Losers Watch


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008

Webb gone indy(that basically mean he is not in it)
Walker two step it out the door
Jeb Bush is wobbling near it

Who is next to drop out?

I keep saying Lindsey or Jindal. But they can't read the writing on the wall or hear the yelling from the crowd telling them to get lost!

Then there is the Democrats--I would be too embarrassed to play the foil for everyone of Hillary's missteps and F-ups. The remaining two, Bernie and O'Malley--any day now. Any day now.

There are too many on the GOP side and no serious challenger running against Hillary. I feel over the next couple of months, the losers will get their marching orders and high tail it out.

Good luck, candidates. That includes you too Jon Huntsman or whatever your name is!!
Finally, low poll numbers kills a campaign!!

Bobby Jindal leaves the presidential race after realizing he can't force his poll numbers up by attacking Trump. The Louisiana governor is best known for quirky quotes and screwing up GOP talking points.

Not really a Tea party favorite, his campaign demise is hardly a surprise for someone that may have submerged his identity in order to gain votes. Hence becoming something of an enigma,and possible empty suit, whenever one asks "who is Bobby?"

More ironic is the rumor that "Bobby" is really the name of the character Bobby Brady from the Brady Bunch. Jindal's given first name:piyush.
At last--Lindsey Graham cashes in!

Polling within the margin of error to zero, Lindsey Graham represents all that is Bad in the Republican party-Hawkish, moderate, inconsistant, and critical of the base. .

A supporting member of the Gang of 5, recently becoming the Gang of eight, Lindsey Graham is notorious for bridging the divide between Democrats and Republicans in order to pass questionable legislation.
Hawkish on foreign affairs, indifferent to the plight of non-constituents, plus boorish humor that he did not keep focused on Democrats, Lindsey quickly found himself without support within the Republican party.

Eventually, he read the polling data and understood that polling behind Bernie Sanders in the GOP primaries most likely meant he had no chance in winning, or ever getting invited to the real debates.

Good bye, Senator Graham. Do not let that Blue dress hit you on your way out of the closet!!:p

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