Love Iranian style

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
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Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. Lefties are on Iran's side.
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
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Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
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Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
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Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also
View attachment 298633

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:

The way Iran treats it's citizens is an affront to humanity. That's why I am so opposed to Trump's efforts to make us more like them. Locking up political opponents is something you only see in places like Iran.
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
Read it all

Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also
View attachment 298633

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:

The way Iran treats it's citizens is an affront to humanity. That's why I am so opposed to Trump's efforts to make us more like them. Locking up political opponents is something you only see in places like Iran.

Funny all left wing socialist love to lock up and murder thier opponents
Is that what originally attracted you to a nazi or communist party?
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
Read it all

Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also
View attachment 298633

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:

The way Iran treats it's citizens is an affront to humanity. That's why I am so opposed to Trump's efforts to make us more like them. Locking up political opponents is something you only see in places like Iran.

Funny all left wing socialist love to lock up and murder thier opponents
Is that what originally attracted you to a nazi or communist party?

Just listen to all those left wing socialists ------- oh wait.
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
Read it all

Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also
View attachment 298633

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:

The way Iran treats it's citizens is an affront to humanity. That's why I am so opposed to Trump's efforts to make us more like them. Locking up political opponents is something you only see in places like Iran.

Funny all left wing socialist love to lock up and murder thier opponents
Is that what originally attracted you to a nazi or communist party?

Just listen to all those left wing socialists ------- oh wait.

Ya mean the lady who threw sam bacile in jail while blaming him for Benghazi
Ya mean like that ?
Lol I mean what difference does it make
Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Dissenters pay ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime. (File photo: Reuters)

By Tony DuheaumeSaturday, 24 December 2016

Iran’s present administration can only be described as a terrorist regime, which uses various violent methods with which to intimidate the population, showing the citizens of cities, towns and villages across the country, how dissenters will pay the ultimate price through capital punishment, should they speak out against the clerical regime, and the most visual form of terror comes in the shape of public hangings.

Cranes are frequently used in executions, with the victim hauled upwards by the neck, to ensure that his neck isn’t broken in a swift kill, and that the agony is prolonged. Where in cases of makeshift gallows, the condemned is stood on a tub or suchlike, and to ensure gradual strangulation and a slow death, the object they are standing on is kicked from beneath them, and the fall is a short one.

Such are the twisted minds that set up these executions, they ensure that young children stand to watch these macabre events with the rest of the crowd, quite often. The younger siblings of teenagers view the execution of their loved one, who dies in agony as asphyxiation slowly shuts down the brain.

Symbols of death
In civilized countries of the world, cranes are a symbol of construction and ongoing development. In Iran they are symbols of death, and secret isolated graves, where loved ones are forbidden to tend them. These varied makeshift hanging trees, are most often found in the centre of towns and villages across the land, where countless numbers of dissidents meet their fate, their only crime; to speak out against a regime that shows no mercy to dissenters.

No sooner had Khomeini come to power, Iran’s prison and “legal” system had become the main method with which to eradicate political opponents, while at the same time instil terror into the population at large through public hangings.

With Iran having no legal system like that of the civilized world, if you cross the clerical regime by speaking out; you become a prime target for imprisonment, torture and death.

Bu bu but muh brown peoples
Read it all

Justice, Iranian style: Brutal public hangings to crackdown on dissent

Sounds a lot like Trump when he says news people should be arrested for reporting stuff he doesn't like.

He also wants to hang homosexuals
Nope wait that's iran also
View attachment 298633

Although all You have to do is claim you're trans and the iranian government will happily let you get castrated

Arent you one of the idiots crying do something on the tanker threads :auiqs.jpg:

The way Iran treats it's citizens is an affront to humanity. That's why I am so opposed to Trump's efforts to make us more like them. Locking up political opponents is something you only see in places like Iran.
With us its not political opponents. Its agendas to turn us into something else. And we are half way there. To destroy anything that was good to get social justice is a death knell of any nation.
Oh the demonization phase! One of my faves! The hate all becomes so fresh and new as everyone jumps through their collective assholes to one up the next guy on the E V I L S of our selected enemy.
Remember the Saddam/Kuwait babies in incubators from the 90's? What about those sweet vids of Assad's 'gas attacks' choice.
I really get to feel this warm hate bond with my fellow Murikans as we let our true war monkey shine!
People who have dealt with people in that country say that they are very tough people and must be treated the same way if you want them to respect you.
Iranian people are excellent people with a great majority hating the ayatollahs. I’ve traveled through Iran and met all kind of people and must say they’re much more human than we’re in our decadent corrupt western culture. Respect , hospitality and solidarity still exist there. Their women are extremely beautiful and it’s a country with a very big archaeological patrimony not to speak of its very rich and interesting history and culture. The media distort everything.

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