#MAGA: Kessler runs for his life, Spencer presser in crappy apartment


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Isn't this outstanding how America responds to the alt-right white nationalist racist pigs?

Kessler, the pig organizer of the racist terror rally in VA is bitch-slapped and must run for his life. He was actually tackled in the bushes by a girl.

Then, it get's better. The pseudo-intellect jackass Spencer can't get a hotel room to save his life, so he must call a press conference in some shitty apartment. He's a joke. They are a joke.

Watch and laugh, America becomes great again.

Richard Spencer forced to hold press conference in his apartment because DC hotels wouldn’t have him: report

Is that his new ginger bf?
This is what civil war looks like.

A modern civil war looks like this...


America wins again. Traitors go down in 5 minutes.
Isn't this outstanding how America responds to the alt-right white nationalist racist pigs?

Kessler, the pig organizer of the racist terror rally in VA is bitch-slapped and must run for his life. He was actually tackled in the bushes by a girl.

Then, it get's better. The pseudo-intellect jackass Spencer can't get a hotel room to save his life, so he must call a press conference in some shitty apartment. He's a joke. They are a joke.

Watch and laugh, America becomes great again.

Richard Spencer forced to hold press conference in his apartment because DC hotels wouldn’t have him: report

Is that his new ginger bf?

This is what Public Corruption looks like
This is what a Stand Down Order looks like
This is what prosecuting McCauliff, Mayor Singer, and The Charlottesville Police Chief Looks like
This is what ANTIFA funded by George SOROS attacking Protestors with a valid permit, marching in silence Criminally Assaulting them looks like while the POLICE engage in Criminal Negligence and Dereliction of Duty.
And this is what putting a Fascist Troll who supports Islamic Extremism on IGNORE looks like.

Mod Edit -- Too much of personal threat against posters. Deleted. Don't go there.
The Original Tree

WHEN THE HATED A.C.L.U. finds itself defending THE KKK (People they are Politically Opposed to) because the VIOLATION OF THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS WAS SO EGREGIOUS they couldn't be IGNORED, then you should just go find a short pier and take a long walk with an anchor tied around your neck and spout off your lies from the bottom of Davey Jones Locker!

I don't like the KKK or what they stand for, but they had a legal right and a permit to do what they were doing peacefully....

And you should just STFU Fascist... You people have no rights to deny others their rights, or incite violence and mobs to silence free speech.
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This is what civil war looks like.

What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...
What bullshit. A bunch of racist Nazi assholes got their asses kicked. There needs to be more of that. Their kind have no place in this nation. Ted Cruz said it best.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.
This is what civil war looks like.

What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...
What bullshit. A bunch of racist Nazi assholes got their asses kicked. There needs to be more of that. Their kind have no place in this nation. Ted Cruz said it best.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Exactly what I responding to there GoldiRocks. Table for 2 now. Leftists who are promoting a Civil war..
This is what civil war looks like.
The kooks of the Left don't even see a problem with what they're doing. This COULD lead to bullets
Bring it on, baby. You assholes are a stain on this nation. This is one place the liberals and conservatives of this nation can agree, and we will both take you out. Both the radical left and the radical right have no place in this nation. You try to make your point with force, as the gathering of nazis in Charlottesville did, and you lose.
You now what else some of these videos show?

The Police again standing around and doing absolutely NOTHING!
As they were ordered to do by McCauliff and Singer.

6 Minutes and 30 seconds in to this clip. Amazing.

And STATE POLICE no less who take their ORDERS FROM McCauliff.

So State Police supervised by McCauliff, and Local Police supervised by Mayor Singer both were told to STAND DOWN!
This is what civil war looks like.

What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...

You're ready to go to heels over that?

What's that even mean? First line of this OP.. Call for confrontation and violence.

Isn't this outstanding how America responds to the alt-right white nationalist racist pigs?

Is it? Or is it not? 2 choices...

I'm not going to war against losers of either side. They marginalize themselves and I want to know WHO they are.. But I WILL to go to war against RAVING partisan shitheads who PROMOTE this violence for their political advantage. Do WE --- have an issue there?
This is what civil war looks like.

What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...
What bullshit. A bunch of racist Nazi assholes got their asses kicked. There needs to be more of that. Their kind have no place in this nation. Ted Cruz said it best.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Exactly what I responding to there GoldiRocks. Table for 2 now. Leftists who are promoting a Civil war..
Really? All those protesting against the nazis at Charlottesville were radical left? Most were citizens that are justly intolerant of assholes that preach hate and violence. No civil war, just cleaning up some fecal material from our streets.
We have to let these weirdos speak. And then a chorus of "you're an ignorant blowhard dumbass" should be heard in response. You can't harm people because they are ignorant bugwits otherwise all the Republican contingent in Congress would be in jeopardy.

