Maddow continues torturing poor republican hypocrites

The tape that I posted from Maddow's show on Wednesday shows republicans lying, saying one thing in front of cameras and the opposite to their constituents.
It's not Rachel's opinion, it's republicans on tape, lying. I dare you to watch it.

Rachel Maddow Show

Why do you act so surprised?
The GOP has been doing it for years.
So have the Dems.
I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Standing before supporters, they rant that the stimulus will not create a single job, while in letters they praise the jobs that the stimulus brought to their states.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Democrats Target Stimulus Critics Who Sought Funds

Democrats Go After Stimulus Critics -

Between this and her destroying Beck because he called her a liar, and she PROVED he is one....this is just great stuff.
I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Standing before supporters, they rant that the stimulus will not create a single job, while in letters they praise the jobs that the stimulus brought to their states.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Democrats Target Stimulus Critics Who Sought Funds

Democrats Go After Stimulus Critics -

Another 'liberal' that seem more content with attacking the messenger and not the message. She could have talked about the stim package itself and how those who believe it did not help are wrong but she chose to talk about supposed hypocacy which I have not seen.

I'm beginning to wonder why people on the left can't talk about issues but spend their time attacking the messenger rhather than the message itself. It must be one of those rules for radicals.

Ps. Just because states got money doesn't mean people in those states have to agree with what their state did. This kind of typecasting on a political level is incredibly fascistic because it assumes the pollitical actons of the state is the same politics of each person which is a totalitarian view of societies.
I was at this truckstop on I-35 in the central midwest the other night. I bet there were 12 people there enjoying some homemade pie and the political discussion.
This little liberal lesbian gal there was just railing all over Republican politicians, Conservative commentators, Tea Baggers, you name it. She called them OUT on everything! She handed their asses to them I tell ya.

About the same effect Maddow has on anything.
I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Standing before supporters, they rant that the stimulus will not create a single job, while in letters they praise the jobs that the stimulus brought to their states.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Democrats Target Stimulus Critics Who Sought Funds

Democrats Go After Stimulus Critics -

Between this and her destroying Beck because he called her a liar, and she PROVED he is one....this is just great stuff.

I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Standing before supporters, they rant that the stimulus will not create a single job, while in letters they praise the jobs that the stimulus brought to their states.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Democrats Target Stimulus Critics Who Sought Funds

Democrats Go After Stimulus Critics -

Between this and her destroying Beck because he called her a liar, and she PROVED he is one....this is just great stuff.

Now I understand why those reality shows get so much veiwership.
People really do revolve their lives around personalities they see on TV.

You are actually keeping score between two tv commentators......

You really need to re-evaluate the direction of your my opinion, that is.
I was at this truckstop on I-35 in the central midwest the other night. I bet there were 12 people there enjoying some homemade pie and the political discussion.
This little liberal lesbian gal there was just railing all over Republican politicians, Conservative commentators, Tea Baggers, you name it. She called them OUT on everything! She handed their asses to them I tell ya.

About the same effect Maddow has on anything.

That lesbian you are referring to....was she cute? Was her lover with her? Is there a fantasy there I can capitalize on?

Just askin'
So far... 3 people who watch Maddow , the mad muncher.. why go on that show?

Usually people go after her for being a lesbian to dispute anything she says, you are different, you are going after the ratings of a person who started her show recently. Nicely done, oh and way to dispute her.

I've been DVRing Rachel lately, she really has some good interns researching and debunking a lot of claims that are being leveled at this administration and where Republicans really stand on the issues.

She is nothing like Hannity, her commentary is accurate and she is very intelligent, very educated. I don't know how his show differs from Rachels but I do know that he is not very bright and has been caught in a lot of lies.

She is very, very accurate. Yes she is right leaning, but she doesnt stretch the truth. She puts it in your face and there is nothing you can say...well other than "dude, her ratings suck". :lol:

I bet that if Rachel challenged Hannity to a political debate, he'd accept like he's accepted getting waterboarded.

No kidding.

By the way, if you ever hear these morons in here say she is not qualified or is dumb, think about this:

Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford University in 1994.[13] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.

