Majority of Americans say trump committed a crime on January 6th

How does it feel to see your Liar in Chief become a nobody? It is over for trump. desantis is lining up the Governors in his corner. Ronnie get the nomination and Donald runs as third party to screw the repubs.....IT WILL BE GLORIUS.

That is why the Dems want trump to stick around. He will never accept anyone as the 2024 repub nominee other than himself. Donald is gonna make life Hell for Ronnie and the repub party.
How does it feel to see your Liar in Chief become a nobody? It is over for trump. desantis is lining up the Governors in his corner. Ronnie get the nomination and Donald runs as third party to screw the repubs.....IT WILL BE GLORIUS.

That is why the Dems want trump to stick around. He will never accept anyone as the 2024 repub nominee other than himself. Donald is gonna make life Hell for Ronnie and the repub party.

A nobody? You asshats are so desperate to try and charge him for a crime, any crime, so that he can't run again it is hilarious.

Trump is not a nobody, your incessant posting proves it.

What you spew are the lies that the conservatives are defending against.
You're smarter than this, Jim.

No, no he isn't. Provably so with this endless screed. The facts are very simple, the only people we have any evidence of criminal activity on Jan 6 are the fbi informants, and some very dumb people who let themselves lose control.

The stupid article doesn't say a damn thing about who took the poll and who they talked to. It is nothing more than a bullshit article for uneducated TDS afflicted Moon Bats. You know, like you.
Actually, the word poll in the article is a hyper link taking your to the 300+ page ream of questions and tabulations. It is difficult to ascertain the cross section of Dims vs Republicans. They claim it was designed to reflect the expected likely voter percentages. Etc.

I am very suspect of all polls. But what they mean now vs what they may mean closer to the election is pretty much irrelevant.

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