Republicans, brainwashed functional morons that they are....
So 70 to 80% of Americans are communists and anti-american?

70-80% ? Yeah....you're gonna needs some prep-H after pulling that one out

They believe in a dictatorship that owns all industrial and business question mark you are out of your tiny little brainwashed minds, idiot. Change the channel and read something not published by Rupert Murdoch also dumbass.

What? English next time please.

30% of the country is totally brainwashed and voting against their own interests every time and believed every hate-filled phony Scandal and misinformation you get from the GOP garbage propaganda machine. Breaking for you stupid Hillary and the Democrats are honest,

Hillary and the Democrats "Are Honest".......and you call ME brainwashed?

we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and anywhere after 35 years of GOP scam tax rates and policies and ridiculous propaganda with never a retraction. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence and the stupidest Wars ever, wrecking the middle class and our infrastructure, and the worst brainwashed idiot voters in the modern world.... And now the biggest mobbed up swamp in remembered history....

Ah, I get it now.....a severe case of TDS on top of snowflake dementia..
Hmmm...since Trump will be Prez until 2024, I'm not sure you're gonna make it. Dang.
and quote the whole thing so you're not running your own personal garbage propaganda machine.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

The fake Indian has no chance in hell..,the king of all LefTards doesn’t approve of her policies...he won’t allow her to win the nomination.
Biden is cooked & Sanders had a heart attack. Feminists everywhere rejoice, Warren until she loses to Trump.

At least she'll "win" the "popular" vote. You're going to need a tissue. Trump needs to contact tribal Indians now, get dirt on Pocahontas.

The fake Indian has no chance in hell..,the king of all LefTards doesn’t approve of her policies...he won’t allow her to win the nomination.

Good regulation to stop unfair practices with gigantic companies like this is a great idea. Breaking them up is another thing perhaps. it certainly would not happen in the middle of a corrupt GOP economic meltdown like we'll probably have next year LOL as usual before Democrats get in.....

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