MAGAs are coming for your government-run, entitlement program. It's all on the table.

The irony is that the vast majority of these GOP fans aren't even rich. They're working-class people, and some of them are even collecting Social Security and Medicare. These GOP groupies are freaking retarded.
The irony is that these people you are railing against aren't asking for any of YOUR money--indeed they are intent on stopping the fraud and waste. However, your thread is based solely on why you feel you're entitled to OUR money. LMAO.
That was never NATO's original mission

NATO's mission was never to stop the USSR from attacking Europe? DURR

and there's no evidence that Russia wants or ever wanted, after the collapse of the USSR, to invade its former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe.

Right, except for the ones they attacked and invaded.

You have nothing but empty rhetoric, because Russia is the largest nation on Earth, with the most natural resources of any country.

Yeah, it's a shame that their commie leaders have squandered them.
From Western Europe, not ALL OF EUROPE. Russia didn't invade Eastern European countries in the 1990s, and early 2000s, so you're just pulling more bullshit out of your ass. Typical Todd bullshit. Moreover, Putin isn't a communist you dumb motherfucker. He's a capitalist oligarch, who unlike you recognizes that a mixed economy is the only way that capitalism is able to function properly at a national scale. Western Europeans and practically all of Europe, including China and many other industrialized nations around the world, know capitalism can't function without socialism.

Since I'm fair, I will admit that without sufficient technology marketless socialism doesn't work. You need markets and hence capitalists, for an economy to function. In a way, both capitalism and socialism have a symbiotic relationship, they rely on each other. Mixed economies are what works, unfortunately, here in America, we have stupid billionaires like Elon the Martian, who are stripping the American government of all of its socialist elements, leading us into an economic collapse. Smart billionaires like Mark Cuban and Nick Hanauer know that without a "little socialism", capitalism doesn't work. It breaks down.

The irony is that these people you are railing against aren't asking for any of YOUR money--indeed they are intent on stopping the fraud and waste. However, your thread is based solely on why you feel you're entitled to OUR money. LMAO.

You don't deserve a penny more than what you paid into the system. So if you have to get open heart surgery or some other expensive procedure done, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, too bad for your "Grandpa". You're going to have to kick the bucket early when perhaps you could've lived ten more years or more. But hey, society doesn't owe you a damn thing (that's your personal philosophy, it's not mine. I believe society owes you something, has certain obligations towards you, irrespective if you afford me the same courtesy and respect).

Social Security? Same policy. How much did you pay into it? That's all you're going to get out of it. Not one penny more. So if you start collecting Social Security at 65 and by 75 you spend it all, too bad. You're now relying on other investments or go get a job, in your mid-70s. Maybe you can become a "greeter" at Walmart.

What you don't realize is that without a social safety net, economic inequality and social ills increase to a point where they're unmanageable. You'll have homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk in front of your store, urinating and defecating, leaving human poop in front of your diner. They're harassing your customers as they walk into your restaurant. Crime is through the roof, we have more pandemics and we end up paying more as a society, than if we had a system in place to avoid homelessness and people falling through the cracks, into such dire straights.

Republicans don't do enough, if anything to resolve these societal ills, and liberals give resources without proper planning and infrastructural development. They reduce public welfare to a form of government paid charity, which is completely ineffective. There has to be a judicial and law enforcement component to resolving this:

It's tough love. Republicans have no love, at all. They're completely indifferent. The liberals have some love, compassion, but they're not willing to "law down the law" and show some backbone (tough love).
Exactly how anyone with no social security number pay taxes into Social security?

I can't wait to see this one
Simply more ignorance
Libs raise you hand if you have knowledge of the difference between receiving your section 8 or food stamps versus social security or Medicare
Fix what about Social Security? What are you "fixing" about Social Security? Be more precise. What exactly are you "fixing"?
Fixing to get people money who never paid into it by taking money from those who have.
That’s what they is fixin’ to do.
As I have been saying for a very long time, we need to increase the Social Security and Medicare eligibility age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

This is the only sane, common sense solution.

We are living longer than our ancestors of 1935. We should be working longer.
Which is my point, the Congress critters never had the balls to make serious changes to either program. With a guy like Trump in there, he has the balls to actually do something and doesn't care what others have to say. With democrats (and republicans in the past), they were all so scared of their own shadows they never did anything.
Fix what about Social Security? What are you "fixing" about Social Security? Be more precise. What exactly are you "fixing"?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the fact that in the near future payments will be higher than the receipts.
When Todd reads what I write, due to his reading comprehension deficiency, he conjures up strawman points never made and does nothing more than skew what is being said. It's amazing the level of stupidity that you're suffering from.

I've heard Kelton before. Wow, we can print instead of default. DURR

Still an awful idea.
Yep, OP, Trump currently has America right where he wants us, getting reamed by his massive fraud, lies and corruption.