She went to Stanford, is a rhodes scholar and has her doctorate in politics. She is a doctor! SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.

Hannity quit college to do construction and I laugh at Beck's educational background.

They will come back with "yeah, but she is a dyke". They never hit her on what she actually presents.
I was at this truckstop on I-35 in the central midwest the other night. I bet there were 12 people there enjoying some homemade pie and the political discussion.
This little liberal lesbian gal there was just railing all over Republican politicians, Conservative commentators, Tea Baggers, you name it. She called them OUT on everything! She handed their asses to them I tell ya.

About the same effect Maddow has on anything.

That lesbian you are referring to....was she cute? Was her lover with her? Is there a fantasy there I can capitalize on?

Just askin'

No looked alot like Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid.
The significant other was not around. ;)
So far... 3 people who watch Maddow , the mad muncher.. why go on that show?

Usually people go after her for being a lesbian to dispute anything she says, you are different, you are going after the ratings of a person who started her show recently. Nicely done, oh and way to dispute her.

I've been DVRing Rachel lately, she really has some good interns researching and debunking a lot of claims that are being leveled at this administration and where Republicans really stand on the issues.

She is nothing like Hannity, her commentary is accurate and she is very intelligent, very educated. I don't know how his show differs from Rachels but I do know that he is not very bright and has been caught in a lot of lies.

She is very, very accurate. Yes she is right leaning, but she doesnt stretch the truth. She puts it in your face and there is nothing you can say...well other than "dude, her ratings suck". :lol:

I bet that if Rachel challenged Hannity to a political debate, he'd accept like he's accepted getting waterboarded.

No kidding.

By the way, if you ever hear these morons in here say she is not qualified or is dumb, think about this:

Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford University in 1994.[13] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.

She went to Stanford, is a rhodes scholar and has her doctorate in politics. She is a doctor! SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.

Hannity quit college to do construction and I laugh at Beck's educational background.

They will come back with "yeah, but she is a dyke". They never hit her on what she actually presents.

So only those with a college degree have values and convictions that are worthy of enthusiasm...and worthy of consideration.

I'm rolling on the floor with laughter. Standing before supporters, they rant that the stimulus will not create a single job, while in letters they praise the jobs that the stimulus brought to their states.

FEBRUARY 16, 2010
Democrats Target Stimulus Critics Who Sought Funds

Democrats Go After Stimulus Critics -

Between this and her destroying Beck because he called her a liar, and she PROVED he is one....this is just great stuff.

Now I understand why those reality shows get so much veiwership.
People really do revolve their lives around personalities they see on TV.

You are actually keeping score between two tv commentators......

You really need to re-evaluate the direction of your my opinion, that is.

Try to keep up skippy. Oh her show, she responded to Beck calling her a liar on his show. It took five minutes for her to expose him for being a liar.

ANY QUESTIONS? Dementia sucks doesn't it.
I was at this truckstop on I-35 in the central midwest the other night. I bet there were 12 people there enjoying some homemade pie and the political discussion.
This little liberal lesbian gal there was just railing all over Republican politicians, Conservative commentators, Tea Baggers, you name it. She called them OUT on everything! She handed their asses to them I tell ya.

About the same effect Maddow has on anything.

That lesbian you are referring to....was she cute? Was her lover with her? Is there a fantasy there I can capitalize on?

Just askin'

No looked alot like Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid.
The significant other was not around. ;)

Oops....where'd it go? :lol::lol::lol:
Between this and her destroying Beck because he called her a liar, and she PROVED he is one....this is just great stuff.

Now I understand why those reality shows get so much veiwership.
People really do revolve their lives around personalities they see on TV.

You are actually keeping score between two tv commentators......

You really need to re-evaluate the direction of your my opinion, that is.

Try to keep up skippy. Oh her show, she responded to Beck calling her a liar on his show. It took five minutes for her to expose him for being a liar.

ANY QUESTIONS? Dementia sucks doesn't it.

Yeah...and it stuck with ya.....
So little makes you so happy.
You should be proud.
So far... 3 people who watch Maddow , the mad muncher.. why go on that show?