You have to give him credit though, he runs to his safe space with all due diligence.
This is what civil war looks like.

What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...
What bullshit. A bunch of racist Nazi assholes got their asses kicked. There needs to be more of that. Their kind have no place in this nation. Ted Cruz said it best.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Exactly what I responding to there GoldiRocks. Table for 2 now. Leftists who are promoting a Civil war..
Really? All those protesting against the nazis at Charlottesville were radical left? Most were citizens that are justly intolerant of assholes that preach hate and violence. No civil war, just cleaning up some fecal material from our streets.

Oh Bullshit. They were BUSSED in. Not residents of CHarlottesville. The good residents of Charlotteville don't HAVE a KKK/Nazi problem. And they don't have a professional crew of monkey wrenching AntiFa and BLMs that they contend with day to day...
Mr. Flacaltenn, people like you let Germany go nazi. You would standby when the assholes go violent on the citizens of this nation. I will not. They try that where I am, I will show them, and the rest of the good citizens, will show that we also know how to use violence.

America is home to over 320 Million People.

Most of them are decent people.

What percentage of The American Populous was at this rally?

And before you answer, you should admit that The KKK, as much as people don't like them had a valid protest permit, and ANTIFA and BLM did not.

2ndly before you answer, you should also admit, that there is clear evidence THE KKK was marching peacefully down the street and in SILENCE even despite being spat upon and verbally assaulted.

3rdly you should admit that ANTIFA AND BLM were ILLEGALLY BLOCKING THE ROAD and the Parade Route Indicated in the Permit, in full view of The Police, who neither cleared The Parade Route, or the blocked street, and who did nothing when The KKK was assaulted without provocation.

To borrow a phrase from THE LEFT....

"This is not what AMERICA is ALL ABOUT."

So, lefty, what percentage of THE AMERICAN POPULATION was in Charlottesville at this rally....combining... the legal local protesters and the Out of town, Out of State Soros Funded Agitators ANTIFA and BLM?

Seriously, the KKK's Civil Rights were so Egregiously Violated that THE ACLU has taken up their case. And honestly even I AM SHOCKED BY THAT.

But The Left, cannot even put this in proper perspective.
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We have to let these weirdos speak. And then a chorus of "you're an ignorant blowhard dumbass" should be heard in response. You can't harm people because they are ignorant bugwits otherwise all the Republican contingent in Congress would be in jeopardy.

You have to give him credit though, he runs to his safe space with all due diligence.
Yes, when they use words, then use words in return. When they start using clubs, beat them into the ground. That is the proper response to nazis. It has been less than a century since they set the world on fire. Do not give them a chance to do that again.

"It Can't Happen Here" Sinclair Lewis.
What kind of American would root for such a thing?

Obviously, HaxleNut is one of them. Right? Hence the lead in the OP...
What bullshit. A bunch of racist Nazi assholes got their asses kicked. There needs to be more of that. Their kind have no place in this nation. Ted Cruz said it best.

Cruz calls for Justice Department investigation into Charlottesville violence

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate," Cruz said in a statement.

"Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism," he continued.

Exactly what I responding to there GoldiRocks. Table for 2 now. Leftists who are promoting a Civil war..
Really? All those protesting against the nazis at Charlottesville were radical left? Most were citizens that are justly intolerant of assholes that preach hate and violence. No civil war, just cleaning up some fecal material from our streets.

Oh Bullshit. They were BUSSED in. Not residents of CHarlottesville. The good residents of Charlotteville don't HAVE a KKK/Nazi problem. And they don't have a professional crew of monkey wrenching AntiFa and BLMs that they contend with day to day...
Others said Ms. Heyer, who lived in Charlottesville, spoke out against inequality and urged co-workers to be active in their community.

“Heather was a very strong woman,” said Alfred A. Wilson, manager of the bankruptcy division at the Miller Law Group in Charlottesville, where Ms. Heyer worked as a paralegal. She stood up against “any type of discrimination,” he said. “That’s just how she’s always been.”
Heather Heyer, Charlottesville Victim, Is Recalled as ‘a Strong Woman’

Sure, Mr. Flacaltenn, sure.

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