Maps of approval rating for Trump from January to June 2017

Keep in mind, that the maps were brought to you by the Gallup polling organization.

Gallup is the most pro-GOP of any of the pollsters. They get paid to shill for the GOP.

Hence, your panic.

What "panic"? Hillary is still not President, isn't she?

My investments are kicking ass, my property value is going up while my property taxes are down, I have a glut of guns and ammunition left over from the Obama years, we have a new conservative Supreme Court Justice and will probably get a couple more, ISIS is being methodically wiped off the face of this planet, all the racial unrest of the Obama era seems to have disappeared, we haven't had a terrorist attack on our soil since Trump was elected, my fridge is stocked full of ice cold beer, and we're going to throw something on the grill this afternoon.

No panic here. :banana:
Then why all the panicked posts? Your words give you away.

Ask me how I can tell that you're not very good at reading a person's emotions. Bet you're a bad judge of character too, seeing as how you supported either a pathological lying criminal, or a wrinkled-up socialist cuck who believes he's living out the 1920's Bolshevik Revolution. :biggrin:
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.
This is interesting


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.


This chart shows his demise over the last 6 months.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
When Trump's approval rating hits zero he will still be President.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.
Hysterics The economy & markets say otherwise.
Yes, 'hysteric' well defines the Trumpers. The economy and markets were doing quite well in Germany by 1936 and 1937 under the pathological defunct.
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.
Hysterics The economy & markets say otherwise.
Yes, 'hysteric' well defines the Trumpers. The economy and markets were doing quite well in Germany by 1936 and 1937 under the pathological defunct.
And there it is, the "I'm a fucking nutjob" tip off.
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
The only map that mattered was the one Hillary was faced with last November.
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
Investors & business owners drive the economy. They clearly see something you don't. Their confidence > your partisanship
Hint: Clinton is gone, yet Trump cannot govern effectively. Sessions says he is not quitting, the Senate thumbed its collective nose at Trump, while Wray and Mueller have made it clear they will kick administration heinie if Trump tries to dismiss Mueller.
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
Investors & business owners drive the economy. They clearly see something you don't. Their confidence > your partisanship

so nothing huh..

speaking of investors, Trump hasnt done jack shit compared to obama ..

Fuck Trump
Hint: I'm glad that she is gone & that is a far better outcome than a stagnant government.
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
Investors & business owners drive the economy. They clearly see something you don't. Their confidence > your partisanship

so nothing huh..

speaking of investors, Trump hasnt done jack shit compared to obama ..

Fuck Trump
Naw, fuck you

Trump CAN impact my life, you can not. So as a result I will hope investors & business owners continue to see what you don't
Keep in mind, that the maps were brought to you by the Gallup polling organization.

Gallup is the most pro-GOP of any of the pollsters. They get paid to shill for the GOP.

Hence, your panic.

What "panic"? Hillary is still not President, isn't she?

My investments are kicking ass, my property value is going up while my property taxes are down, I have a glut of guns and ammunition left over from the Obama years, we have a new conservative Supreme Court Justice and will probably get a couple more, ISIS is being methodically wiped off the face of this planet, all the racial unrest of the Obama era seems to have disappeared, we haven't had a terrorist attack on our soil since Trump was elected, my fridge is stocked full of ice cold beer, and we're going to throw something on the grill this afternoon.

No panic here. :banana:

Republicans have 2 options

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn down the entire party in 2018--2020--& beyond

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about--which is also impeachable if Democrats don't agree to the current setup.
Two plaintiffs join suit against Trump, alleging breach of emoluments clause
The Array of Conflicts of Interest Facing the Trump Presidency
If that were all that it is, sure, but Trump is a pathological defunct who threatens us all.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
Investors & business owners drive the economy. They clearly see something you don't. Their confidence > your partisanship

so nothing huh..

speaking of investors, Trump hasnt done jack shit compared to obama ..

Fuck Trump
Naw, fuck you

Trump CAN impact my life, you can not. So as a result I will hope investors & business owners continue to see what you don't

Iam an investor, and I literally CRUSHED the market after 43 left so dont give me your horseshit 'Trump Gud" rhetoric.
This is interesting


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.


This chart shows his demise over the last 6 months.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him

Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
When Trump's approval rating hits zero he will still be President.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app

You people must be very NEW to politics.--When a President has this low of an approval rating--the frustration is taken out on anyone with an R behind their names. Midterm elections are coming up in 2018.

The economy & markets say otherwise.

name 1 bill Trump signed into law thats responsible for the economy ...
Investors & business owners drive the economy. They clearly see something you don't. Their confidence > your partisanship

so nothing huh..

speaking of investors, Trump hasnt done jack shit compared to obama ..

Fuck Trump
Naw, fuck you

Trump CAN impact my life, you can not. So as a result I will hope investors & business owners continue to see what you don't

Iam an investor, and I literally CRUSHED the market after 43 left so dont give me your horseshit 'Trump Gud" rhetoric.

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