But, like the good little Dimocrat that you are, you're not only fine with the layers and layers of deep state fraud, you heartily endorse it.
So if you have to get open heart surgery or some other expensive procedure done,
I've already had it, moron. Unlike you, I paid for it with health insurance that I purchased without the government's help.
But hey, society doesn't owe you a damn thing (that's your personal philosophy, it's not mine.
That is the only true thing that you've posted. Society does not owe me anything and I'm not asking for anything. I earned what I have.
Social Security? Same policy. How much did you pay into it? That's all you're going to get out of it.
Sure, and what about those who paid into it their whole lives to either die before or just after they retired? I suppose you believe illegal parasites have a right to that money, eh, comrade?
What you don't realize is that without a social safety net, economic inequality and social ills increase to a point where they're unmanageable.
Do you honestly believe that there is economic equality in your communist/socialist utopias? LMAO, your stupidity increases with each post.
You'll have homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk in front of your store, urinating and defecating, leaving human poop in front of your diner. They're harassing your customers as they walk into your restaurant. Crime is through the roof, we have more pandemics and we end up paying more as a society, than if we had a system in place to avoid homelessness and people falling through the cracks, into such dire straights.
LMAO, and that is after just four years of moronic democrat lack of governance. Keep posting, you're your own worst enemy.
From Western Europe, not ALL OF EUROPE. Russia didn't invade Eastern European countries in the 1990s, and early 2000s, so you're just pulling more bullshit out of your ass. Typical Todd bullshit. Moreover, Putin isn't a communist you dumb motherfucker. He's a capitalist oligarch, who unlike you recognizes that a mixed economy is the only way that capitalism is able to function properly at a national scale. Western Europeans and practically all of Europe, including China and many other industrialized nations around the world, know capitalism can't function without socialism.

Since I'm fair, I will admit that without sufficient technology marketless socialism doesn't work. You need markets and hence capitalists, for an economy to function. In a way, both capitalism and socialism have a symbiotic relationship, they rely on each other. Mixed economies are what works, unfortunately, here in America, we have stupid billionaires like Elon the Martian, who are stripping the American government of all of its socialist elements, leading us into an economic collapse. Smart billionaires like Mark Cuban and Nick Hanauer know that without a "little socialism", capitalism doesn't work. It breaks down.

From Western Europe, not ALL OF EUROPE.

NATO shouldn't defend the formerly enslaved nations of Eastern Europe?

He's a capitalist oligarch, who unlike you recognizes that a mixed economy is the only way that capitalism is able to function properly at a national scale.

Is that why the Russian economy is in the toilet, Putin's brilliant management?
Such a great country that even the people who hate it refuse to leave.

My advice for any socialist living in America who are continually bashing their heads into the nearest wall, furious with capitalism, is to simply work towards migrating to Canada and becoming a citizen.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the fact that in the near future payments will be higher than the receipts.
When there us a huge funded surplus then paying out $1900 per month does not deplete much if taking in $1850 per month
It’s just ignorant, jealous fear mongering comparing SS to welfare, food stamps, housing vouchers. The moochers want to disparage snd try to “scare” those who are not disgruntled moochers because we thinkingly provided for the remainder of our lives
No, you fucking retard, America will never go insolvent or bankrupt. A nation that prints its own fiat, sovereign currency, can't go bankrupt, especially, when it has enough production to meet demand. If the government deposits 5 million dollars in everyone's bank account then of course, that would collapse the economy, because most people would stay home or go on a long-term vacation. The store shelves would be empty because all of the new millionaires would buy everything and we wouldn't have the production capacity to meet the demand created by hundreds of millions of new millionaires, created instantly by Uncle Sam.

Of course, the US Federal government has its budgetary constraints, I'm not saying that the government can just print money, and give it away. The budget limits of our federal government are determined by our GDP. Our nation's production capacity. How many people are employed, how many resources do we have available, as far as raw materials, machinery...etc. Watch these videos, and get an instant education on how our monetary system works:

It's good to be fiscally disciplined and not spend more money than we have to, at a macroeconomic level, but when our government spends money on social programs that provide for the poor, providing benefits to the working class, that contributes positively to the health and productivity of our country. Investing heavily in infrastructure, and making sure that everyone in America has healthcare, an education, and is earning a living wage if they work a full-time job. All of that makes America wealthier and stronger.

Yes, our dollar can crash and we will go broke.

Elon Musk’s recent comments about “widespread fraud” in federal entitlements have sparked intense debate, particularly after Congressman Riley Moore’s remarks about cutting what he called “mandatory spendings”, programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Republicans have already put forth budget resolutions calling for billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid and food assistance programs, effectively targeting society’s most vulnerable. Musk recently commented alleging billions of dollars in fraudulent Social Security payments, a claim made without evidence and contrary to the Social Security Administration’s protocols requiring valid identification for benefits. Musk’s statements are an effort to sow doubt about the legitimacy of these programs, laying the groundwork for potentially drastic reductions in Social Security under the guise of “efficiency” or “fraud prevention.”
What’s wrong with rooting out fraud in these entitlement programs? They've found social security payments going to people 150 years old. They’ve uncovered payments going to various phantom accounts overseas.
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