Man dies trying to burn wife Alive in Migrant Centre

Denial is a hell of a thing.....

Hope you're looking in a mirror when you say that. At least you should be....... :thup:

Is this your first post without foul language?

You have added zero to the discussion. Something tells me that Zero is a reoccurring theme in your life.
Haven't used foul language yet....... Obviously you're suffering from dementia. Oh and I'm the one who has contributed nothing.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh then it must have been your buddy then.... Sorry, both of you post like an idiot, so you can see its rather easy to confuse you both.

Go back to defending "religion of peace"
Who said anything about defending the "religion of peace"? Still can't figure out where you went wrong, can ya....... :lmao:

Oh I'm not wrong. You are merely playing semantics as ignoring the reality.

But please continue adding nothing. You are fantastic at adding nothing. Maybe we should start calling you Mr Zero ... Or is it Ms?
Hope you're looking in a mirror when you say that. At least you should be....... :thup:

Is this your first post without foul language?

You have added zero to the discussion. Something tells me that Zero is a reoccurring theme in your life.
Haven't used foul language yet....... Obviously you're suffering from dementia. Oh and I'm the one who has contributed nothing.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh then it must have been your buddy then.... Sorry, both of you post like an idiot, so you can see its rather easy to confuse you both.

Go back to defending "religion of peace"
Who said anything about defending the "religion of peace"? Still can't figure out where you went wrong, can ya....... :lmao:

Oh I'm not wrong. You are merely playing semantics as ignoring the reality.

But please continue adding nothing. You are fantastic at adding nothing. Maybe we should start calling you Mr Zero ... Or is it Ms?
God I love hacks!!!!! :lmao:
Denial is a hell of a thing.....

Hope you're looking in a mirror when you say that. At least you should be....... :thup:

Is this your first post without foul language?

You have added zero to the discussion. Something tells me that Zero is a reoccurring theme in your life.
Haven't used foul language yet....... Obviously you're suffering from dementia. Oh and I'm the one who has contributed nothing.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Oh then it must have been your buddy then.... Sorry, both of you post like an idiot, so you can see its rather easy to confuse you both.

Go back to defending "religion of peace"
Who said anything about defending the "religion of peace"? Still can't figure out where you went wrong, can ya....... :lmao:

OP apparently never got wind of that thar ole Texas proverb: "When you find yerself in a hole, the first thing to do is quit diggin'".

Completely failed thread ad he be all like

Your foul language and personal insults aside. Your post makes Zero sense.

The article doesn't have to say Muslim.... It says migrant centre, Right now we all know who is in these migrant centre's. It's certainly not Russians, Japanese, or Canadians.

And wife killing doesn't have to be religious or cultural. The fact is wife killers are often domestic abusers and Islam has proven time and again they are leaders in spousal abuse and oppression.

If you are going to grandstand on a post please actually have something to stand on instead of just an insult and foul language.
Non-Muslim wife killers in western civilizations are exactly the same...... Wow, go figure........

But none are in migrant centre's. Except Muslims.

Like I said .... Muslims being Muslims.
What was that about someone looking like a jerk........? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For calling out evil? Sorry but I not under any illusions when it comes to what these Muslims are all about .... You can pretend they are actually a religion of peace. And everytime one of them rapes. assaults, or abuses women you can stick your fingers in your ears and say la la la while pretending it isn't happening.

Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?
Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware??

You haven't made a point here. This is basically as absurd as the Christianist myth that "the most effective tool the Devil has is making people believe he doesn't exist". :lol:

--- you don't prove a point by absence of its disproof. All you have here is speculation. Actually based on the action in the story I would have figured by probability that they guy might be from India, where that goes on way too much.

But ---- I don't know that either, and I'm not going to go on a message board and be a dick with some "Hindus being Hindus" bullshit bigotry. That is, if I didn't already know it's not connected to religion anyway.

The fact remains --- the OP lied. Completely made up something that does not exist in the story at all. And I called him on it, immediately.

Intentional ignorance offends me. What the juvenile OP is trying to do here is foment ignorance and bigotry by posting bullshit. And that's why I came in and shut him down.

(psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there)

Ah --- really.


muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels

Nope. Islam prohibits it.

>> In Rana Husseini’s Murder in the Name of Honor, Ms. Husseini describes an interview in a Jordanian jail she had with a young man named Sarhan who in 1999 shot his sister Yasmin because she was no longer a virgin after she had been raped by a brother-in-law.

In the interview, Sarhan explained, “‘I killed her because she was no longer a virgin,’ he told me. ‘She made a mistake, willingly or not. It is better that one person dies than the whole family of shame and disgrace. It is like a box of apples. If you have one rotten apple would you keep it or get rid of it? I just got rid of it.’ When I challenged Sarhan by pointing out that his act contradicted the teachings of Islam and was punishable by God, he said, ‘I know that killing my sister is against Islam and it angered God, but I had to do what I had to do and I will answer to God when the time comes.” He added, “I know my sister was killed unjustly but what can I do? This is how society thinks. Nobody really wants to kill his own sister.” << (here)

the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim

Again ---- speculation. We don't even know if this guy was religious, let alone which one he might have followed.

The good news is he offed himself. Good riddance. Let his primitive patriarchal ignorance die just like the bullshit in the OP of this thread.
Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware??

You haven't made a point here. This is basically as absurd as the Christianist myth that "the most effective tool the Devil has is making people believe he doesn't exist". :lol:

--- you don't prove a point by absence of its disproof. All you have here is speculation. Actually based on the action in the story I would have figured by probability that they guy might be from India, where that goes on way too much.

But ---- I don't know that either, and I'm not going to go on a message board and be a dick with some "Hindus being Hindus" bullshit bigotry. That is, if I didn't already know it's not connected to religion anyway.

The fact remains --- the OP lied. Completely made up something that does not exist in the story at all. And I called him on it, immediately.

Intentional ignorance offends me. What the juvenile OP is trying to do here is foment ignorance and bigotry by posting bullshit. And that's why I came in and shut him down.

(psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there)

Ah --- really.


muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels

Nope. Islam prohibits it.

>> In Rana Husseini’s Murder in the Name of Honor, Ms. Husseini describes an interview in a Jordanian jail she had with a young man named Sarhan who in 1999 shot his sister Yasmin because she was no longer a virgin after she had been raped by a brother-in-law.

In the interview, Sarhan explained, “‘I killed her because she was no longer a virgin,’ he told me. ‘She made a mistake, willingly or not. It is better that one person dies than the whole family of shame and disgrace. It is like a box of apples. If you have one rotten apple would you keep it or get rid of it? I just got rid of it.’ When I challenged Sarhan by pointing out that his act contradicted the teachings of Islam and was punishable by God, he said, ‘I know that killing my sister is against Islam and it angered God, but I had to do what I had to do and I will answer to God when the time comes.” He added, “I know my sister was killed unjustly but what can I do? This is how society thinks. Nobody really wants to kill his own sister.” << (here)

the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim

Again ---- speculation. We don't even know if this guy was religious, let alone which one he might have followed.

The good news is he offed himself. Good riddance. Let his primitive patriarchal ignorance die just like the bullshit in the OP of this thread.

He was muslim. Wait for it.

Are you really so out of touch that you don't know what's happening to Christians and others in the ME? Go do some research. smh

'Life is horrible': Syria's Christians fear total genocide | Fox News

Christianity will be wiped out from the Middle East within a decade

So islam doesn't call for all the nastiness that we're seeing all over the world?

Sharia law is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith, derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.

Islam – The Key Tenets of Sharia

You really need to open your eyes. You're not going to find this information from msm sources, they cover it up as to not offend islam. The only thing the msm reports is the big Nice type terrorist attacks and even with those, they down play the islamic factor.

Articles: A Look Inside Britain's Muslim Sex Grooming Gang Scandal

Report: 'British Muslim Male 170 Times More Likely to Be Part of a Sex Grooming Gang Than a Non-Muslim'

Germany: Migrants Gang-Rape 14yo Girl, Throw Her Out in the Cold - Show Up to Court 'Grinning'

Muslim refugee, 20, says he thought it was OK to rape boy, 10
He was muslim. Wait for it.

