Los Angeles wants to charge sliding scale traffic ticket fines


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Always breaking new ground in corruption, Los angeles is playing with the idea of charging different people, different traffic fine prices.

Judges would have the authority to reduce fines. "to help the poor"

(naturally, they would raise the limits)

The founders of America demanded everything be uniform, but , what the fk did they know?




Yolanda Black

Sweetie , do you have your welfare credit card today with you in court?

OK, you know what i'm going to do? I'm going to drop your fine to $150 , ok?

...I know I know...you may ask the clerk for a 'I experienced racism in court' form on your way out, thank you.



Ghandi Gupta

You could be broke, or...it could be a complete BS story.

I'm gonna say.....$350



Felepe Gomez

I don't know what the fk he's saying , charge him $375 and get him out of here



John White

Wow ! that's tragic . I hope things get better for you. I've never heard about such bad luck.

but you know ... the law's the law, $500



Yu Chow

Hey I know you!

You own Tasty Garden Chinese restaurant...$500



Mohamud Bin Mohamud

I understand...so you weren't running from the police, you thought there was an emergency at home, and the police officer was rude to you just because you had 5lbs of black powder and a clock in your trunk....

On behalf of Los Angeles i'd like to apologize for the racism you experienced ...and i'm dropping your fine to $200



Hey! ...it's Beth Boxer, niece of millionaire politician Barbara Boxer!

i'm dropping your fine to $1 ...say hello to Babs for me

Many countries already do this.


"The thinking here is that if it stings for the little guy, it should sting for the big guy, too." Which makes sense, a millionaire sees a traffic violation that costs even $500 or more as nothing. The same fine for someone on a fixed income barely making rent that is a huge amount of money. These laws in fact affect the poor and middle class far more than the wealthy, which is not fair play.

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