Mad Maxine Literally Encouraging Standing Up To The Police In Video......Should Have Been Arrested


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Mad Maxine couldn't resist sticking her nose into a simple police action.
A female cop in LA was writing a parking ticket for a car.....and she stopped her car and tried to take advantage of the situation.

This silly crap is what I call sedition.
Encouraging others to fight authority.
Not only is this dangerous....but it's against the law.
I think she should have been arrested.
The video doesn't show much....but here it is.

I we are

"ALL that is required for evil women to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

The more "nothing" we do, the more of this and the crazier we should expect it to become

Our 5 million posts here is equal to doing nothing
Mad Maxine couldn't resist sticking her nose into a simple police action.
A female cop in LA was writing a parking ticket for a car.....and she stopped her car and tried to take advantage of the situation.

This silly crap is what I call sedition.
Encouraging others to fight authority.
Not only is this dangerous....but it's against the law.
I think she should have been arrested.
The video doesn't show much....but here it is.

Properly identified police officer from a properly identified police car, doing normal duty. Maxi-pad should have been arrested for interfering with an office in conduct of their duty.
"law and order" was exposed as pure mythology, when those running the Senate impeachment trial refused to hear the most useful witnesses. The fact that police unions continue to support the worthless traitor, means that all respect from truly patriotic Americans has been forever lost.
"law and order" was exposed as pure mythology, when those running the Senate impeachment trial refused to hear the most useful witnesses. The fact that police unions continue to support the worthless traitor, means that all respect from truly patriotic Americans has been forever lost.

Me thinks you are insane.
Your side is rioting over the death of a hardened violent criminal (supposedly), burning and looting and declaring the Constitution Void.......
And you have the audacity to call Republicans "traitors"
Well fuck, you MUST be a Chinese Communist loyalist. ONLY viable explanation

By the way, EVERY single allegation by your idols was shot down, yet you still believe Impeachment was not a fraud.
As Julius Caesar would say, "You, citizen...... are a fucking moron"
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"law and order" was exposed as pure mythology, when those running the Senate impeachment trial refused to hear the most useful witnesses. The fact that police unions continue to support the worthless traitor, means that all respect from truly patriotic Americans has been forever lost.

Me thinks you are insane.

Your side is rioting over the death of a hardened violent criminal (supposedly), burning and looting and declaring the Constitution Void.......

And you have the audacity to call Republicans "traitors"

Well fuck, you MUST be a Chinese Communist loyalist. ONLY viable explanation

Breonna Taylor wasn't a violent criminal. The police who broke down her door were. Anyone who isn't critical of those actions is 100% a worthless traitor.
Breonna Taylor wasn't a violent criminal. The police who broke down her door were. Anyone who isn't critical of those actions is 100% a worthless traitor.

What? This had NOTHING to do with Donald trump.

Who the hell told you he wasn't critical of that incident? let me guess......CNN

You need to wise up.....FAST
here's a hint: If you Google it, you will get nothing but Agenda21 approved links. If you go to CNN or MSNBC, you will get nothing but Agenda21 approved news.
Remain an idiot at your own peril. You are trapped on a Plantation that is tricking you into compliance. Think for YOURSELF for once.
I am NOT saying Trump is so great....I am saying you have been fooled into believing he is so bad.
Personally, I don't trust ANYONE in DC
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"Elected Officials" are doing the same here in Illinois.

They're pissed because the head of the FOP here wrote a letter to Trump asking for help.

These 'elected officials', in response, made a joint statement

"We resoundingly condemn FOP President John Catanzara's request that President Trump intervene in Chicago. This is a blatant attempt to instigate further violence against the young people who are leading the fight for real safety and justice in Chicago, and is particularly frightening given the situation in Portland, where unidentified federal agents have been throwing protestors into unmarked vehicles.

Yet as terrifying as the reports from Portland are, we must situate Catanzara's letter in the Chicago Police Department's own history of civilian torture and kidnappings. We stand with the organizers and activists who have called for an immediate end to such practices by the CPD, and the closure of Homan Square and all CPD black sites.

Further, we ask our friends and allies in the labor movement to join us in condemning the FOP's outrageous request. President Catanzara's letter puts him on the side of the violent few who defend property and profit before people. There is no place for such an institution in the house of labor.

And finally, Chicago is the only major city in the nation that has not yet made meaningful changes to our police budget in response to the growing civil rights movement in the streets. We are being asked to make a choice between the real safety of community investments being demanded by young people in the streets, or the repression and surveillance offered by the FOP and its leadership. We are clear whose side we're on."

