Madonna Wrong To Think Terrorists Will Stop By Giving Them “Dignity And Respect” And “Love Unconditi


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Not that I give a crap about what Modonna has to say but it certainly defines the liberal position of blaming the successful first. According to Madonna it isn't the killers fault they are killer it is ours because we don't treat murders with dignity.

Madonna Wrong To Think Terrorists Will Stop By Giving Them "Dignity And Respect" And "Love Unconditionally"

Madonna stopped her Saturday concert in Stockholm, Sweden to pay tribute those who died in the “tragic killings” and “assassinations” in Paris on Friday night, but after crying for the victims and their families, she wrongly told the audience at the Tele2 Arena that while people do “atrocious, degrading and unforgivable things” to one another, among the reasons for these senseless acts of violence is that we don’t treat “every human being with dignity and respect.” Her view of terrorists, namely ISIS, is naive and downright foolish. See Madonna’s speech below.
Bullshit. They have been like this since its inception. People deny reality.
well she can be the first one to prove it. she should move over to one of the countries over there. then let us know how it worked for her. she'd be stoned to death after some of the videos she made. then Hillary and Obama can blame her videos instead of some innocent civilian for Benghazi.
Bullshit. They have been like this since its inception. People deny reality.

Treating people who bear ill will towards you fairly and with compassion only works after they have been pile drived into the ground, and realize with 100% clarity who won, and who lost.

The Allies after WWII turned two very militaristic societies into peaceful economic juggernauts, but it only worked because they were 100% sure who's ass got kicked in the war, and accepted complete control of their respective countries governments and economies after they gave up.

People today want to skip the first step, and assume the 2nd step will work regardless. These people are idiots.
Yeah, like Madonna has a track record of treating people with dignity and respect. I flashed back to a clip of Kevin Costner ever so graciously and humbly introducing himself to her one time. She turned to the side, right in front of him, and made gagging gestures. That's the epitome of "treating people with dignity and respect". What else can one expect from an atrocity such as her? Why are we even bothering with a thread on this tramp? Who gives a shit about this piece of trash has been, anyway?
Jesus would be proud of Madonna for that statement.

No He wouldn't! Nobody could be proud of this piece of shit, not even Jesus. When He met the prostitute, He told her to go and sin no more. That advice wouldn't have even registered with her. For some there is no redemption, and Jesus was smart enough to recognize it.
Jesus would be proud of Madonna for that statement.

No He wouldn't! Nobody could be proud of this piece of shit, not even Jesus. When He met the prostitute, He told her to go and sin no more. That advice wouldn't have even registered with her. For some there is no redemption, and Jesus was smart enough to recognize it.
Wow. You must be thinking of a different jesus.
well she can be the first one to prove it. she should move over to one of the countries over there. then let us know how it worked for her. she'd be stoned to death after some of the videos she made. then Hillary and Obama can blame her videos instead of some innocent civilian for Benghazi.

What is interesting is her quote comes from someone I don't consider to have much dignity.
Did you see that picture ISIS (or ISIL as BHO says) took of a girl on back tied to be with Cross rammed down her throat?
Not that I give a crap about what Modonna has to say but it certainly defines the liberal position of blaming the successful first. According to Madonna it isn't the killers fault they are killer it is ours because we don't treat murders with dignity.

Madonna Wrong To Think Terrorists Will Stop By Giving Them "Dignity And Respect" And "Love Unconditionally"

Madonna stopped her Saturday concert in Stockholm, Sweden to pay tribute those who died in the “tragic killings” and “assassinations” in Paris on Friday night, but after crying for the victims and their families, she wrongly told the audience at the Tele2 Arena that while people do “atrocious, degrading and unforgivable things” to one another, among the reasons for these senseless acts of violence is that we don’t treat “every human being with dignity and respect.” Her view of terrorists, namely ISIS, is naive and downright foolish. See Madonna’s speech below.
Who is Madonna?

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