Exactly --- "wait for it" is exactly what I told the lying OP ------- who didn't.

Not that it would mean anything anyway.... uxoricide --- if that's what this was supposed to be --- isn't sanctioned in any religion, nor does it even have a function in any religion --- so it's irrelevant.

Then again maybe it was a personal domestic dispute rather than ancient cultural custom. But that's also irrelevant to any religion.

Are you really so out of touch that you don't know what's happening to Christians and others in the ME? Go do some research. smh

That's not a link proving your claim -- is it?
What you claimed was "the muslims [sic] have killed most of the Christians over there". I need numbers.

So islam doesn't call for all the nastiness that we're seeing all over the world?

Not that I know of, nope.
Of course I'm also not counting all the various booga-booga stories ascribed to it involuntarily on message boards like this and on the bigot blogs who fuel it. I figure, that's out of their control.

You really need to open your eyes. You're not going to find this information from msm sources, they cover it up as to not offend islam. The only thing the msm reports is the big Nice type terrorist attacks and even with those, they down play the islamic factor.

I did open my eyes. As soon as this thread came up. And checked it out. And the OP is a liar.
That's the starting point. If we can't admit that, then reality does not exist.
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He was muslim. Wait for it.

Exactly --- "wait for it" is exactly what I told the lying OP ------- who didn't.

Not that it would mean anything anyway....

Are you really so out of touch that you don't know what's happening to Christians and others in the ME? Go do some research. smh

That's not a link proving your claim -- is it?

So islam doesn't call for all the nastiness that we're seeing all over the world?

Not that I know of, nope.
Of course I'm also not counting all the various booga-booga stories ascribed to it involuntarily on message boards like this and on the bigot blogs who fuel it. I figure, that's out of their control.

You really need to open your eyes. You're not going to find this information from msm sources, they cover it up as to not offend islam. The only thing the msm reports is the big Nice type terrorist attacks and even with those, they down play the islamic factor.

I did open my eyes. As soon as this thread came up. And checked it out. And the OP is a liar.

So you didn't read any of the links I posted, links showing what islam is, what it does.


Keep your head buried in the sand.

He was muslim. Wait for it.

Exactly --- "wait for it" is exactly what I told the lying OP ------- who didn't.

Not that it would mean anything anyway....

Are you really so out of touch that you don't know what's happening to Christians and others in the ME? Go do some research. smh

That's not a link proving your claim -- is it?

So islam doesn't call for all the nastiness that we're seeing all over the world?

Not that I know of, nope.
Of course I'm also not counting all the various booga-booga stories ascribed to it involuntarily on message boards like this and on the bigot blogs who fuel it. I figure, that's out of their control.

You really need to open your eyes. You're not going to find this information from msm sources, they cover it up as to not offend islam. The only thing the msm reports is the big Nice type terrorist attacks and even with those, they down play the islamic factor.

I did open my eyes. As soon as this thread came up. And checked it out. And the OP is a liar.

So you didn't read any of the links I posted, links showing what islam is, what it does.


Keep your head buried in the sand.


Didn't need to. None of them make a relevant point.
Non-Muslim wife killers in western civilizations are exactly the same...... Wow, go figure........

But none are in migrant centre's. Except Muslims.

Like I said .... Muslims being Muslims.
What was that about someone looking like a jerk........? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For calling out evil? Sorry but I not under any illusions when it comes to what these Muslims are all about .... You can pretend they are actually a religion of peace. And everytime one of them rapes. assaults, or abuses women you can stick your fingers in your ears and say la la la while pretending it isn't happening.

Again shit-for-brains ....... there IS NO "these Muslims" in this story. They do not exist. *YOU* pulled them out of your own ass.

As already noted, there is no reference to "Islam", "Hinduism" or any type of "religion" at all anywhere in the article. There isn't even an indication of his nationality --- in fact it goes out of its way to indicate the absence of said nationality. And that's in your own OP.