Yes, it is becoming clear whose side these Democrats and Democratic Socialist 'elected officials' are on. I suggest they suit up with the CPD and have some shit thrown at them for a few nights and see how they feel then. These pieces of garbage make me want to puke.
If Waters were white and republican her and her husband would be in prison....
Mad Maxine couldn't resist sticking her nose into a simple police action.
A female cop in LA was writing a parking ticket for a car.....and she stopped her car and tried to take advantage of the situation.

This silly crap is what I call sedition.
Encouraging others to fight authority.
Not only is this dangerous....but it's against the law.
I think she should have been arrested.
The video doesn't show much....but here it is.

You were expecting maybe more from that POS trash democrat buffoon? Walking around with her ass in the air like her shit doesn't stink? Can you see where blacks will be going just as soon as you grant them more power? They should have thrown her on the ground, handcuffed her, then kneeled on her neck until she said she would never interfere in the duties of an officer ever again.

Then stayed on it just a couple more minutes. Then taken the bitch in and BOOKED her.

I would have gladly posted the bail for the officer.
Breonna Taylor wasn't a violent criminal. The police who broke down her door were. Anyone who isn't critical of those actions is 100% a worthless traitor.

What? This had NOTHING to do with Donald trump.

Who the hell told you he wasn't critical of that incident? let me guess......CNN

You need to wise up.....FAST
here's a hint: If you Google it, you will get nothing but Agenda21 approved links. If you go to CNN or MSNBC, you will get nothing but Agenda21 approved news.
Remain an idiot at your own peril. You are trapped on a Plantation that is tricking you into compliance. Think for YOURSELF for once.
I am NOT saying Trump is so great....I am saying you have been fooled into believing he is so bad.
Personally, I don't trust ANYONE in DC

Let's have a look at the local coverage. He was indeed critical of those protesting the extrajudicial execution of Breonna Taylor. He was not critical of the people who did the extrajudicial execution. So fuck him, and all the people who continue to defend him. They are traitors. Pure and simple.

Trump erroneously references Louisville while explaining 'looting leads to shooting' tweet
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"law and order" was exposed as pure mythology, when those running the Senate impeachment trial refused to hear the most useful witnesses. The fact that police unions continue to support the worthless traitor, means that all respect from truly patriotic Americans has been forever lost.

Me thinks you are insane.
Your side is rioting over the death of a hardened violent criminal (supposedly), burning and looting and declaring the Constitution Void.......
And you have the audacity to call Republicans "traitors"
Well fuck, you MUST be a Chinese Communist loyalist. ONLY viable explanation

By the way, EVERY single allegation by your idols was shot down, yet you still believe Impeachment was not a fraud.
As Julius Caesar would say, "You, citizen...... are a fucking moron"
They're rioting because _________________________ was black and why he was arrested doesn't matter. What he did to cause his own death doesn't matter. They just needed somebody to light the fuse. They are using this issue to take over the government and install socialism.

Try this shit in China and they'd shoot every one of them....haul them off in freight-cars and sell their organs to the highest bidder, yet they love China.
Yes, they are testing the Constitution to the point of breaking.
The Missouri couple who defended their property against a violent crowd.
Should this case NOT be dropped, it would provide a foundation to say that guns may never be used in self defense.
If they get away with this, the 2nd Amendment will be severely and permanently damaged.
Most far left, hard core marxists are cheering for exactly that.

It is literally impossible for Agenda21 and the Socialist takeover to proceed while Americans are armed.
So disarming Americans will no doubt become their number ONE priority above all else.

Finally, if Americans continue to refuse to fight back, they will most certainly succeed.
"law and order" was exposed as pure mythology, when those running the Senate impeachment trial refused to hear the most useful witnesses. The fact that police unions continue to support the worthless traitor, means that all respect from truly patriotic Americans has been forever lost.

Me thinks you are insane.

Your side is rioting over the death of a hardened violent criminal (supposedly), burning and looting and declaring the Constitution Void.......

And you have the audacity to call Republicans "traitors"

Well fuck, you MUST be a Chinese Communist loyalist. ONLY viable explanation

Breonna Taylor wasn't a violent criminal. The police who broke down her door were. Anyone who isn't critical of those actions is 100% a worthless traitor.
Leroy Stinklfist was just walking down the sidewalk, minding his own business, when some Ole lady of about 72 smashed her face into his fist and slammed to the ground. Leroy didn't want no trouble. He was just trying to Protest white privilege.

Later.....racist cops attacked him by asking him racist questions like "Do you have proper I. D.?" His righteous response was "Of course I don't have proper I. D. MOTHERFUCKER.... I'M BLACK!!!"

The racist cops asked him to turn around and put his hands behind his head. He refused and took a swing at one of them screaming.... "I CAN'T BREATHE!!!"

They then jumped on him and arrested him just for walking while black.

This shit has got to stop.

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