Los Angeles Fire Chief is lesbian who put DEI hiring over public safety

I do not know all the facts yet about this catastrophe or how the authorities responded or failed or whether they were prepared or not. I simply do not have that detailed information and it's just so predictable that the trumpanzees will attack "the left" from almost the first minutes of the fire being reported.

Having said that there is sufficient evidence already - some scientific some anecdotal - that the earth's climate is becoming unstable and to flat out deny that as Trump and the loyal magats do, is the height of stupidity.

We've had no monsoon last year here in Arizona, the length of the time the temp was over 110F last year was the greatest since records began. We had little rain all last year and I was fucking sunbathing in shorts in my yard on Christmas day - it was 82F, no breeze, clear blue sky.

But to top it all the trumpanzee deniers who claim that human activity can't change the climate are the very same morons who BLAMED THE LEFT for hurricane Milton and Helene being caused by "people controlling the weather".

Stop, stop, stop with the stupidity, enough is enough, start acting like rational beings even if you are all descended from Neanderthals.
The facts are out. The preparation and the response was substandard.

Stop, stop, stop acting as if Democrats are immune from criticism. Started acting as if you have a lick of sense, even if you are descended from morons.
Why ? I do not care about or seek your agreement that climate change is starting to impact the human race, do not care what you believe. I post here to expose idiocy amongst the trumpanzee community and I do that as a free public service.

You’re failing miserably.
The facts are out. The preparation and the response was substandard.

Stop, stop, stop acting as if Democrats are immune from criticism. Started acting as if you have a lick of sense, even if you are descended from morons.

How was North Carolina not prepared for a hurricane and flooding?

Why has Florida not hurricane protected it’s communities?

How has texas gotten by with their shit power grid?
DEI means Didn't Earn it. Also Discrimination, Exclusion, and Indoctrination. Liberals are destroying america.


How was North Carolina not prepared for a hurricane and flooding?

Because nothing like that had happened in that area in 118 years. Wildfires happen in California every year.
Why has Florida not hurricane protected it’s communities?

You can't control the weather. You can't mitigate the effects of a hurricane. There's no such thing as hurricane prevention. There IS a such thing as fire prevention. There are actual agencies that put out fires and keep them from spreading.
How has texas gotten by with their shit power grid?
Because Texas has invested too much into wind turbines. The grid failures didn't happen before all those windmills were installed.

I agree with you

Blacks people overall in 2025 are not as capable as whites and asians

You just arent

But its not your fault due to 500 years of slavery and Jim Crow

Unfortunately for you America is a merit based society and blacks do not deserved to be advanced if they didn't earn it
Sorry, David Duke we are more than capable, as long as, we don't have to fight with racist like you. America has NEVER been based on merit, which is a lie that racist fools like you try to tell us.
Is that why the tests needed dumbed down so blacks could pass? It’s sad you believe blacks can’t pass the test.
No, it needed input from someone other than whites. I say all the time this country was taken by you, for you, you have no one else in mind when it comes to succeeding in America.
And the DEI mayor. Who wants a black female Democrat in charge of anything? Three strikes and LA is out.

How do you get yer sheets their whitest?
And the DEI mayor. Who wants a black female Democrat in charge of anything? Three strikes and LA is out.

MAGA: why do they call us racists?
Also MAGA:Who wants a black female Democrat in charge of anything?
Well, the city's burning down and she's the "fire chief", so she's probably not very qualified.

If it makes you feel better, Gavin Newsom is a white man and he's a useless piece of shit.
So, if the Fire Chief were a white man this fire would have been put out a week ago, is that what you are saying? How many years have there been forest fires in California?

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