Louisiana and Oil, Jinx, and Jindal!

You just don't like Jindal because he has a funny name and doesn't look like you.
Hey faggot have you ever been to Louisiana?

I have many times.

Jindal is a great governor and very popular with the people. .. :cool:
Hey Jihadist, anyone ever told you you have zero strands for brains? And he's popular with the people? Apparently not with all of them as this story reveals.
How could Cavanaugh forget the Landrieu dynasty? Last I heard democrat senator Mary Landrieu still represented Louisiana. Democrats managed to blame Bush for an act of God while the democrat mayor of New Orleans committed negligent manslaughter when he allowed the evacuation buses to drown and saved himself and his staff during Katrina. Big Oil ain't the enemy. When gas gets close to $10 and the food shelves are empty because diesel is too high for trucking companies the smarmy editorialists will wish we didn't have to depend on Iraq and the muslem Middle East for oil.
Hey faggot have you ever been to Louisiana?

I have many times.

Jindal is a great governor and very popular with the people. .. :cool:
Hey Jihadist, anyone ever told you you have zero strands for brains? And he's popular with the people? Apparently not with all of them as this story reveals.
Just because some loony liberal fruitcakes post a blog you think it's the gospel.

You have the perfect low IQ credentials to be an Obamabot voter. .. :lol:
Since then, Jindal has received over*$1 million in campaign donations*from the oil and gas industry, which sees the deep-water Gulf of Mexico as one of the few remaining exploration frontiers left in the United States. None of this came free, of course, and earlier this month the governor made a significant down payment on repaying these donations by pushing through and then signing into law*a sweeping bill*that would effectively eliminate the ability of Louisiana’s coastal communities to*sue oil companies for destroying the state’s vulnerable coastal wetlands*via their everyday activities of drilling, laying pipe, and bringing oil to market.

With a sweep of the governor’s pen, Jindal waved aside what is perhaps the most pressing long-term issue facing Louisiana today — the*inundation of huge swathes of southern Louisiana*and the rapid advance of the ocean onto the very doorsteps of the New Orleans metropolitan area, home to 1.4 million people — largely to appease and protect his well-heeled friends in the state’s powerful oil and gas industry.

The long tradition of oil and corruption in Louisiana politics continues.
Since then, Jindal has received over*$1 million in campaign donations*from the oil and gas industry, which sees the deep-water Gulf of Mexico as one of the few remaining exploration frontiers left in the United States. None of this came free, of course, and earlier this month the governor made a significant down payment on repaying these donations by pushing through and then signing into law*a sweeping bill*that would effectively eliminate the ability of Louisiana’s coastal communities to*sue oil companies for destroying the state’s vulnerable coastal wetlands*via their everyday activities of drilling, laying pipe, and bringing oil to market.

With a sweep of the governor’s pen, Jindal waved aside what is perhaps the most pressing long-term issue facing Louisiana today — the*inundation of huge swathes of southern Louisiana*and the rapid advance of the ocean onto the very doorsteps of the New Orleans metropolitan area, home to 1.4 million people — largely to appease and protect his well-heeled friends in the state’s powerful oil and gas industry.

The long tradition of oil and corruption in Louisiana politics continues.

Since you didnt mention anything about this when Blanco was governor I have to assume the only difference between Blanco and Jindal is the color of their skin and that accounts for your previous silence.

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