Mad Max Forced Air Marshall Off 'High Risk' Flight Onto Hers To Provide Protection

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Can you say 'Abuse of Power', putting her own safety above Americans?!

Last I checked, air Marshalls do not work for Members of Congress....

This violence-inciting, self-centered/enriching bitch is a multi-millionaire living in a mansion outside of her district.

If she wants extra protection, knowing there are a lot of Americans who despise her, she can pay for a private security team.

And not a single leftist on here will give a crap. This is just par for the course these days. Nothing will come of it. Will be completely forgotten by Tuesday.

You are correct. And that's not because of what side of the aisle she leans toward. It's because this is normally how ALL people in power behave. Absolute power corrupts..absolutely, no matter what letter comes after your name.
Great source. :badgrin:
There are many other sources, but i assume you are too uninformed of a person to realize that.

I assume you are too lazy to buttress something called with a legitimate source. Even Fox News is better (but not much)

Great source. :badgrin:
There are many other sources, but i assume you are too uninformed of a person to realize that.

I assume you are too lazy to buttress something called with a legitimate source. Even Fox News is better (but not much)
>I assume you are too lazy to buttress something called with a legitimate source. Even Fox News is better (but not much)

The only lazy person around here with a closed mind is you.

If you click on the RedState link, you quickly see that the source for the report is the NY Post and Fox News.

Instead of immediately dismissing information, why don't you do a little research and look for alternative reports, or reports that come from sources that meet your incredibly high standards?

Instead, you prefer to plug your ears and hum loudly.

Would your prefer an MSN link? :)

Can you say 'Abuse of Power', putting her own safety above Americans?!

Last I checked, air Marshalls do not work for Members of Congress....

This violence-inciting, self-centered/enriching bitch is a multi-millionaire living in a mansion outside of her district.

If she wants extra protection, knowing there are a lot of Americans who despise her, she can pay for a private security team.

You mean how Donald Trump all but bankrupted the Secret Service by forcing them to pay for hotel rooms at his golf resorts even when the resorts were closed. Those kinds of "abuses of power"???

How about when Ivanka and Jared refused to allow their Secret Service to use their bathrooms and their agents had to go around the corner to the Obama's house to take a piss? That kind of abuse of power.

Maxine Waters isn't "hated". She's under assault by Donald Trump and the radical right. Attacking women of colour is what racist a$$hats do - just ask Marjorie Taylor Greene who is now stalking AOC.

Trump and people like you have made Waters a target, Sleazy. Now you want to strip her of any protection. Don't think you're going to get away with this one Sleazy.
I have a few issues with this thread. .

First, I question the source.
this is a source with a history of leaving out or simply changing details of the story to meet political audiology. There's a pretty good chance that she had nothing to do with the decision and they're simply blaming the decision on her with no evidence.
Anyone who has any knowledge of how flight security works knows that any flight with a elected official on it tends to be considered a high-risk flight. And a elected official does not dictate the schedule and assignments of a We Are Marshall We Are Marshall answers only to the Department of Transportation, who in turn answers to the president. The air marshal was most likely reassigned to the flight because there was a member of Congress on the flight. And chances are since it's illegal for a flight to take off without an air marshal on board following 9/11, another Air Marshal was assigned to that flight.
unless I see a credible source that doesn't have a history of Simply altering facts and making things up, I'm going to reserve judgment on the Congress member. I am also going to assume that the air marshal was assigned by his superiors to her flight since if he just got off his assigned plane and walked on to another without authorization except in order for my member of Congress he would be immediately fired from his job.

Second. If the story is in fact true, it's something that people on both sides do in the Opie is attempting to painted as something that it only happens when a Democrat is in office.
Mike Pence literally pulled police officers away from school protection duties in order to provide added protection for himself one time. Something tells me the Oakwood not have a single issue with that, but would be up in arms about protecting children if a Democrat had done the same thing.
Violates Clean Start, closed.
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