Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner. How can we stop domestic violence


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?
In the UK? We have to change the human brain and find out what makes women attracted to men with toxic tempers to begin with. I would wager this wasn't a totally isolated event and there were all sorts of red flags along the way.
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?

Had she been allowed to carry a gun and trained to use it, she could have capped his ass long ago, still been alive, and saved the state 20 years of free room and board. It's her right to see whoever she wants.
There never has been a way to stop it and there never will be.

Anyone in a relationship that has problems needs to be aware and take steps for their own safety.
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?

I expect this stuff to be a thing of the past with Bart O'Kavanaugh on the US Supreme Kangaroo Court.
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?

It's the same root cause as mass shootings --- a crisis of masculinity and how we define it. Until that Culture of Violence is resolved, the beatings will continue and so will the shootings.

Porter Rockwell --- here's another clue for ya.
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?
So she got the death penalty and he gets 20 years? How is that justice?
joe biden's 1994 domestic violence against women act just expired on friday.
So she got the death penalty and he gets 20 years? How is that justice?
A crime of passion is different than a premeditated murder.

Thus the sentencing guidelines are different. .... :cool:
This was no crime of passion. He sat outside and waited until she finished work. Planning and waiting as opposed to spontaneous! He should get the death penalty too.
So she got the death penalty and he gets 20 years? How is that justice?
A crime of passion is different than a premeditated murder.

Thus the sentencing guidelines are different. .... :cool:

And people who commit domestic violence murders are almost never repeat offenders, either. I believe in the death penalty for murder personally, but if we're going to keep them around then yes, sentencing guidelines need to take into account circumstances and the historical data. Unlike gangbangers and other career criminals, whose mere membership and/or association with gangs should be an automatic life sentence or death sentence, they don't need to be kept longer than it takes for them to mature past such impulses.
Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?

It's the same root cause as mass shootings --- a crisis of masculinity and how we define it. Until that Culture of Violence is resolved, the beatings will continue and so will the shootings.

Porter Rockwell --- here's another clue for ya.

lol a load of pop psychobabble rubbish, as usual.
Women really need to be active in their own self-defense. Learn how to shoot, and get a license, or not if your state doesn't permit them; my mother carried one in her purse going to and from work for 3 decades without a problem and it came in handy three times. Screw the law when it comes to your personal safety in those cases.

Learn martial arts, how to use a knife, a baton, anything that is handy laying around. My wife is a crack shot, her father taught very early on, at age 8, and she has been practicing ever since We started out daughter early as well, and her older brothers taught her kick boxing and how to use a knife; she was able to handle herself well through a couple of asshole 'boyfriends' in high school as a result. My granddaughter in Europe is learning Russian army martial arts, and also how to handle a rifle via skiing classes, of all things; apparently that sport of ski shooting is still alive in some places over there, even though it got dropped by the Olympics. It was a great sport.

With both the democrats and GOP 'globalists' fighting hard to allow criminal racist gangs to conduct open season on white proles and other violence they already support against their own peoples already here as part of the elites' agenda to wipe out the country, it's a very good idea to gt ahead of the curve and make weapons and martial arts training as important as math and English in your child's education.
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Man jailed 20 years for stabbing to death ex-partner (full article + photos)

A man who murdered his ex-girlfriend in a "brutal and sustained" attack has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

Gediminas Jasinskas hid in Cristina Magda-Calancea's garage as he waited for her to finish work on 21 September, before stabbing her 25 times.

Jasinskas, 30, from King's Lynn, was jealous at Ms Magda-Calancea contacting another man, Norwich Crown Court heard.

How can we stop domestic violence?
That’s a shame and tragedy. Unfortunately nobody can ever stop violence. But what we can do is better educate our youth so they can identify and react appropriately when dangerous people or situations are near. We can also help our youth communicate and handle anger and personal issues better so they don’t resort to violence. Also we can provide resources so potential victims can get help if danger is identified.

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