MAGA: DrumpF Presents The Presidential Medal of Freedom To Former Anti-Porn AG Edwin Meese

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Anti-Porn Asshole Meese gets a medal from the Great Douche Raw Dogger of Pornstar.


Wedtech then began extending its reach to the White House, utilizing President Reagan's press secretary, Lyn Nofziger, to contact public liaison officer (and future Senator) Elizabeth Dole. Through Dole, Wedtech won a $32 million contract to produce small engines for the United States Army. This was only the first of many no-bid deals that eventually totaled $250 million.

By the final years of Reagan's second term, Wedtech's crimes had become too numerous to hide. An independent counsel was appointed by Congress, which later charged Attorney General Edwin Meese with complicity in the scandal (his close friend had worked as a lobbyist for the company and sought help from Meese on Wedtech contract matters)
Wedtech scandal - Wikipedia
President Trump Presents The Presidential Medal of Freedom To Former AG Edwin Meese

Another MAGA Great Douche Moment.
Hero Anti-Porn Ex-AG Edwin Meese, gets a Medal from

the Great Douche Pornstar Raw Dogger.
and pays Hookers for sex.


:iyfyus.jpg: Guess Meese will get some Free Porn site coupons from the Douche.

LOL.. I love how the anti-Porn assholes stopped whining about porn, after it came free for a fee in their basements online.

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Ah, the daily “MAGA oRangE dRumphF GreAt DoUche tRuMp” thread of the day.

Are you nine years old?
That's pretty funny. A porn hating law breaker gets an award for defending the law from a man who lived to celebrate porn
That's pretty funny. A porn hating law breaker gets an award for defending the law from a man who lived to celebrate porn

What’s even more funny are leftwing sycophants who promote homosexuality and cross-dressing queers are outraged about it.
That's pretty funny. A porn hating law breaker gets an award for defending the law from a man who lived to celebrate porn

What’s even more funny are leftwing sycophants who promote homosexuality and cross-dressing queers are outraged about it.

Leftist scum wants to kneecap their adversaries by holding them to impossible standards while they can do whatever the fuck they want.
That's pretty funny. A porn hating law breaker gets an award for defending the law from a man who lived to celebrate porn
:yes_text12: it is funny getting your medal of freedom from the Great Pornstar Raw Dogging Douche.
Meese was involved criminal a lot of activities, just the same thangs as the Great Douche does.
Just not taking it a far.
That's pretty funny. A porn hating law breaker gets an award for defending the law from a man who lived to celebrate porn

What’s even more funny are leftwing sycophants who promote homosexuality and cross-dressing queers are outraged about it.

Leftist scum wants to kneecap their adversaries by holding them to impossible standards while they can do whatever the fuck they want.

"Impossible standards"--Really?
Clinton got a legal blowjob. And lied. One wife. 1 rape allegation, say 5 complaints about sex.
The Great Douche Raw Dogs Paornstars and lied. On Wife # 3. 3 rape allegation, 1 rape was reported by the wife. Say 25 complaints about sexual assault.
Religious peoples allow the raping of young kids by their morally fake godly picked leaders. And still, believe in fake gods/lords, etc. And FULLY fund child rape
industries claiming fake god/lord status.

In human history homosexuality and cross-dressing queers...LTBTG and others have been here doing what they do. They are human
and follow are laws. Some (GOP/DOPers MAGA Morons etc.) want to outlaw these activities claiming their morals from the church that rapes children
for the love of fake gods. Types like you say...LTBTQ movement 'an affront to almighty God'
The LTBTQ generally are not claiming fake gods/lords to be superior in some way to others. Like the peoples funding religious rape cults.
And you feel the LTBTQ are a moral issue. They don't fund Child rape cults for fake gods/lords. LOL..MAGA Dopers are weak-minded.
Go with the lord, and make sure they rape the children in th name of your lord. Is this about your team supports raping child cults?
Butt,butt you are saying here. Those LTBTQ are worse as to justifying your weakest getting morals from child rape institutions.

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