Lynching epidemic breaks out in Venezuela


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
"Lynching Epidemic" Breaks Out In Venezuela | Zero Hedge

The public-safety infrastructure in Venezuela has been degraded to such a degree that citizens now take justice into their own hands. Agence France Presse reported that lynchings have risen sharply over the last year and a half as political and economic instability in the crumbling socialist republic has worsened. Witnesses who spoke to AFP said a 22-year-old man who was set on fire at an anti-government demonstration in May was actually lynched after being accused of stealing by the crowd - not because he was a government sympathizer, as President Nicolas Maduro had suggested at the time.


Well if we have an economic collapse and it goes global expect the US to see the same thing. The sheep live in lala land and think this could never happen here LOL they are in for a rude awakening if this takes place.
"Lynching Epidemic" Breaks Out In Venezuela | Zero Hedge

The public-safety infrastructure in Venezuela has been degraded to such a degree that citizens now take justice into their own hands. Agence France Presse reported that lynchings have risen sharply over the last year and a half as political and economic instability in the crumbling socialist republic has worsened. Witnesses who spoke to AFP said a 22-year-old man who was set on fire at an anti-government demonstration in May was actually lynched after being accused of stealing by the crowd - not because he was a government sympathizer, as President Nicolas Maduro had suggested at the time.


Well if we have an economic collapse and it goes global expect the US to see the same thing. The sheep live in lala land and think this could never happen here LOL they are in for a rude awakening if this takes place.

This is what the end game of Socialism and Marxism looks like, brought about by the twin failures of economic and social philosophy of Marxism in action.

The result is societal collapse and absolute savagery as witnessed in Venezuela.
It's a mess in Venezuela...

Rubber Bullets Fired on Venezuelan Protesters; 1 Killed
June 22, 2017 - Venezuelan security officials clashed with protesters again Thursday, firing rubber bullets at demonstrations in Caracas. One protester was killed.
David Jose Vallenilla, 22, died after arriving at a hospital in Caracas' Chacao municipality, where the protest happened. His death brought the toll to at least 76 fatalities since April. There have been almost daily protests against the government of President Nicolas Maduro for the past three months. The unrest was set off by an attempt by Maduro's government to nullify the opposition-controlled congress in late March. But demonstrations have escalated into a vehicle for airing grievances against the government regarding triple-digit inflation, food and medicine shortages, a rise in crime and Maduro's attempt to rewrite the constitution.


An injured opposition supporter is helped by volunteer members of a primary care response team during clashes with riot security forces at a rally against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela​

The opposition blames the bloodshed on state security forces using excessive force. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Thursday urged the international community to take action to deal with the worsening crisis. "The tragic situation in Venezuela calls out for action. The Venezuelan people are starving while their government tramples their democracy," Haley said in a statement in which she complained about the lack of action from the U.N. Human Rights Council and the Organization of American States.

Maduro has repeatedly rejected such calls for action by the international community. On Thursday, he praised the country's police and national guardsmen for their "heroic'' efforts to maintain public order without the use of firearms. He condemned any excessive use of force while also criticizing the opposition for not renouncing violence and for allegedly using teen demonstrators as human shields. The United States organized the first-ever U.N. Security Council consultations on Venezuela on May 17 to spotlight the worsening crisis. The U.S. mission to the United Nations said Thursday that it had no immediate plans for additional U.N. action.

Rubber Bullets Fired on Venezuelan Protesters; 1 Killed
Perspective | Venezuela’s descent into anarchy is only beginning

Venezuela is on the brink of civil war.

Its economy has collapsed, its people are starving, and its government is to blame — although its grip on power is still strong enough that, as we'll get to in a minute, Goldman Sachs sure seems like it's betting that it will continue. Which is to say that things are about as dire as could be. The people are desperate, but so is the regime since it's terrified of facing any consequences for what is has done. The result has been a crescendo of state violence against the backdrop of a humanitarian catastrophe.

It's hard to describe the scale of Venezuela's suffering. Despite having the largest oil reserves in the world, the International Monetary Fund estimates that Venezuela's economy is set to shrink for the fourth straight year, this time by 7.4 percent, and that its inflation rate is going to get all the way up to — this is not a typo — 1,134 percent. If that's right, then its economy will finish the year 32 percent smaller than it was at the start of 2014, and its prices will be 105 times higher. Going by black market rates, Venezuela's currency has lost 29.9 percent of its value in the last month, 83.4 percent in the last year, and 99.8 percent in the last five years. Venezuela has gotten a Great Depression-style crash at the same time that it's gotten Weimar-style hyperinflation.

Sometimes lynching provides better justice than the courts. :dunno:

Rapist gets let off by the government, rapes 2-3 more. Well, he won't be doing that anymore. The community came to a decision.

So far at least 75 people have been shot dead by the Venezuelan police, this during various protests.

There is complete silence about this from The Usual Suspects, we do not hear the UN screaming, or Human Rights Watch screaming, or Activists groups screaming about Muh Human Rights, Muh International Law.

Can you imagine if in ANY Western nation, there were protests and the police started shooting at people with live rounds and killed 75 people, the UN, Human Rights Watch and all the Activist groups would be screaming, the UN would be issuing threats about sanctions, they would be threatening to take people to the International Court etc.

So this just illustrates the hypocrisy, if a Socialist Dictatorship such as Venezuela start killing people it's okay, if ANY Western nation starting shooting people such as the "poor refugees" who are violent and savage then that wouldn't be okay.
There are rumors they'r to the point of eating people. That came after the eating of the zoo animals.
And look at the dumbasses who always claim Obama was such a HERO meanwhile where the fk is Venzula today yeah ok Obama did them so good alright. So much so they eat garbage , are rioting well isn't that funny we're almost doing the same thing here.

So much for that ass hole Obama

Obama Hands Venezuelan Leader a Cause to Stir Support

CARACAS, Venezuela — Just a few weeks ago, President Obama was being praised across Latin America for his decision to re-establish relations with Cuba, while President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuelaappeared increasingly isolated — a wobbly, unpopular leader resorting to ever more aggressive tactics to confront an economic crisis and clamp down on the political opposition.
The world cannot sit idly by and allow this to go into full anarchy............There is enough death and destruction in the world already.

Time to put our political views aside and render aid to prevent another country to collapse into full scale Civil War.

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