Fucking Dumbass.

Of course there is no reference to islam ... they never reference islam, they don't want to offend islam. Are you really that unaware?? They call it 'mentally unstable' or 'alcoholic rage' or 'unknown origin'. The fact is it was a Syrian refugee of whom the vast majority ARE muslim (psst, the muslims have killed most of the Christians over there), the fact is that muslims believe in honor killings and killing infidels, the fact is this guy was more than likely a muslim. Just because you don't see what's happening doesn't mean the rest of us don't. Do you want me to link you some of the muslim horrors that are going on over in EU?

Pogo wouldn't know the truth if it jumped on his face and started to wiggle. He is just here to toss around foul language and call me names I guess.
Well, if it turns out to be a Muslim, that's one down and so many more to go.
Then again maybe it was a personal domestic dispute rather than ancient cultural custom. But that's also irrelevant to any religion.
Yeah, my Czech neighbor tried to burn his daughter to death for unbarring her shoulder and looking at boys, just the other day.

Now, of course, he's in jail awaiting trial for felonious assault.

Can you believe it?
And now, a woman is raped and killed because of disgracing the family honor. Now, that it happened to a Muslim British woman in Pakistan is completely coincidental!

Samia Shahid 'honour killing': Raped before death - BBC News

It could have happened in Pennsylvania's Amish country or Fairbanks, Alaska for all we know, right?

Correct -- "Muslim" is coincidental and unrelated. "Pakistan" is far more relevant, since it refers to a specific geography, and in turn a cultural history that dates way way way before Islam or any of the other religions we know were even invented.

I'm sure the meaning of that sails blithely over your head too.
There isn't any "Muslim/Islam involvement". The OP pulled that entirely out of his own ass.

Prove me wrong.

It must take an incredible amount of self control for you to stay on message like you do. Now, I realize that defending Islam is the prime directive for the hive mind, but your pretending that Islam does not have issues with misogyny built into the fabric of it's quasi religious political ideology is absolutely moronic.

Good grief, Mohammad instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, the very Islamic legal system treats women as second class subjects, honor killing and female genital mutilation is rampant in Islam and simply because you put your hand over your eyes and scream "nyah nyah nyah" that does not change the face of reality. You have simply been conditioned by a very simplistic rewards/punishment system to defend Islam. People give you high fives when you defend it and call you names if you don't.

Only a complete fool would allow themselves to be trained like that as if they were little more than a performing monkey.
It must take an incredible amount of self control for you to stay on message like you do.

Thank you. I try.

I figure it's crucial to make one's case rationally rather than fallaciously, which is why I call it out when the approach takes the latter course. Far worse than that, though, is the bigot-baiting that ignorance like this OP foments. All that does is perpetuate the state of conditions that the story describes. Presumably the OP is in favor of it and wishes the man had succeeded. I'm not.

Now, I realize that defending Islam is the prime directive for the hive mind, but your pretending that Islam does not have issues with misogyny built into the fabric of it's quasi religious political ideology is absolutely moronic.

Wooden know about any of that. You see, I haven't posted about "Islam". At all. I posted about logic -- the OP's complete failure to support his point with any evidence, his deliberate suggestion of causations which are in fact unknown. I called him out for making a bad argument and attendant bigot-baiting. That's what I did.

Go ahead. Check me.

Good grief, Mohammad instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, the very Islamic legal system treats women as second class subjects, honor killing and female genital mutilation is rampant in Islam and simply because you put your hand over your eyes and scream "nyah nyah nyah" that does not change the face of reality. You have simply been conditioned by a very simplistic rewards/punishment system to defend Islam. People give you high fives when you defend it and call you names if you don't.

All irrelevant.

And although not the topic here, FGM is not a part of any religion either, nor is "honor killing" -- which also is not in evidence here though another Meathead brought it up. These are both ancient cultural artifacts that predate Islam, Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism etc by literally centuries. None of them condone the practices; what they have in common is historical practice in a given region, hence my reference to "geography" above. For instance, FGM was widespread in parts of Africa (Muslim and non-Muslim), while in Mecca it's considered barbaric. "Honor killing" is still practiced in, say, Pakistan as noted above, but even more widespread in India, among Hindus and Sikhs. That's because all of those religions are coincidental, not causal..

