Lt. Col. Shaffer: Awan Brothers sent Sensitive Intel to Terrorist Groups

Maybe MSM should consider that by not reporting these stories they are proving that there is something to hide.
It adds one more charge to a long list of charges.
And It ups the chances of the death penalty.
For Imran maybe but do you really think they will be able to connect him to DWS and John Podesta if it turns out he murdered Seth Rich? I'm not so sure.

There has to be a hard drive out there that escaped the hammer.
And there's the possibility that Imran will sing now that he's not getting paid.
From what I read a US Marine rented 1 of Imran's houses and found a partially destroyed hard drive in the garage D.C. police have it .

Whether they can retrieve any info off of them remains to be seen.

They can. So long as you have a fragment it can be read.
Guess who the US Attorney is that is overseeing the federal criminal fraud case against Imran Awan? DWS US Attorney Brother oversees Imran Awan Investigation
Debbie Wasserman Shultz's brother, Steve Wasserman. The same guy who was accused of burying the Seth Rich murder case:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Brother Steven Wasserman Accused of Burying Seth Rich Case
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Maybe MSM should consider that by not reporting these stories they are proving that there is something to hide.
For Imran maybe but do you really think they will be able to connect him to DWS and John Podesta if it turns out he murdered Seth Rich? I'm not so sure.

There has to be a hard drive out there that escaped the hammer.
And there's the possibility that Imran will sing now that he's not getting paid.
From what I read a US Marine rented 1 of Imran's houses and found a partially destroyed hard drive in the garage D.C. police have it .

Whether they can retrieve any info off of them remains to be seen.

They can. So long as you have a fragment it can be read.
Guess who the US Attorney is that is overseeing the federal criminal fraud case against Imran Awan? DWS US Attorney Brother oversees Imran Awan Investigation
Debbie Wasserman Shultz's brother, Steve Wasserman. The same guy who was accused of burying the Seth Rich murder case:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Brother Steven Wasserman Accused of Burying Seth Rich Case

Yeah, that won't fly these days. Look to see him replaced post haste.
Maybe MSM should consider that by not reporting these stories they are proving that there is something to hide.
There has to be a hard drive out there that escaped the hammer.
And there's the possibility that Imran will sing now that he's not getting paid.
From what I read a US Marine rented 1 of Imran's houses and found a partially destroyed hard drive in the garage D.C. police have it .

Whether they can retrieve any info off of them remains to be seen.

They can. So long as you have a fragment it can be read.
Guess who the US Attorney is that is overseeing the federal criminal fraud case against Imran Awan? DWS US Attorney Brother oversees Imran Awan Investigation
Debbie Wasserman Shultz's brother, Steve Wasserman. The same guy who was accused of burying the Seth Rich murder case:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Brother Steven Wasserman Accused of Burying Seth Rich Case

Yeah, that won't fly these days. Look to see him replaced post haste.
I certainly hope that you are right. This is precisely how Clinton and Podesta brothers have protected themselves and their criminal friends in the past. Make sure the inner circle has their family members in charge of investigations that could uncover what they are up to. If President Trump is to have the American people believe he is going to drain the swamp he has to begin by explaining to the American people that this is how the Clinton's got away with their crimes and make the Seth Rich case an example as to how to stop it. Expose Podesta's ex-wife on the D.C. Police Board, send an independent team of investigators to find out who else is on that board. And then find out why the cover up at hospital, hiding evidence, destroying evidence, sharing information gathered by DC Police with people they have no business sharing it with. Like Wasserman.
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Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Exactly how would he know this? :dunno:
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Exactly how would he know this? :dunno:
As a Lt. Col. he probably has high level access / clearance to get that information.
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Exactly how would he know this? :dunno:
As a Lt. Col. he probably has high level access / clearance to get that information.

He is retired. Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer) - Wikipedia

And if he wasn't he absolutely would not be talking about this on a talk show.
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Exactly how would he know this? :dunno:
As a Lt. Col. he probably has high level access / clearance to get that information.

He is retired. Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer) - Wikipedia

And if he wasn't he absolutely would not be talking about this on a talk show.
One of the benefits of being a retired intel officer is that you know those who are still on the inside loop and will give you what they themselves cannot tell the public. I'm sure what he knows is a lot more than he shared. In any case, consider it a God send. Goodnight
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Exactly how would he know this? :dunno:
As a Lt. Col. he probably has high level access / clearance to get that information.

He is retired. Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer) - Wikipedia

And if he wasn't he absolutely would not be talking about this on a talk show.
One of the benefits of being a retired intel officer is that you know those who are still on the inside loop and will give you what they themselves cannot tell the public. I'm sure what he knows a lot more than he shared. In any case, consider it a God send.

I seriously doubt anyone in the service would share things with someone who had loose lips...think about it for a moment.
I did. They must have wanted the American people to know and decided that Lt. Col. Shaffer was the man to tell us. End of story.
I seriously doubt anyone in the service would share things with someone who had loose lips...think about it for a moment.

Yeah, lets think about that for a moment.
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
It's OK. Trump and the GOP gave classified material to the Russians.
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
It's OK. Trump and the GOP gave classified material to the Russians.

Ummm, no, they didn't.
Now we have Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stating that the Awan brothers were sending sensitive intel to terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. What weren't these guys involved in?

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Brothers Sent Sensitive Intel To Terrorist Groups
Just when you thought the case surrounding the Awan brothers could not get any darker, a new piece of news emerges.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson Thursday evening, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
It's OK. Trump and the GOP gave classified material to the Russians.

Ummm, no, they didn't.
Uh yes he did. He told us.
I don't understand WTF is wrong with you guys. Trump tells us something and you deny it if you decide it's not what you want to hear. Just because he lies all the time, you think he lied about this? And if he did, then you believe a liar?
Or you don't believe a liar? What is going on?

Trump may have shared intel with Russians: what we know

Trump appeared to use this reasoning while defending himself on Twitter on May 16, the morning after this story broke.

"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism," Trump wrote in two tweets.

McMaster, at the May 16 press briefing, said Trump decided to share information with the Russians as the sides were meeting. He said Trump was not aware of the source of the information.

We don’t know what motivated Trump to share this information with the Russians. The Washington Post said Trump went off-script and was "boasting about his inside knowledge of the looming threat."
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