Usually people go after her for being a lesbian to dispute anything she says, you are different, you are going after the ratings of a person who started her show recently. Nicely done, oh and way to dispute her.

She is very, very accurate. Yes she is right leaning, but she doesnt stretch the truth. She puts it in your face and there is nothing you can say...well other than "dude, her ratings suck". :lol:

I bet that if Rachel challenged Hannity to a political debate, he'd accept like he's accepted getting waterboarded.

No kidding.

By the way, if you ever hear these morons in here say she is not qualified or is dumb, think about this:

Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford University in 1994.[13] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.

She went to Stanford, is a rhodes scholar and has her doctorate in politics. She is a doctor! SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.

Hannity quit college to do construction and I laugh at Beck's educational background.

They will come back with "yeah, but she is a dyke". They never hit her on what she actually presents.

So only those with a college degree have values and convictions that are worthy of enthusiasm...and worthy of consideration.


No, but it makes her have convictions to not lie on her show. Notice how no one on this thread who is against her, actually said nothing disputing what she said.


You get....she is a get her ratings suck. Nothing about the points she makes....

I did see her make a mistake once on a point and she went way out of the way to apologize about it the next night.

Rightys hate her because she doesn't lie and they can say nothing of importance.
Now I understand why those reality shows get so much veiwership.
People really do revolve their lives around personalities they see on TV.

You are actually keeping score between two tv commentators......

You really need to re-evaluate the direction of your my opinion, that is.

Try to keep up skippy. Oh her show, she responded to Beck calling her a liar on his show. It took five minutes for her to expose him for being a liar.

ANY QUESTIONS? Dementia sucks doesn't it.

Yeah...and it stuck with ya.....
So little makes you so happy.
You should be proud.

Watch this then come back and let us know what you think.

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow Slams Glenn Beck on Climate Change: "I Didn't Lie, Back Off"[/ame]

(By the way, I was wrong, its not 5 minutes, its 8)
If a liar calls a liar a liar on TV and no one is around to hear it is it a lie?
Try to keep up skippy. Oh her show, she responded to Beck calling her a liar on his show. It took five minutes for her to expose him for being a liar.

ANY QUESTIONS? Dementia sucks doesn't it.

Yeah...and it stuck with ya.....
So little makes you so happy.
You should be proud.

Watch this then come back and let us know what you think.

[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow Slams Glenn Beck on Climate Change: "I Didn't Lie, Back Off"[/ame]

(By the way, I was wrong, its not 5 minutes, its 8)

What are you mising?
Beck lied about Maddow? What the hell do I care?
Maddow proved it was a lie? Why the hell does that matter to me?
Jeez man....why the hell does it make you so happy that Beck is a lair and Maddow proved it? me a TV commentator that proves Obama, or McCain or one of our law makers is a liar...and that matters.

But do you really take pride in the facxt that your preferred commentator is better than another commentator?

You are so wrapped up in it you could not even tell that I was not saying it did not happen...I was simply saying "who cares"...and your response is proof it happened.

You really need to come back to reality. You are living in your TV.
the stimulus was a very bad idea that wasted more money than it put to good use. Borrowing cash from China to buy foreign cars is a perfect example. Yet since everyone paid taxes into the treasury, its not stupid or hypocritical to try to get your states fair share of stimulus tax dollars back before they get wasted elsewhere.

Maddow is a rug-muncher who can't debate to level conservatives.
Awesome! You know, making fun of someone for being a lesbian is always a refutation to which none can retort!

You go, boi!
☭proletarian☭;2021873 said:
the stimulus was a very bad idea that wasted more money than it put to good use. Borrowing cash from China to buy foreign cars is a perfect example. Yet since everyone paid taxes into the treasury, its not stupid or hypocritical to try to get your states fair share of stimulus tax dollars back before they get wasted elsewhere.

Maddow is a rug-muncher who can't debate to level conservatives.
Awesome! You know, making fun of someone for being a lesbian is always a refutation to which none can retort!

You go, boi!
Right, and if doesn't like that particular sexual acitvity he used to describe Rachel, he's not very popular with the ladies.

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