Again --- I'm posting about logic, not the religions, informed by anthropology. I don't make that correction to "defend Islam" -- I don't even believe in monotheism. I make it because anthropology already knows better. Therefore continuing to spread the myths is counterproductive and downright stupid.

One dynamic of this board I will never understand is the practice of doubling down on Wrong after one has already been shown to be wrong. It's some kind of mental disease.

"When the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

And again, I object in the strongest possible terms to deliberate ignorance propagated for the purpose of spreading itself and in the process fomenting irrational hate. Which is exactly what the OP did here.

Only a complete fool would allow themselves to be trained like that as if they were little more than a performing monkey.

Agreed. That's why I keep calling it out.
It must take an incredible amount of self control for you to stay on message like you do.

Thank you. I try.

I figure it's crucial to make one's case rationally rather than fallaciously, which is why I call it out when the approach takes the latter course. Far worse than that, though, is the bigot-baiting that ignorance like this OP foments. All that does is perpetuate the state of conditions that the story describes. Presumably the OP is in favor of it and wishes the man had succeeded. I'm not.

Now, I realize that defending Islam is the prime directive for the hive mind, but your pretending that Islam does not have issues with misogyny built into the fabric of it's quasi religious political ideology is absolutely moronic.

Wooden know about any of that. You see, I haven't posted about "Islam". At all. I posted about logic -- the OP's complete failure to support his point with any evidence, his deliberate suggestion of causations which are in fact unknown. I called him out for making a bad argument and attendant bigot-baiting. That's what I did.

Go ahead. Check me.

Good grief, Mohammad instructed his men to rape women in front of their husbands, the very Islamic legal system treats women as second class subjects, honor killing and female genital mutilation is rampant in Islam and simply because you put your hand over your eyes and scream "nyah nyah nyah" that does not change the face of reality. You have simply been conditioned by a very simplistic rewards/punishment system to defend Islam. People give you high fives when you defend it and call you names if you don't.

All irrelevant.

And although not the topic here, FGM is not a part of any religion either, nor is "honor killing" -- which also is not in evidence here though another Meathead brought it up. These are both ancient cultural artifacts that predate Islam, Christianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism etc by literally centuries. None of them condone the practices; what they have in common is historical practice in a given region, hence my reference to "geography" above. For instance, FGM was widespread in parts of Africa (Muslim and non-Muslim), while in Mecca it's considered barbaric. "Honor killing" is still practiced in, say, Pakistan as noted above, but even more widespread in India, among Hindus and Sikhs. That's because all of those religions are coincidental, not causal..

Again --- I'm posting about logic, not the religions, informed by anthropology. I don't make that correction to "defend Islam" -- I don't even believe in monotheism. I make it because anthropology already knows better. Therefore continuing to spread the myths is counterproductive and downright stupid.

One dynamic of this board I will never understand is the practice of doubling down on Wrong after one has already been shown to be wrong. It's some kind of mental disease.

"When the known information changes, I change my mind -- what do you do, sir?"

And again, I object in the strongest possible terms to deliberate ignorance propagated for the purpose of spreading itself and in the process fomenting irrational hate. Which is exactly what the OP did here.

Only a complete fool would allow themselves to be trained like that as if they were little more than a performing monkey.

Agreed. That's why I keep calling it out.

How cute. You talk about logic while minimizing the role of Islam and the probability the perp was Islamic in a center containing nothing but Muslims.

But, hey -- if you want to indulge in apologia regarding matters of which you are manifestly ignorant, then go for it, dude. Your style seems to be to try to dazzle with so much extraneous verbiage that people do not notice you are devoid of content.

The fact remains that Islam is what it is, and that Muslims act in the ways they do according to their beief in it. Perhaps if you were to learn even a very few things about it, you wouldn't need to bull shit the way you do in order to defend it..

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