Manipulation of a Race-Based Story


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So here it is, in a nutshell. A local Black attorney has been claiming for a long time that the Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) District Attorney's office is racist. You know the drill. Recently, the said attorney says the DA's racism is reflected in plea deals that are made with his clients (and presumably other Black defendants).

So the DA sent out an email to the prosecuting attorneys not to finalize any dropped charges or plea bargains with this attorney before putting a summary of the discussions in writing, and having it approved personally by the DA. OBVIOUSLY, he wants to make sure that there is no case that supports the charges of racism.

The local Media and political whores take this entirely reasonable response to the "racism" charges, and portray it as a dictat NOT TO ENTER INTO ANY PLEA BARGAINS WITH THIS LAWYER! To any rational person, the order was to get it all in writing and allow the DA to review the plea bargains (and dropped charges) in advance, to ensure that they are not unfairly treating Blacks.

While stupid, this distortion of reality and the predictable attacks are part of the bigger plan by the Left in this country. I am no fan of Zappala's (the DA); he has done a lot of things to piss me off during his lengthy tenure as DA, but this is bullshit. He is, like any good manager, insisting that he personally approve any arrangements that could later be used to criticize the discretion of his office.

But the Bigger Picture is that the Soros/ACLU-led Left is pursuing a major national initiative to install the most Leftist bastards imaginable (like the one in Los Angeles) into DA positions nationwide. And they do not respect Democrats if they are not radically Left, and will "primary" them or use tactics such as this example in Pittsburgh to get rid of mainstream Democrat DA's.

I NEVER thought that I would be defending Zappala, but this ain't right.

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