Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping says Sharri Markson.

“It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said"

“What's amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said.

“But it's amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”.

"Ms Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies"

Verrry interesting my friends!:eusa_think:

Sky News Australia
December 13 2020

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping says Sharri Markson.

“It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said"

“What's amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said.

“But it's amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”.

"Ms Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies"

Verrry interesting my friends!:eusa_think:

Sky News Australia
December 13 2020

I saw a report today that Columbia University accepted on Dec 7 a grant of $1 million for Chinese propaganda. Columbia is the only Ivy League school to accept. Other schools throughout the U.S. have similar programs.

Only Fox News had an article on this, even as many European and UK sites did. Even CBC, Canadas government run network with close ties to the Old Country aren't reporting this.

Herein lies the problem. The Communist have massive sway and de facto influence/control over Western media. The next four years in particular, are going to be the potential expose of just how much power they wield. It seems there are major divides between America First/Exceptionalism vs. Global Socialism/China First.

You can bet, there are very few in China interested in seeing America lead. Why are so many citizens in the West willing to embrace leadership and false offers of change by the Communists when they so clearly have an objective?

The whole world is learning of this.

This is the beginning of the end for Communist China.

The whole world is learning of this.

This is the beginning of the end of Communist China.

No way. Deep pockets despised Trump and they worked overtime to ensure he lost. Too many are pulling strings of organizations and playing games for their own benefit. Some of these agencies don't even know it, that's how good intelligence of foreign enemies works. They are miles ahead.

Too many have been convinced that borders don't matter, it's all about maximum profit, access to cheap labour and accessing the 1.4B in China. I can't even imagine where America would be today if Clinton had won in 2016. Trump was a buffer, but one term probably isn't enough to prevent the train that is coming, he just delayed it.

China just walked into H.K, they denied Taiwan entry into the W.T.O, they have spoken candidly of aggressively supporting Biden/Harris and wanting Trump out as he was causing them headaches. The fact the communists deleted the video quickly (it was shown on Tucker Carlson) illustrates that they realized that sometimes their insulated arrogance and confidence can be exposed, and they fear waking up the few idiots who are in their slumber, intoxicated by false dreams.

I'm a realist. As much as I hate to admit it, China is going to run the world, especially the West. I just hope I'm not around to live under it. I've experienced socialism light, I don't need the authentic dish.

The whole world is learning of this.

This is the beginning of the end of Communist China.

No way. Deep pockets despised Trump and they worked overtime to ensure he lost. Too many are pulling strings of organizations and playing games for their own benefit. Some of these agencies don't even know it, that's how good intelligence of foreign enemies works. They are miles ahead.

Too many have been convinced that borders don't matter, it's all about maximum profit, access to cheap labour and accessing the 1.4B in China. I can't even imagine where America would be today if Clinton had won in 2016. Trump was a buffer, but one term probably isn't enough to prevent the train that is coming, he just delayed it.

China just walked into H.K, they denied Taiwan entry into the W.T.O, they have spoken candidly of aggressively supporting Biden/Harris and wanting Trump out as he was causing them headaches. The fact the communists deleted the video quickly (it was shown on Tucker Carlson) illustrates that they realized that sometimes their insulated arrogance and confidence can be exposed, and they fear waking up the few idiots who are in their slumber, intoxicated by false dreams.

I'm a realist. As much as I hate to admit it, China is going to run the world, especially the West. I just hope I'm not around to live under it. I've experienced socialism light, I don't need the authentic dish.

Again...I do not agree with you....perhaps you should speak for Canada only.... the US will never be run by China.

Got that? China will never run the US.


The whole world is learning of this.

This is the beginning of the end of Communist China.

No way. Deep pockets despised Trump and they worked overtime to ensure he lost. Too many are pulling strings of organizations and playing games for their own benefit. Some of these agencies don't even know it, that's how good intelligence of foreign enemies works. They are miles ahead.

Too many have been convinced that borders don't matter, it's all about maximum profit, access to cheap labour and accessing the 1.4B in China. I can't even imagine where America would be today if Clinton had won in 2016. Trump was a buffer, but one term probably isn't enough to prevent the train that is coming, he just delayed it.

China just walked into H.K, they denied Taiwan entry into the W.T.O, they have spoken candidly of aggressively supporting Biden/Harris and wanting Trump out as he was causing them headaches. The fact the communists deleted the video quickly (it was shown on Tucker Carlson) illustrates that they realized that sometimes their insulated arrogance and confidence can be exposed, and they fear waking up the few idiots who are in their slumber, intoxicated by false dreams.

I'm a realist. As much as I hate to admit it, China is going to run the world, especially the West. I just hope I'm not around to live under it. I've experienced socialism light, I don't need the authentic dish.

Again...I do not agree with you....perhaps you should speak for Canada only.... the US will never be run by China.

Got that? China will never run the US.


Define "run".

It's clear as day how passively accepting so many are of their influence. Canada is already finished, the result of decades of allowing a covert police state make mint off of the backs of our citizens while foreign enemy states laughed as they spied, hacked, bought influence, politicians and leaders.

You think the current crop of citizens is up to the task of taking on China? There is more debate about which washroom to use and what gender someone is, if they aren't looking to eliminate history. This younger generation isn't even in the drivers seat yet, wait until 10-15 years from now when they are CEOs, politicians, cops and lawmakers.

China rolled over the West. Trump was the first one to call it out in the open and confront it. Everyone has now cheered his loss. "Happy days are here again!" they shout. Just look at this forum alone nevermind twitter, reddit and other places. The lack of awareness is astounding.

It's clear what the future holds. I blame so many in positions of authority who were not deserving of such positions. I know this much, it sure as hell wasn't my fault.
China along with Soros and other anti-Americans apparently run the Democrat party. That is why President Trump must insist on justice prevailing by invoking Executive Order 2018 if the courts refuse to apply justice for American citizens.
China along with Soros and other anti-Americans apparently run the Democrat party. That is why President Trump must insist on justice prevailing by invoking Executive Order 2018 if the courts refuse to apply justice for American citizens.

Biden/Harris are going to be president on Jan 20th.

We will see how the next four years go.
China along with Soros and other anti-Americans apparently run the Democrat party. That is why President Trump must insist on justice prevailing by invoking Executive Order 2018 if the courts refuse to apply justice for American citizens.

Biden/Harris are going to be president on Jan 20th.

We will see how the next four years go.

If they are allowed in the next four years are predetermined. Don't kid yourself.
Xi's worst nightmare!

2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spies embedded in Western Nations doxxed!

Just think about that my friends! just think! :up:
Xi's worst nightmare!

2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spies embedded in Western Nations doxxed!

Just think about that my friends! just think! :up:

The impact is worse when you consider this. How many will be told to pack up their stuff and go home?

That is where we are now. Compliance and willing surrender to the communists by the weakest generation. Of which, we are all a part of...

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